<block wx:for="{{scoreList}}" wx:key> <view class="cu-bar bg-white solid-bottom margin-top"> <view class="action"> <text class="cuIcon-title text-brown"></text> 第{{item.num}}节 </view> </view> <view class="cu-form-group"> <view class="title">分数</view> <picker bindchange="scoreChange" value="{{item.score}}" data-num="{{item.num}}" range="{{scoreArr}}"> <view class="picker"> {{item.score?scoreArr[item.score]:‘请选择‘}} </view> </picker> </view> </block> <view class="padding flex flex-wrap justify-between align-center"> <button class="cu-btn bg-gradual-pink cuIcon-add" bindtap="objectAdd">增加</button> <button class="cu-btn bg-gradual-pink cuIcon-move" bindtap="objectMove">减少</button> </view>
Page({ data: { scoreList: [], //分数数组 scoreArr: ["0分", "1分", "2分", "3分", "4分", "5分"], num: 0, }, scoreChange(e) { var that = this; var tempList = that.data.scoreList; for (var i = 0; i < tempList.length; i++) { //找到所选的下拉框赋值 if (tempList[i]["num"] == e.currentTarget.dataset.num) { tempList[i]["score"] = e.detail.value; break; } } //改变后的值赋值scoreList重新绑定 that.setData({ scoreList: tempList }) console.log(‘scoreList=‘ + JSON.stringify(that.data.scoreList)) //最终提交到后台得到数据 }, //添加一个列表 objectAdd(e) { var that = this var addlist = this.data.scoreList; var obj = { score: null, num: this.data.num + 1 } addlist.push(obj) this.setData({ scoreList: addlist, num: this.data.num + 1 }) }, //减少一个列表 从最后一个开始减少 objectMove(e) { if (this.data.scoreList.length > 0) { this.data.scoreList.splice(this.data.scoreList.length - 1, 1); this.setData({ scoreList: this.data.scoreList, num: this.data.num - 1, }) } } })