一 基础设置
1.1 定义通信类型
/// <summary> /// Communication type /// </summary> [Serializable] public enum COMMUNICATION_TYPE { SERIAL, TCPIP }
1.2 定义通信状态的枚举
/// <summary> /// Communication state definition /// </summary> private enum COMMUNICATION_STATE { DISABLED, DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT, IDLE, WAITING_AFTER_CMD_SEND, WAITING_CMD_RESPONSE, }
1.3 定义串口通信的校验位和停止位
// // Summary: // Specifies the parity bit for a System.IO.Ports.SerialPort object. [Serializable] public enum sParity { // // Summary: // No parity check occurs. None = 0, // // Summary: // Sets the parity bit so that the count of bits set is an odd number. Odd = 1, // // Summary: // Sets the parity bit so that the count of bits set is an even number. Even = 2, // // Summary: // Leaves the parity bit set to 1. Mark = 3, // // Summary: // Leaves the parity bit set to 0. Space = 4 } // // Summary: // Specifies the number of stop bits used on the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort object. [Serializable] public enum sStopBits { // // Summary: // No stop bits are used. This value is not supported by the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.StopBits // property. None = 0, // // Summary: // One stop bit is used. One = 1, // // Summary: // Two stop bits are used. Two = 2, // // Summary: // 1.5 stop bits are used. OnePointFive = 3 }
1.4 定义系统中可供外界进行配置的参数
图一 系统参数配置
二 核心过程
2.1 开启线程启动整个过程
/// <summary> /// Communication work thread /// </summary> private void do_work() { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(50); try { if(!IsEnabled) { state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.DISABLED; continue; } else { if(state == COMMUNICATION_STATE.DISABLED) { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, "Re-establish communication when disabled -> enabled"); retryConnectTimer.Start(ConnectionRetryTimeInterval * 1000); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT; } } Monitor(); TryReceive(); ProcessReceivedData(); switch (state) { case COMMUNICATION_STATE.DISABLED: break; case COMMUNICATION_STATE.DISCONNECTED: { bool isSucc = false; if (CommunicationType == COMMUNICATION_TYPE.TCPIP) { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, "Start tcp connection .. "); isSucc = TryTcpConnect(out communicationFailReason); } else { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, "Start serial port connection .. "); isSucc = TrySerialPortConnect(out communicationFailReason); } if (isSucc) { lock (commandQueueLock) { commandQueue.Clear(); } lock (recvBufferLock) { recvBufferSize = 0; } retryConnectCnt = 0; communicationFailReason = ""; Log.Write(LogCategory.Information, ComponentFullPath, "Communicaiton established"); OnConnected(); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.IDLE; } else { retryConnectCnt++; communicationFailReason = $"{communicationFailReason}, {retryConnectCnt} times retry, waiting {ConnectionRetryTimeInterval} sec and start next retry"; if (retryConnectCnt == 1) { RaiseAlarm(CommunFail, communicationFailReason); } Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, communicationFailReason); retryConnectTimer.Start(ConnectionRetryTimeInterval * 1000); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT; } } break; case COMMUNICATION_STATE.CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT: if (retryConnectTimer.IsTimeout()) { state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.DISCONNECTED; } break; case COMMUNICATION_STATE.IDLE: { if (commandSentDelayTimer.IsTimeout() || commandSentDelayTimer.IsIdle()) { if (commandQueue.Count == 0) { GenerateNextQueryCommand(); } Command nextCommand = null; lock (commandQueueLock) { if (commandQueue.Count > 0) { nextCommand = commandQueue.Dequeue(); } } if (nextCommand != null) { bool isSucc = false; commandSentDelayTimer.Start(MinimalTimeIntervalBetweenTwoSending * 1000); if (CommunicationType == COMMUNICATION_TYPE.TCPIP) { isSucc = TryTcpSend(nextCommand, out communicationFailReason); } else { isSucc = TrySerialSend(nextCommand, out communicationFailReason); } if (isSucc) { if (nextCommand.NeedReply) { currentCommand = nextCommand; commandReplyTimer.Start(currentCommand.TimeoutSec * 1000); commandPreWaitTimer.Start(WaitingTimeAfterSendBeforeReceive * 1000); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.WAITING_AFTER_CMD_SEND; } else { currentCommand = null; state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.IDLE; } } else { retryConnectCnt++; communicationFailReason = $"Sending data failed,{communicationFailReason},waiting {ConnectionRetryTimeInterval} sec and start next re-connection"; if (retryConnectCnt == 1) { RaiseAlarm(CommunFail, communicationFailReason); } Log.Write(LogCategory.Error, ComponentFullPath, communicationFailReason); retryConnectTimer.Start(ConnectionRetryTimeInterval * 1000); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT; } } } } break; case COMMUNICATION_STATE.WAITING_AFTER_CMD_SEND: if (commandPreWaitTimer.IsTimeout()) { state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.WAITING_CMD_RESPONSE; } break; case COMMUNICATION_STATE.WAITING_CMD_RESPONSE: if(commandReplyTimer.IsTimeout()) { retryConnectCnt++; communicationFailReason = $"Waiting command response timeout"; if (retryConnectCnt >= WaitResponseFailCountSetting) { RaiseAlarm(CommunFail, communicationFailReason); Log.Write(LogCategory.Error, ComponentFullPath, communicationFailReason); currentCommand = null; retryConnectTimer.Start(ConnectionRetryTimeInterval * 1000); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT; } else { Log.Write(LogCategory.Information, ComponentFullPath, communicationFailReason + $" retry {retryConnectCnt}"); currentCommand = null; state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.IDLE; } } break; } } catch (Exception e) { retryConnectCnt++; communicationFailReason = $"Code running exception: {e.Message}, waiting {ConnectionRetryTimeInterval} sec and start next re-connection"; Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, communicationFailReason); Log.WriteExceptionCatch(ComponentFullPath, e); retryConnectTimer.Start(ConnectionRetryTimeInterval * 1000); state = COMMUNICATION_STATE.CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT; } } }
这个过程是单独放在一个线程中进行的,每一次循环完毕当前线程Sleep 50毫秒,进入这个循环以后第一步就是判断IsEnable属性,如果为false就直接continue,这个IsEnable属性就相当于整个通信类的总闸,第一次进入后会将当前的通信状态置为DISABLED,如果我们在后面某一个时刻将IsEnable又重新设置为true后,就会将状态设置为CONNECTING_RETRY_WAIT表示等待重连,在分析完这个过程后,接着有三个方法 Monitor、TryReceive()和ProcessReceivedData(),这几个都是和接收数据相关的,能够接收数据的前提条件是当前必须已经建立正确的连接,按照我们上面分析的过程,第一次进入这个do_work方法的时候,这几个过程都是跳过的,因为没有建立任何连接,我们接着分析下面的一个Switch case的大循环,由于通信状态state的初始值是我们设置的DISCONNECTED,所以首先会进入这个case,在这个case中第一件事情就是根据CommunicationType来决定 进行Tcp连接还是SerialPort连接,我们分别来看下这两个过程。
2.2 开启Tcp连接
/// <summary> /// Try establish tcp connection /// </summary> /// <param name="failReason"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool TryTcpConnect(out string failReason) { failReason = ""; try { // release socket resource before each tcp connection if (tcpSocket != null) { try { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, "Close and release socket resource"); tcpSocket.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e0) { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, $"Close socket exception: {e0.Message}"); } finally { tcpSocket = null; } } tcpSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); tcpSocket.Connect(this.TcpAddress, this.TcpPortNo); bool isSucc = TestTcpStatus(out failReason); if (isSucc) { /* * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8s4y8aff%28v=vs.110%29.aspx * If no data is available for reading, the Receive method will block until data is available, * unless a time-out value was set by using Socket.ReceiveTimeout. * If the time-out value was exceeded, the Receive call will throw a SocketException. * If you are in non-blocking mode, and there is no data available in the in the protocol stack buffer, * the Receive method will complete immediately and throw a SocketException. * You can use the Available property to determine if data is available for reading. * When Available is non-zero, retry the receive operation. */ tcpSocket.Blocking = false; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { failReason = ex.Message; return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Check tcp status /// </summary> /// <param name="failReason"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool TestTcpStatus(out string failReason) { failReason = ""; // This is how you can determine whether a socket is still connected. bool blockingState = tcpSocket.Blocking; try { byte[] tmp = new byte[1]; tcpSocket.Blocking = false; tcpSocket.Send(tmp, 0, 0); } catch (SocketException e) { // 10035 == WSAEWOULDBLOCK if (e.NativeErrorCode.Equals(10035)) failReason = "Still Connected, but the Send would block"; else failReason = $"Disconnected: error code {e.NativeErrorCode}"; } finally { tcpSocket.Blocking = blockingState; } return tcpSocket.Connected; }
The Blocking property indicates whether a Socket is in blocking mode.
