Spring Boot与Spring Cloud版本是一一对应的,若不对应则会出现不知名报错,我在遇到错误后,经过排查,发现是版本没有对应,于是更换版本号,恢复正常。
"git": {
"branch": "f8d94d9224f93bc01a553d1bf18f223aba939ec4",
"commit": {
"id": "f8d94d9",
"time": "2021-06-18T15:04:41Z"
"build": {
"version": "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"artifact": "start-site",
"versions": {
"spring-boot": "2.5.1",
"initializr": "0.11.0-SNAPSHOT"
"name": "start.spring.io website",
"time": "2021-06-18T15:05:31.390Z",
"group": "io.spring.start"
"bom-ranges": {
"azure": {
"2.2.4": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"3.2.0": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1",
"3.5.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M1 and <2.5.0-M1"
"codecentric-spring-boot-admin": {
"2.2.4": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"2.3.1": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.5.0-M1"
"solace-spring-boot": {
"1.0.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"1.1.0": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.6.0-M1"
"solace-spring-cloud": {
"1.0.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"1.1.1": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1",
"2.1.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M1 and <2.6.0-M1"
"spring-cloud": {
"Hoxton.SR11": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
"Hoxton.BUILD-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.3.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.4.0.M1",
"2020.0.0-M3": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M1 and <=2.4.0.M1",
"2020.0.0-M4": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M2 and <=2.4.0-M3",
"2020.0.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M4 and <=2.4.0",
"2020.0.3": "Spring Boot >=2.4.1 and <2.5.2-SNAPSHOT",
"2020.0.4-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.5.2-SNAPSHOT"
"spring-cloud-alibaba": {
"2.2.1.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
"spring-cloud-gcp": {
"2.0.3": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0-M1 and <2.5.0-M1"
"spring-cloud-services": {
"2.2.6.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.RELEASE",
"2.3.0.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.RELEASE and <2.4.0-M1",
"2.4.1": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0-M1 and <2.5.0-M1"
"spring-geode": {
"1.2.12.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"1.3.12.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1",
"1.4.7": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0-M1 and <2.5.0-M1",
"1.5.1": "Spring Boot >=2.5.0-M1"
"vaadin": {
"14.6.3": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.6.0-M1"
"wavefront": {
"2.0.2": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.4.0-M1",
"2.1.1": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0-M1 and <2.5.0-M1",
"2.2.0": "Spring Boot >=2.5.0-M1"
"dependency-ranges": {
"native": {
"0.9.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.3 and <2.4.4",
"0.9.1": "Spring Boot >=2.4.4 and <2.4.5",
"0.9.2": "Spring Boot >=2.4.5 and <2.5.0-M1",
"0.10.0": "Spring Boot >=2.5.0-M1 and <2.5.2-M1",
"0.10.1-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.5.2-M1 and <2.6.0-M1"
"okta": {
"1.4.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.4.0-M1",
"1.5.1": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0-M1 and <2.4.1",
"2.0.1": "Spring Boot >=2.4.1 and <2.5.0-M1",
"2.1.0": "Spring Boot >=2.5.0-M1 and <2.6.0-M1"
"mybatis": {
"2.1.4": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.5.0-M1",
"2.2.0": "Spring Boot >=2.5.0-M1"
"camel": {
"3.3.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"3.5.0": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1",
"3.10.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M1 and <2.5.0-M1"
"open-service-broker": {
"3.1.1.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1",
"3.2.0": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1",
"3.3.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0-M1 and <2.5.0-M1"