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Unit1-Making polite dinner conversation

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General English:9-intermediate

Unit1-Making polite dinner conversation

Vocabulary Dessert and coffee

cappuccino		卡布奇诺

fat-free milk	无脂牛奶

lemon sorbet	柠檬冰糕

black coffee, no sugar 黑咖啡 无糖

cherry tart		樱桃馅饼

espresso		n. (用汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡


Anyway,our new director of engineering is excellent.By the time I get back,your software will be ready and tested.We‘ll deliver it next Monday.

That‘s very good news.

Exccuse me,sorry to interrupt.

Here is your cappuccino with fat-free milk.

Here is your lemon sorbet,and a black coffee,no sugar.

Thank you.

And here‘s your cherry tart and an espresso.


I‘d like to say something.I want to thank you both for your patience while we were working through our problems.
We‘re back on track,and everything‘s looking good.It‘s a huge weight off my mind.

I konw exactly what you mean.

Yes,I couldn‘t agree more.I‘m looking forward to working more wth you in the future.

Thanks,and me too.Speaking of work,tomorrow I‘m going to take the day off.I was thinking of visiting the Springdale TV Tower.

That‘s a wonderful idea.You get an amazing view of the city from the top.And Per,I think you deserve a day off.

I was just about to say the same thing.I konw how hard you‘ve worked to get this project back on track.

Exccuse me,Will there be anything else?

No,I don‘t think so.


Todd and I were talking just the other day about how we need to find more time to relax.

I‘m totally with you there.Stressful projects.Long flights.i hardly see my family anymore.

Crazy,isn‘t it?Family should always come first.

I could‘t have said it better myself.

To family,then.

brownie	巧克力蛋糕

sundae	圣代冰淇淋

creme brulee	法式炖蛋

tart 果馅饼

cheesecake  奶酪蛋糕

bread pudding 面包布丁

Grammar Review:time expressions

Review: time expressions

There are many ways to talk about time.
Use on to state the day an event takes place.

We‘re going to Vegas on Friday.

Use at to state the time an event takes place.

Our plane leaves at 6:40.

Use for to talk about a specific amount of time.

Dan‘s lived there for six years.

Use from and to to talk about a complete span of time.

We worked together from 2009 to 2012.

Use until to talk about the time leading up to an event.

They‘re going to play until 7.	

Certain time expressions, such as when and by the time, allow you to connect two events.

I was gardening when I heard the phone ring.

It was late by the time Lucy got home.

Use while to talk about two events that happened at the same time.

Christie slept while I watched the movie.

Use as soon as to talk about a completed point in time.

As soon as we‘re finished with this project,
I‘m going to take a vacation.

The band is going to play  until 10 p.m.

I‘m going to go right to the Eiffel Tower  when  I get to Paris.

As   soon as we‘re finished, let‘s walk around town.

Jim waited at the airport for  three hours.

By the time   dinner comes, I‘ll be a hundred!

The concert is from 7 to midnight.

Expressions Politely interrupting

Sorry to interrupt.

I‘d like to say something.

Excuse me.


When interrupting, there are two important things to remember. First, be sure to interrupt politely,
using expressions like excuse me and I‘m sorry.
Second, try to interrupt someone just as they finish a sentence,
not just as they start one. Use expressions like these to interrupt.

A: I think that this fish is delicious! And …
B: Excuse me for interrupting, but here‘s your salad.	

A: I love this restaurant. I come here once or twice a month.
B: Sorry to interrupt, but our movie starts in 30 minutes. We should leave soon.

Use expressions like the following to either add to what someone was saying or to state an opinion that may be contrary to what someone was saying.
Notice these conversation strategies are much more polite than directly interrupting.

A: Well, both the T-bone steak and the lasagna look really good. I can‘t decide.	
B: I‘d like to add something. The T-bone is from a local farm. It‘s organic beef.

A: I‘m not sure that the Garlic Barn is the best restaurant for our business lunch.	
B: May I say something? I ate there with friends last week, and it was incredible!

Expressions Supporting someone‘s opinion

I know exactly what you mean.
I couldn‘t agree more.
That‘s a wonderful idea.
I was just about to say the same thing.

I‘m totally with you.		我完全支持你。
I couldn‘t have said it better myself.

  CHELSEA: So, congratulations! You finished the Balboa project. Honestly, that was the worst project. You should totally relax on your vacation.
  AIDEN: Thanks. I couldn‘t have said it better myself. Olivia and I need a real break.
CHELSEA: I know exactly what you mean. I‘m thinking of taking some days off too.
AIDEN: Cool. We actually bought tickets to fly to Koh Rong, Cambodia. We can go diving in the morning and swimming at night.
CHELSEA: Excellent. You should spend lots of time on the beach.
AIDEN: Yeah, I‘m totally with you there. All this snow we‘ve been having is depressing.
CHELSEA: I couldn‘t agree more. I‘m ready to move to Hawaii!
AIDEN: Hey, we should get a couple of sundaes to celebrate the project.
CHELSEA: I was just about to say the same thing . Sundaes and espressos!

Final Task Making polite dinner conversation

You and a colleague are eating in a restaurant to celebrate the completion of a big project.

Talk about what comes next. Listen and record the correct response.

Unit1-Making polite dinner conversation


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