insert overwrite table t_md_soft_wp7_dload partition (ds = 20120820) select g_f, dload_count, dload_user, tensoft_dload_count, tensoft_dload_user, outsoft_dload_count, outsoft_dload_user from ( select temp1.g_f, temp1.dload_count, temp1.dload_user, temp2.tensoft_dload_count, temp2.tensoft_dload_user, temp3.outsoft_dload_count, temp3.outsoft_dload_user from (select g_f, count(1) as dload_user, sum(t1.pv) as dload_count from (select g_f, cookie_id, count(1) as pv from t_od_soft_wp7_dload where ds = 20120820 group by g_f, cookie_id) t1 group by g_f) temp1 left outer join (select g_f, count(1) as tensoft_dload_user, sum(tt3.login_pv) as tensoft_dload_count from (select g_f, cookie_id, count(1) as login_pv from t_od_soft_wp7_dload tt1 join t_rd_soft_wp7_app tt2 on tt1.ds = tt2.ds and tt1.ios_soft_id = tt2.appid where tt1.ds = 20120820 and tt2.is_self_rd = 1 group by g_f, cookie_id) tt3 group by g_f) temp2 on temp1.g_f = temp2.g_f left outer join (select g_f, count(1) as outsoft_dload_user, sum(tt6.login_pv) as outsoft_dload_count from (select g_f, cookie_id, count(1) as login_pv from t_od_soft_wp7_dload tt4 join t_rd_soft_wp7_app tt5 on tt4.ds = tt5.ds and tt4.ios_soft_id = tt5.appid where tt4.ds = 20120820 and tt5.is_self_rd = 0 group by g_f, cookie_id) tt6 group by g_f) temp3 on temp1.g_f = temp3.g_f union all select temp4.g_f, temp4.dload_count, temp4.dload_user, temp5.tensoft_dload_count, temp5.tensoft_dload_user, temp6.outsoft_dload_count, temp6.outsoft_dload_user from (select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, count(1) as dload_user, sum(tt7.pv) as dload_count from (select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, cookie_id, count(1) as pv from t_od_soft_wp7_dload where ds = 20120820 group by g_f, cookie_id) tt7 group by g_f) temp4 left outer join (select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, count(1) as tensoft_dload_user, sum(tt10.login_pv) as tensoft_dload_count from (select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, cookie_id, count(1) as login_pv from t_od_soft_wp7_dload tt8 join t_rd_soft_wp7_app tt9 on tt8.ds = tt9.ds and tt8.ios_soft_id = tt9.appid where tt8.ds = 20120820 and tt9.is_self_rd = 1 group by g_f, cookie_id) tt10 group by g_f) temp5 on temp4.g_f = temp5.g_f left outer join (select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, count(1) as outsoft_dload_user, sum(tt13.login_pv) as outsoft_dload_count from (select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, cookie_id, count(1) as login_pv from t_od_soft_wp7_dload tt11 join t_rd_soft_wp7_app tt12 on tt11.ds = tt12.ds and tt11.ios_soft_id = tt12.appid where tt11.ds = 20120820 and tt12.is_self_rd = 0 group by g_f, cookie_id) tt13 group by g_f) temp6 on temp4.g_f = temp6.g_f) t;
insert overwrite table t_md_soft_wp7_dload partition (ds = 20120820) select g_f, count(cookie_id) dload_count, count(distinct cookie_id) dload_user, count(case when is_self_rd = 1 then cookie_id end) tensoft_dload_count, count(distinct case when is_self_rd = 1 then cookie_id end) tensoft_dload_user, count(case when is_self_rd = 0 then cookie_id end) outsoft_dload_count, count(distinct case when is_self_rd = 0 then cookie_id end) outsoft_dload_user from (select g_f, cookie_id, is_self_rd from t_od_soft_wp7_dload t1 left outer join (select appid, is_self_rd from t_rd_soft_wp7_app where ds = 20120820) t2 on t1.ios_soft_id = t2.appid where t1.ds = 20120820 union all select cast(‘-1‘ as bigint) as g_f, cookie_id, is_self_rd from t_od_soft_wp7_dload t1 left outer join (select appid, is_self_rd from t_rd_soft_wp7_app where ds = 20120820) t2 on t1.ios_soft_id = t2.appid where t1.ds = 20120820) t group by g_f;