用localhost进行本地测试的时候,调用第三方接口会报跨域的错误 ,如果想在localhost下正常调用第三方接口的域名,需要进行如下配置
module.exports = { dev: { // Paths assetsSubDirectory: ‘static‘, assetsPublicPath: ‘/‘, *proxyTable: { "/baidu_music_api": { target: "http://tingapi.ting.baidu.com", changeOrigin: true, pathRewrite: { ‘^/baidu_music_api‘: ‘‘ } }* }, // Various Dev Server settings host: ‘localhost‘, // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST port: 8080, // can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined autoOpenBrowser: false, errorOverlay: true, notifyOnErrors: true, poll: false, // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver-watchoptions-
import router from ‘./router‘ Vue.prototype.HOST = "/baidu_music_api" 。。。 new Vue({ el: ‘#app‘, **router,** components: { App }, template: ‘<App/>‘ })
import router from ‘./router‘ Vue.prototype.$axios = Axios; new Vue({ el: ‘#app‘, router, components: { App }, template: ‘<App/>‘ })
mounted(){ var url = this.HOST + "/v1/restserver/ting?method=baidu.ting.billboard.billList&type="+ this.type +"&size=6&offset=0"; this.$axios.get(url) .then(res => { this.todayRecommend = res.data.song_list }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); }) }