npm install swiper@4.4.1
1 <div class="infor_img"> 2 <div class="bannerBox"> 3 <div class="swiper-container gallery_top"> 4 <div class="swiper-wrapper"> 5 <div 6 class="swiper-slide" 7 v-for="(item, index) of bigImg" 8 :key="index" 9 > 10 <img class="gallery_topimg1" :src="item" /> 11 </div> 12 </div> 13 </div> 14 <div style="height: 12px; width: 400px"></div> 15 <div class="swiper-container gallery_thumbs"> 16 <div class="swiper-wrapper"> 17 <div 18 class="swiper-slide swiper-bottom" 19 v-for="(item, index) of bigImg" 20 :key="index" 21 > 22 <div class="gallery_topimg_box"> 23 <img class="gallery_topimg" :src="item" /> 24 <div class="gallery_topimg_name">相册名称1</div> 25 </div> 26 </div> 27 </div> 28 <div class="swiper-button-prev"> 29 <img 30 class="prev_left" 31 src="../../assets/icon_left.png" 32 33 /> 34 </div> 35 <div class="swiper-button-next"> 36 <img 37 class="prev_right" 38 src="../../assets/icon_right.png" 39 40 /> 41 </div> 42 </div> 43 </div> 44 </div>
js Demo:
1 import enterpriseCulture from"../../assets/enterpriseCulture.png"; 2 import helpBuild from "../../assets/helpBuild.png"; 3 export default { 4 data() { 5 return { 6 bigImg: [ 7 enterpriseCulture, 8 enterpriseCulture, 9 enterpriseCulture, 10 helpBuild, 11 ], 12 galleryThumbs: {}, 13 }; 14 }, 15 created() { 16 this.$nextTick(function () { 17 this.galleryThumbsLunbo(); 18 this.galleryTopLunbo(); 19 }); 20 }, 21 mounted() {}, 22 methods: { 23 galleryTopLunbo() { 24 new Swiper(".gallery_top", { 25 spaceBetween: 0, 26 loop: true, 27 loopedSlides: 5, 28 thumbs: { 29 //thumbs组件专门用于制作带缩略图的swiper 30 swiper: this.galleryThumbs, 31 slideThumbActiveClass: "swiper-slide-thumb-active", 32 }, 33 }); 34 }, 35 galleryThumbsLunbo() { 36 this.galleryThumbs = new Swiper(".gallery_thumbs", { 37 navigation: { 38 nextEl: ".swiper-button-next", 39 prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev", 40 }, 41 spaceBetween: 12, //在slide之间设置距离(单位px) 42 slidesPerView: 4, //设置slider容器能够同时显示的slides数量 43 loop: true, //设置为true 则开启loop模式 44 freeMode: true, //默认为false,普通模式:slide滑动时只滑动一格 45 loopedSlides: 7, //一般设置大于可视slide个数2个即可 46 watchSlidesVisibility: true, //开启watchSlidesVisibility选项前需要先开启watchSlidesProgress 47 watchSlidesProgress: true, //开启这个参数来计算每个slide的progress(进度、进程) 48 }); 49 }, 50 }, 51 };
css Demo:
1 .prev_right, 2 .prev_left { 3 width: 20px; 4 height: 20px; 5 } 6 .swiper-button-next { 7 width: 26px; 8 height: 100px; 9 background: #000000; 10 border-radius: 2px; 11 opacity: 0.3; 12 right: 0; 13 top: 20px; 14 display: flex; 15 align-items: center; 16 justify-content: center; 17 } 18 .swiper-button-prev { 19 width: 26px; 20 height: 100px; 21 background: #000000; 22 border-radius: 2px; 23 opacity: 0.3; 24 left: 0; 25 top: 20px; 26 display: flex; 27 align-items: center; 28 justify-content: center; 29 } 30 .gallery_topimg_name { 31 position: absolute; 32 bottom: 5px; 33 left: 0; 34 width: 100%; 35 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); 36 font-size: 14px; 37 font-weight: 400; 38 color: #ffffff; 39 line-height: 20px; 40 } 41 .gallery_topimg_box { 42 position: relative; 43 background: #000; 44 opacity: 0.8; 45 } 46 .gallery_topimg1 { 47 width: 100%; 48 height: 100%; 49 } 50 .gallery_topimg { 51 width: 170px; 52 height: 100px; 53 opacity: 0.6; 54 filter: alpha(opacity=80); 55 } 56 .bannerBox .gallery_top { 57 width: 716px; 58 height: 400px; 59 border: 1px solid #ccd2e7; 60 border-radius: 8px; 61 } 62 .bannerBox .gallery_thumbs { 63 width: 716px; 64 height: 100px; 65 } 66 .bannerBox .swiper-slide-thumb-active .gallery_topimg_box .gallery_topimg { 67 opacity: 1; 68 } 69 .bannerBox .swiper-slide-thumb-active .gallery_topimg_box { 70 background: #fff; 71 opacity: 1; 72 } 73 .bannerBox { 74 margin-bottom: 30px; 75 }
如果css 出问题了 请自行修改,这个是从项目中挑选复制出来的 哈哈哈