python 实现PLP代码和语音分类项目
import librosa import librosa.filters import scipy.fftpack as fft from scipy import signal import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spectrum def rastaplp(x, fs=16000, win_time=0.040, hop_time=0.020, dorasta=True, modelorder=8): # first compute power spectrum p_spectrum, _ = powspec(x, fs, win_time, hop_time) # next group to critical bands aspectrum = audspec(p_spectrum, fs) nbands = aspectrum.shape[0] if dorasta: # put in log domain nl_aspectrum = np.log(aspectrum) # next do rasta filtering ras_nl_aspectrum = rastafilt(nl_aspectrum) # do inverse log aspectrum = np.exp(ras_nl_aspectrum) postspectrum, _ = postaud(aspectrum, fs / 2) lpcas = dolpc(postspectrum, modelorder) cepstra = lpc2cep(lpcas, modelorder + 1) if modelorder > 0: lpcas = dolpc(postspectrum, modelorder) cepstra = lpc2cep(lpcas, modelorder + 1) spectra, F, pM = lpc2spec(lpcas, nbands) else: spectra = postspectrum cepstra = spec2cep(spectra) cepstra = lifter(cepstra, 0.6) return cepstra def powspec(x, fs=16000, window_time=0.040, hop_time=0.020, dither=1): win_length = int(np.round(window_time * fs)) hop_length = int(np.round(hop_time * fs)) fft_length = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.log2(window_time * fs)))) X = librosa.stft(np.multiply(32768, x.astype(float)), n_fft=fft_length, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length, window=‘hann‘, center=False) pow_X = np.power(np.abs(X), 2) if dither: pow_X = np.add(pow_X, win_length) e = np.log(np.sum(pow_X, axis=0)) return pow_X, e def hz2bark(f): z = np.multiply(6, np.arcsinh(np.divide(f, 600))) return z def bark2hz(z): hz = np.multiply(600, np.sinh(np.divide(z, 6))) return hz def fft2barkmx(fft_length, fs, nfilts=0, band_width=1, min_freq=0, max_freq=0): if max_freq == 0: max_freq = fs / 2 min_bark = hz2bark(min_freq) nyqbark = hz2bark(max_freq) - min_bark if nfilts == 0: nfilts = np.add(np.ceil(nyqbark), 1) wts = np.zeros((int(nfilts), int(fft_length))) step_barks = np.divide(nyqbark, np.subtract(nfilts, 1)) binbarks = hz2bark(np.multiply(np.arange(0, np.add(np.divide(fft_length, 2), 1)), np.divide(fs, fft_length))) for i in range(int(nfilts)): f_bark_mid = min_bark + np.multiply(i, step_barks) lof = np.subtract(np.subtract(binbarks, f_bark_mid), 0.5) hif = np.add(np.subtract(binbarks, f_bark_mid), 0.5) wts[i, 0: int(fft_length / 2) + 1] = np.power(10, np.minimum(0, np.divide(np.minimum(hif, np.multiply(-2.5, lof)), band_width))) return wts def rastafilt(x): numer = np.arange(-2, 3) numer = np.divide(-numer, np.sum(np.multiply(numer, numer))) denom = np.array([1, -0.94]) zi = signal.lfilter_zi(numer, 1) y = np.zeros((x.shape)) for i in range(x.shape[0]): y1, zi = signal.lfilter(numer, 1, x[i, 0:4], axis=0, zi=zi * x[i, 0]) y1 = y1 * 0 y2, _ = signal.lfilter(numer, denom, x[i, 4:x.shape[1]], axis=0, zi=zi) y[i, :] = np.append(y1, y2) return y def dolpc(x, modelorder=12): nbands, nframes = x.shape ncorr = 2 * (nbands - 1) R = np.zeros((ncorr, nframes)) R[0:nbands, :] = x for i in range(nbands - 1): R[i + nbands - 1, :] = x[nbands - (i + 1), :] r = fft.ifft(R.T).real.T r = r[0:nbands, :] y = np.ones((nframes, modelorder + 1)) e = np.zeros((nframes, 1)) if modelorder == 0: for i in