Pulse Secure连接VN的时候出现embedded browser install failure错误
解决方案: 修改正确的CEF_URL路径
(test@test-21:/opt/pulsesecure/bin$ sudo vim setup_cef.sh ) - #CEF_URL=http://opensource.spotify.com/cefbuilds/cef_binary_80.1.14%2Bga33bdbc%2Bchromium-80.0.3987.149_linux64_minimal.tar.bz2 + CEF_URL=https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_80.1.14%2Bga33bdbc%2Bchromium-80.0.3987.149_linux64_minimal.tar.bz2
test@test-21:/opt/pulsesecure/bin$ sudo ./setup_cef.sh Utility to download and install Chromium Embedded Browser. Usage: setup_cef.sh <check_installed|install|reinstall|uninstall> [OPTIONS] setup_cef.sh check_installed Checks and informs if currently installed or not. setup_cef.sh <install|reinstall> [-tmpDirPath <Path>] Downloads and installs the Chromium Embedded Browser. An optional -tmpDirPath can be passed, where download and extraction will happen. This directory will be cleared by the end of installation. install will install CEF only if it is not installed. reinstall will remove and reinstall if it is installed. setup_cef.sh uninstall Uninstall CEF libraries Note: * The install can be run only with root privileges * 1276 MB of free space is needed in the tmpDirPath. This space is used only during installation time and freed by the end of installation. * 1063 MB of free space is needed in the /opt
Pulse r9.1 embedded browser install failure