public class Employee { public int ID { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } } public interface IEmployeeRepository { Task<Employee> GetByID(int id); Task<List<Employee>> GetByDateOfBirth(DateTime dateOfBirth); } public class EmployeeRepository : IEmployeeRepository { public async Task<Employee> GetByID(int id) { } public async Task<List<Employee>> GetByDateOfBirth(DateTime dateOfBirth) { } }
public class Startup { public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) { Configuration = configuration; } public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddTransient<IEmployeeRepository, EmployeeRepository>(); services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1); } public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { //... } }
3、注入 IConfiguration
在ASP.NET Core项目中的appSettings.json文件中添加连接字符串,具体如下:
{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Debug", "System": "Information", "Microsoft": "Information" } }, "ConnectionStrings": { "MyConnectionString": "MyConnectionString" } }
ASP.NET Core引入了一个可以注入其他类的IConfiguration对象。注入的实例将包含一个方法GetConnectionString,我们可以使用该方法从appSettings.json文件中获取连接字符串。具体代码如下,
public class EmployeeRepository : IEmployeeRepository { private readonly IConfiguration _config; public EmployeeRepository(IConfiguration config) { _config = config; } //Remainder of file is unchanged }
public class EmployeeRepository : IEmployeeRepository { private readonly IConfiguration _config; public EmployeeRepository(IConfiguration config) { _config = config; } public IDbConnection Connection { get { return new SqlConnection(_config.GetConnectionString("MyConnectionString")); } } //Remainder of file is unchanged }
public class EmployeeRepository : IEmployeeRepository { //... public async Task<Employee> GetByID(int id) { using (IDbConnection conn = Connection) { string sQuery = "SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth FROM Employee WHERE ID = @ID"; conn.Open(); var result = await conn.QueryAsync<Employee>(sQuery, new { ID = id }); return result.FirstOrDefault(); } } public async Task<List<Employee>> GetByDateOfBirth(DateTime dateOfBirth) { using (IDbConnection conn = Connection) { string sQuery = "SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth FROM Employee WHERE DateOfBirth = @DateOfBirth"; conn.Open(); var result = await conn.QueryAsync<Employee>(sQuery, new { DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth }); return result.ToList(); } } }
[Route("api/[controller]")] [ApiController] public class EmployeeController : ControllerBase { private readonly IEmployeeRepository _employeeRepo; public EmployeeController(IEmployeeRepository employeeRepo) { _employeeRepo = employeeRepo; } [HttpGet] [Route("{id}")] public async Task<ActionResult<Employee>> GetByID(int id) { return await _employeeRepo.GetByID(id); } [HttpGet] [Route("dob/{dateOfBirth}")] public async Task<ActionResult<List<Employee>>> GetByID(DateTime dateOfBirth) { return await _employeeRepo.GetByDateOfBirth(dateOfBirth); } }
ASP.NET Core 2.1 中异步使用Dapper总结