<?php namespace app\command; use think\console\Command; use think\console\Input; use think\console\input\Argument; use think\console\input\Option; use think\console\Output; class Scan extends Command { protected $root = ‘runtime/‘; protected $output = ‘‘; protected $file_count = 0; protected function configure() { $this->setName(‘fa‘) ->addArgument(‘name‘, Argument::OPTIONAL, "插件名称") ->addOption(‘source‘, null, Option::VALUE_REQUIRED, ‘压缩文件‘) ->setDescription(‘打包fa开发的插件‘); } protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output) { $this->output = $output; $name = trim($input->getArgument(‘name‘)); if (!$name) { $output->writeln(‘请输入插件名称:‘); exit(); } else { $this->root .= $name . ‘/‘; } $this->selectFIles(‘@plugin ‘ . $name); if ($input->hasOption(‘source‘)) { $source = $input->getOption(‘source‘); } else { $source = ‘zip‘; } $addons = ‘./runtime/addons‘; if (!file_exists($addons)) { $this->mkdirs($addons, 0777); } // 拷贝到插件 $addons_path = ‘./addons/‘ . $name; $this->recurse_copy($this->root, $addons_path); $this->zip($addons_path, $addons . ‘/‘ . $name); $zipcreated = $addons . ‘/‘ . $name . ".zip"; if (file_exists($zipcreated)) { $this->recursiveDelete($this->root); } $output->writeln(‘打包成功,共‘ . $this->file_count . ‘个文件!‘); } //执行,递归查询文件 private function selectFIles($name) { //开始运行 $arr_file = array(); $scans = [ ‘./public‘, ‘./app‘, ]; foreach ($scans as $key => $value) { $this->trees($arr_file, $value, str_replace(‘./‘, ‘‘, $value)); $this->handelFiles($arr_file, $name); } } // 递归拿到所有的文件包含目录 private function trees(&$arr_file, $directory, $dir_name = ‘‘) { $mydir = dir($directory); while ($file = $mydir->read()) { if ((is_dir("$directory/$file")) and ($file != ".") and ($file != "..")) { $this->trees($arr_file, "$directory/$file", "$dir_name/$file"); } else if (($file != ".") and ($file != "..")) { $arr_file[] = "$dir_name/$file"; } } $mydir->close(); } //判断文件是否包含插件标识 private function handelFiles(&$arr_file, $name = ‘‘) { foreach ($arr_file as $key => $value) { if (!is_dir($value)) { // 文件 if (is_file($value)) { $file = file_get_contents($value); if (strstr($file, $name)) { $this->file_count += 1; $this->makeDirByPath($value); } } } } } /** * 根绝文件路径创建对应的目录 * @param string $path a/b/c/d/ * */ private function makeDirByPath($path) { $opath = $path; $path = $this->root . $path; $dir = dirname($path); if (!file_exists($dir)) { $this->mkdirs($dir, 0777); $this->echo(‘创建文件夹‘ . $dir . ‘成功‘); } if (is_file($opath)) { copy($opath, $path); $this->echo(‘拷贝文件‘ . $opath . ‘成功‘); } } //创建文件夹 private function mkdirs($dir, $mode = 0777) { if (is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir, $mode)) { return true; } if (!$this->mkdirs(dirname($dir), $mode)) { return false; } return @mkdir($dir, $mode); } //输出模式 function echo ($msg) { $this->output->writeln($msg); } private function zip($pathdir, $names) { // 创建压缩目录的名称 $zipcreated = $names . ".zip"; // Get real path for our folder $rootPath = $pathdir; // Initialize archive object $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $zip->open($zipcreated, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); // Create recursive directory iterator /** @var SplFileInfo[] $files */ $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootPath), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY ); foreach ($files as $name => $file) { // Skip directories (they would be added automatically) if (!$file->isDir()) { // Get real and relative path for current file $filePath = $file->getRealPath(); $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($rootPath) + 15); // Add current file to archive $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath); } } // Zip archive will be created only after closing object $zip->close(); } // $dir:要删除的文件的目录 private function recursiveDelete($dir) { // 打开指定目录 if ($handle = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if (($file == ".") || ($file == "..")) { continue; } if (is_dir($dir . ‘/‘ . $file)) { // 递归 $this->recursiveDelete($dir . ‘/‘ . $file); } else { unlink($dir . ‘/‘ . $file); // 删除文件 } } @closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); } } // cp文件$src 源, $dst目标 private function recurse_copy($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); @mkdir($dst); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (($file != ‘.‘) && ($file != ‘..‘)) { if (is_dir($src . ‘/‘ . $file)) { $this->recurse_copy($src . ‘/‘ . $file, $dst . ‘/‘ . $file); } else { copy($src . ‘/‘ . $file, $dst . ‘/‘ . $file); } } } closedir($dir); } }
1.php think scan 插件名称
1.需要插件标识 @plugin 插件名称