If you are in blocking mode, and you make a method call which does not complete immediately, your application will block execution until the requested operation completes. If you want execution to continue even though the requested operation is not complete, change the Blocking property to false
. The Blocking property has no effect on asynchronous methods. If you are sending and receiving data asynchronously and want to block execution, use the ManualResetEvent class.
2.3 开启串口连接
private bool TrySerialPortConnect(out string failReason) { failReason = ""; try { //Close serial port if it is not null if (serialPort != null) { try { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, "Close serial port"); serialPort.Close(); serialPort = null; } catch (Exception e0) { Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, $"Close serial port exception: {e0.Message}"); } } //Open Serial Port serialPort = new SerialPort { PortName = $"COM{SerialPortNo}", BaudRate = SerialBaudRate, RtsEnable = SerialPortRtsEnable, DtrEnable = SerialPortDtrEnable, Parity = (Parity) Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), Parity.ToString()), StopBits = (StopBits) Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), StopBits.ToString()), DataBits = DataBits, ReadTimeout = (int) (ReadingTimeout * 1000), WriteTimeout = (int) (WritingTimeout * 1000) }; serialPort.DataReceived += SerialPort_DataReceived; serialPort.Open(); if (!serialPort.IsOpen) throw new Exception("Serial Port Open Failed"); } catch (Exception ex) { failReason = ex.Message; return false; } return true; }
2.4 发送命令
/// <summary> /// Message package structure /// </summary> public class Command { protected Communicator communicator; ManualResetEvent manualEvent; bool commandSucc; bool commandFailed; string errorCode; public Command(Communicator communicator) { this.communicator = communicator; manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); } public Command(Communicator communicator, string commandString, double timeoutSec, bool needReply) { Data = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(commandString); NeedReply = needReply; this.communicator = communicator; TimeoutSec = timeoutSec; manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); } public Command(Communicator communicator, byte[] commandString, double timeoutSec, bool needReply) { Data = new byte[commandString.Length]; Array.Copy(commandString, Data, commandString.Length); NeedReply = needReply; this.communicator = communicator; TimeoutSec = timeoutSec; manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); } public bool NeedReply { get; protected set; } public byte[] Data { get; protected set; } public double TimeoutSec { get; protected set; } public override string ToString() { if (communicator.IsNeedParseNonAsciiData) { return ASCIIEncoding.UTF7.GetString(Data); //string retString = string.Empty; //foreach (var b in Data) // retString += (Char)b; //return retString; } else return ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(Data); } public ICommandResult Execute() { communicator._EnqueueCommand(this); OnCommandExecuted(); manualEvent.WaitOne((int)(TimeoutSec * 1000)); if (commandSucc) return CommandResults.Succeeded; else if (commandFailed) return CommandResults.Failed(errorCode); return CommandResults.Failed("Command executing timeout"); } /// <summary> /// Invoked when command was push into queue and send out /// </summary> protected virtual void OnCommandExecuted() { } /// <summary> /// Parse received message /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns>True: indicate current command execution success, False: indicate current command execution failed, Null: still waiting next receiving message</returns> protected virtual bool? Receive(string message, out string errorCode) { errorCode = ""; return true; } /// <summary> /// Parse received message /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns>True: indicate current command execution success, False: indicate current command execution failed, Null: still waiting next receiving message</returns> internal bool? _ParseReceviedMessage(string message) { string errorCode; var result = Receive(message, out errorCode); if (result.HasValue) { if (result.Value) { commandSucc = true; manualEvent.Set(); return true; } else { commandFailed = true; this.errorCode = errorCode; manualEvent.Set(); return false; } } return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Try socket sending data /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <param name="failReason"></param> /// <returns>True: succ</returns> private bool TryTcpSend(Command msg, out string failReason) { failReason = ""; try { tcpSocket.Send(msg.Data); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")} {ComponentName} TCP Send: {msg.ToString()}"); var log = "[SEND] " + FormatLoggingMessage(msg.ToString()); Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, log); } catch (Exception ex) { failReason = ex.Message; return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Try serial port sending data /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> private bool TrySerialSend(Command msg, out string failReason) { failReason = ""; try { serialPort.Write(msg.Data, 0, msg.Data.Length); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{ComponentFullPath} Serial Send: {msg.ToString()}"); var log = "[SEND] " + FormatLoggingMessage(msg.ToString()); Log.Write(LogCategory.Debug, ComponentFullPath, log); } catch (Exception ex) { failReason = ex.Message; return false; } return true; }
2.5 等待发送命令Response
C# 构建一个TCP和SerialPort通信的通用类(上)