range(nframes): _, e_tmp, _ = spectrum.LEVINSON(r[:, i], modelorder, allow_singularity=True) e[i, 0] = e_tmp else: for i in range(nframes): y_tmp, e_tmp, _ = spectrum.LEVINSON(r[:, i], modelorder, allow_singularity=True) y[i, 1:modelorder + 1] = y_tmp e[i, 0] = e_tmp y = np.divide(y.T, np.add(np.tile(e.T, (modelorder + 1, 1)), 1e-8)) return y def lpc2cep(a, nout=0): nin, ncol = a.shape order = nin - 1 if nout == 0: nout = order + 1 cep = np.zeros((nout, ncol)) cep[0, :] = -np.log(a[0, :]) norm_a = np.divide(a, np.add(np.tile(a[0, :], (nin, 1)), 1e-8)) for n in range(1, nout): sum = 0 for m in range(1, n): sum = np.add(sum, np.multiply(np.multiply((n - m), norm_a[m, :]), cep[(n - m), :])) cep[n, :] = -np.add(norm_a[n, :], np.divide(sum, n)) return cep def lifter(x, lift=0.6, invs=False): ncep = x.shape[0] if lift == 0: y = x else: if lift < 0: warnings.warn(‘HTK liftering does not support yet; default liftering‘) lift = 0.6 liftwts = np.power(np.arange(1, ncep), lift) liftwts = np.append(1, liftwts) if (invs): liftwts = np.divide(1, liftwts) y = np.matmul(np.diag(liftwts), x) return y def melfcc(x, fs=16000, min_freq=50, max_freq=6500, n_mfcc=13, n_bands=40, lifterexp=0.6, fbtype=‘fcmel‘, dcttype=1, usecmp=True, window_time=0.040, hop_time=0.020, preemph=0.97, dither=1, sumpower=1, band_width=1, modelorder=0, broaden=0, useenergy=False): if preemph != 0: b = [1, -preemph] a = 1 x = signal.lfilter(b, a, x) pspectrum, logE = powspec(x, fs=fs, window_time=window_time, hop_time=hop_time, dither=dither) aspectrum = audspec(pspectrum, fs=fs, nfilts=n_bands, fbtype=fbtype, min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq) if usecmp: aspectrum, _ = postaud(aspectrum, fmax=max_freq, fbtype=fbtype) if modelorder > 0: lpcas = dolpc(aspectrum, modelorder) cepstra = lpc2cep(lpcas, nout=n_mfcc) else: cepstra, _ = spec2cep(aspectrum, ncep=n_mfcc, dcttype=dcttype) cepstra = lifter(cepstra, lift=lifterexp) if useenergy == True: cepstra[0, :] = logE return cepstra def hz2mel(f, htk=False): if htk: z = np.multiply(2595, np.log10(np.add(1, np.divide(f, 700)))) else: f_0 = 0.0 f_sp = 200 / 3 brkfrq = 1000 brkpt = (brkfrq - f_0) / f_sp logstep = np.exp(np.log(6.4) / 27.0) f = np.array(f, ndmin=1) z = np.zeros((f.shape[0],)) for i in range(f.shape[0]): if f[i] < brkpt: z[i] = (f[i] - f_0) / f_sp else: z[i] = brkpt + (np.log(f[i] / brkfrq) / np.log(logstep)) return z def mel2hz(z, htk=False): if htk: f = np.multiply(700, np.subtract(np.power(10, np.divide(z, 2595)), 1)) else: f_0 = 0 f_sp = 200 / 3 brkfrq = 1000 brkpt = (brkfrq - f_0) / f_sp logstep = np.exp(np.log(6.4) / 27.0) z = np.array(z, ndmin=1) f = np.zeros((z.shape[0],)) for i in range(z.shape[0]): if z[i] < brkpt: f[i] = f_0 + f_sp * z[i] else: f[i] = brkfrq * np.exp(np.log(logstep) * (z[i] - brkpt)) return f def fft2melmx(fft_length, fs, nfilts=0, band_width=1, min_freq=0, max_freq=0, htk=False, constamp=False): if nfilts == 0: nfilts = np.ceil(hz2mel(max_freq, htk) / 2) if max_freq == 0: max_freq = fs / 2 wts = np.zeros((int(nfilts), int(fft_length))) fftfrqs = np.multiply(np.divide(np.arange(0, fft_length / 2 + 1), fft_length), fs) min_mel = hz2mel(min_freq, htk) max_mel = hz2mel(max_freq, htk) binfrqs = mel2hz(np.add(min_mel, np.multiply(np.arange(0, nfilts + 2), (max_mel - min_mel) / (nfilts + 1))), htk) for i in range(int(nfilts)): fs_tmp = binfrqs[np.add(np.arange(0, 3), i)] fs_tmp = np.add(fs_tmp[1], np.multiply(band_width, np.subtract(fs_tmp, fs_tmp[1]))) loslope = np.divide(np.subtract(fftfrqs, fs_tmp[0]), np.subtract(fs_tmp[1], fs_tmp[0])) hislope = np.divide(np.subtract(fs_tmp[2], fftfrqs), np.subtract(fs_tmp[2], fs_tmp[1])) wts[i, 0: int(fft_length / 2) + 1] = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(loslope, hislope)) if constamp == False: wts = np.matmul(np.diag(np.divide(2, np.subtract(binfrqs[2: int(nfilts) + 2], binfrqs[0: int(nfilts)]))), wts) return wts def audspec(p_spectrum, fs=16000, nfilts=0, fbtype=‘bark‘, min_freq=0, max_freq=0, sumpower=1, band_width=1): if nfilts == 0: np.add(np.ceil(hz2bark(fs / 2)), 1) if max_freq == 0: max_freq = fs / 2 nfreqs = p_spectrum.shape[0] nfft = (int(nfreqs) - 1) * 2 if fbtype == ‘bark‘: wts = fft2barkmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq) elif fbtype == ‘mel‘: wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq) elif fbtype == ‘htkmel‘: wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq, htk=True, constamp=True) elif fbtype == ‘fcmel‘: wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq, htk=True, constamp=False) wts = wts[:, 0: nfreqs] if sumpower: aspectrum = np.matmul(wts, p_spectrum) else: aspectrum = np.power(np.matmul(wts, np.sqrt(p_spectrum)), 2) return aspectrum def postaud(x, fmax, fbtype=‘bark‘, broaden=0): nbands, nframes = x.shape nfpts = int(nbands + 2 * broaden) if fbtype == ‘bark‘: bandcfhz = bark2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2bark(fmax), nfpts)) elif fbtype == ‘mel‘: bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax), nfpts)) elif fbtype == ‘htkmel‘ or fbtype == ‘fcmel‘: bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax, htk=True), nfpts), htk=True) bandcfhz = bandcfhz[broaden: (nfpts - broaden)] fsq = np.power(bandcfhz, 2) ftmp = np.add(fsq, 1.6e5) eql = np.multiply(np.power(np.divide(fsq, ftmp), 2), np.divide(np.add(fsq, 1.44e6), np.add(fsq, 9.61e6))) z = np.multiply(np.tile(eql, (nframes, 1)).T, x) z = np.power(z, 0.33) if broaden: y = np.zeros((z.shape[0] + 2, z.shape[1])) y[0, :] = z[0, :] y[1:nbands + 1, :] = z y[nbands + 1, :] = z[z.shape[0] - 1, :] else: y = np.zeros((z.shape[0], z.shape[1])) y[0, :] = z[1, :] y[1:nbands - 1, :] = z[1:z.shape[0] - 1, :] y[nbands - 1, :] = z[z.shape[0] - 2, :] return y, eql def spec2cep(spec, ncep, dcttype): nrow, ncol = spec.shape[0], spec.shape[1] dctm = np.zeros((ncep, nrow)) if dcttype == 2 or dcttype == 3: for i in range(ncep): dctm[i, :] = np.multiply( np.cos(np.multiply(np.divide(np.multiply(i, np.arange(1, 2 * nrow, 2)), (2 * nrow)), np.pi)), np.sqrt(2 / nrow)) if dcttype == 2: dctm[0, :] = np.divide(dctm[0, :], np.sqrt(2)) elif dcttype == 4: for i in range(ncep): dctm[i, :] = np.multiply( np.cos(np.multiply(np.divide(np.multiply(i, np.arange(1, nrow + 1)), (nrow + 1)), np.pi)), 2) dctm[i, 0] = np.add(dctm[i, 0], 1) dctm[i, int(nrow - 1)] = np.multiply(dctm[i, int(nrow - 1)], np.power(-1, i)) dctm = np.divide(dctm, 2 * (nrow + 1)) else: for i in range(ncep): dctm[i, :] = np.divide( np.multiply(np.cos(np.multiply(np.divide(np.multiply(i, np.arange(0, nrow)), (nrow - 1)), np.pi)), 2), 2 * (nrow - 1)) dctm[:, 0] = np.divide(dctm[:, 0], 2) dctm[:, int(nrow - 1)] = np.divide(dctm[:, int(nrow - 1)], 2) cep = np.matmul(dctm, np.log(np.add(spec, 1e-8))) return cep, dctm def lpc2spec(lpcas, nout=17, FMout=False): rows, cols = lpcas.shape order = rows - 1 gg = lpcas[0, :] aa = np.divide(lpcas, np.tile(gg, (rows, 1))) # Calculate the actual z-plane polyvals: nout points around unit circle tmp_1 = np.array(np.arange(0, nout), ndmin=2).T tmp_1 = np.divide(np.multiply(-1j, np.multiply(tmp_1, np.pi)), (nout - 1)) tmp_2 = np.array(np.arange(0, order + 1), ndmin=2) zz = np.exp(np.matmul(tmp_1, tmp_2)) # Actual polyvals, in power (mag^2) features = np.divide(np.power(np.divide(1, np.abs(np.matmul(zz, aa))), 2), np.tile(gg, (nout, 1))) F = np.zeros((cols, int(np.ceil(rows / 2)))) M = F if FMout == True: for c in range(cols): aaa = aa[:, c] rr = np.roots(aaa) ff_tmp = np.angle(rr) ff = np.array(ff_tmp, ndmin=2).T zz = np.exp(np.multiply(1j, np.matmul(ff, np.array(np.arange(0, aaa.shape[0]), ndmin=2)))) mags = np.sqrt(np.divide(np.power(np.divide(1, np.abs(np.matmul(zz, np.array(aaa, ndmin=2).T))), 2), gg[c])) ix = np.argsort(ff_tmp) dummy = np.sort(ff_tmp) mp_F_list = [] tmp_M_list = [] for i in range(ff.shape[0]): if dummy[i] > 0: tmp_F_list = np.append(tmp_F_list, dummy[i]) tmp_M_list = np.append(tmp_M_list, mags[ix[i]]) M[c, 0: tmp_M_list.shape[0]] = tmp_M_list F[c, 0: tmp_F_list.shape[0]] = tmp_F_list return features, F, M def deltas(x, w=9): rows, cols = x.shape hlen = np.floor(w / 2) win = np.arange(hlen, -(hlen + 1), -1, dtype=‘float32‘) xx = np.append(np.append(np.tile(x[:, 0], (int(hlen), 1)).T, x, axis=1), np.tile(x[:, cols - 1], (int(hlen), 1)).T, axis=1) d = signal.lfilter(win, 1, xx, axis=1) d = d[:, int(2 * hlen): int(2 * hlen + cols)] return d def cep2spec(cep, nfreq, dcttype=2): ncep, ncol = cep.shape dctm = np.zeros((ncep, nfreq)) idctm = np.zeros((nfreq, ncep)) if dcttype == 2 or dcttype == 3: for i in range(ncep): dctm[i, :] = np.multiply(np.cos(np.multiply(np.divide(np.multiply(i, np.arange(1, 2 * nfreq, 2)), (2 * nfreq)), np.pi)), np.sqrt(2 / nfreq)) if dcttype == 2: dctm[0, :] = np.divide(dctm[0, :], np.sqrt(2)) else: dctm[0, :] = np.divide(dctm[0, :], 2) idctm = dctm.T elif dcttype == 4: for i in range(ncep): idctm[:, i] = np.multiply( np.cos(np.multiply(np.divide(np.multiply(i, np.arange(1, nfreq + 1).T), (nfreq + 1)), np.pi)), 2) idctm[:, 0:ncep] = np.divide(idctm[:, 0:ncep], 2) else: for i in range(ncep): idctm[:, i] = np.multiply( np.cos(np.multiply(np.divide(np.multiply(i, np.arange(0, nfreq).T), (nfreq - 1)), np.pi)), 2) idctm[:, [0, -1]] = np.divide(idctm[:, [0, -1]], 2) spec = np.exp(np.matmul(idctm, cep)) return spec, idctm def invpostaud(y, fmax, fbtype=‘bark‘, broaden=0): nbands, nframes = y.shape if fbtype == ‘bark‘: bandcfhz = bark2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2bark(fmax), nbands)) elif fbtype == ‘mel‘: bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax), nbands)) elif fbtype == ‘htkmel‘ or fbtype == ‘fcmel‘: bandcfhz = mel2hz(np.linspace(0, hz2mel(fmax, htk=True), nbands), htk=True) bandcfhz = bandcfhz[broaden: (nbands - broaden)] fsq = np.power(bandcfhz, 2) ftmp = np.add(fsq, 1.6e5) eql = np.multiply(np.power(np.divide(fsq, ftmp), 2), np.divide(np.add(fsq, 1.44e6), np.add(fsq, 9.61e6))) x = np.power(y, np.divide(1, 0.33)) if eql[0] == 0: eql[0] = eql[1] eql[-1] = eql[-2] x = np.divide(x[broaden: (nbands - broaden + 1), :], np.add(np.tile(eql.T, (nframes, 1)).T, 1e-8)) return x, eql def invpowspec(y, fs, win_time, hop_time, excit=[]): nrow, ncol = y.shape r = excit winpts = int(np.round(np.multiply(win_time, fs))) steppts = int(np.round(np.multiply(hop_time, fs))) nfft = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.divide(np.log(winpts), np.log(2))))) # Can‘t predict librosa stft length... tmp = librosa.istft(y, hop_length=steppts, win_length=winpts, window=‘hann‘, center=False) xlen = len(tmp) # xlen = int(np.add(winpts, np.multiply(steppts, np.subtract(ncol, 1)))) # xlen = int(np.multiply(steppts, np.subtract(ncol, 1))) if len(r) == 0: r = np.squeeze(np.random.randn(xlen, 1)) r = r[0:xlen] R = librosa.stft(np.divide(r, 32768 * 12), n_fft=nfft, hop_length=steppts, win_length=winpts, window=‘hann‘, center=False) R = np.multiply(R, np.sqrt(y)) x = librosa.istft(R, hop_length=steppts, win_length=winpts, window=‘hann‘, center=False) return x def invaudspec(aspectrum, fs=16000, nfft=512, fbtype=‘bark‘, min_freq=0, max_freq=0, sumpower=True, band_width=1): if max_freq == 0: max_freq = fs / 2 nfilts, nframes = aspectrum.shape if fbtype == ‘bark‘: wts = fft2barkmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq) elif fbtype == ‘mel‘: wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq) elif fbtype == ‘htkmel‘: wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq, htk=True, constamp=True) elif fbtype == ‘fcmel‘: wts = fft2melmx(nfft, fs, nfilts, band_width, min_freq, max_freq, htk=True, constamp=False) wts = wts[:, 0:int(nfft / 2 + 1)] ww = np.matmul(wts.T, wts) itws = np.divide(wts.T, np.tile(np.maximum(np.divide(np.mean(np.diag(ww)), 100), np.sum(ww, axis=0)), (nfilts, 1)).T) if sumpower == True: spec = np.matmul(itws, aspectrum) else: spec = np.power(np.matmul(itws, np.sqrt(aspectrum))) return spec, wts, itws def invmelfcc(cep, fs, win_time=0.040, hop_time=0.020, lifterexp=0.6, sumpower=True, preemph=0.97, max_freq=6500, min_freq=50, n_bands=40, band_width=1, dcttype=2, fbtype=‘mel‘, usecmp=False, modelorder=0, broaden=0, excitation=[]): winpts = int(np.round(np.multiply(win_time, fs))) nfft = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.divide(np.log(winpts), np.log(2))))) cep = lifter(cep, lift=lifterexp, invs=True) pspc, _ = cep2spec(cep, nfreq=int(n_bands + 2 * broaden), dcttype=dcttype) if usecmp == True: aspc, _ = invpostaud(pspc, fmax=max_freq, fbtype=fbtype, broaden=broaden) else: aspc = pspc spec, _, _ = invaudspec(aspc, fs=fs, nfft=nfft, fbtype=fbtype, min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq, sumpower=sumpower, band_width=band_width) x = invpowspec(spec, fs, win_time=win_time, hop_time=hop_time, excit=excitation) if preemph != 0: b = [1, -preemph] a = 1 x = signal.lfilter(b, a, x) return x, aspc, spec, pspc # reference # if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: d,fs=librosa.load("ATC00035.wav",16000) plt.figure() plt.imshow(rastaplp(d))