Sieve of Eratosthenes is an \(O(loglogn)\) algorithm , but it can be inefficient because a composite number may be traversed multiple times .
For example , \(20\) is going to be traversed twice at \(4*5\) and \(10*2\) .
However , for efficiency ,there‘s an algorithm called Euler‘s sieve that avoids traverse a composite number more than once by finding it only with its smallest and largest prime factors .
Main content
For an enumerated number \(i\) , multiply it by prime numbers have been found ( \(prime[j]<=i\) ) and mark the resulting composite number \(i*prime[j]\) ;
More specifically ,
We use array \(prime[i]\) to record the prime numbers have been found .
And for an enumerated number \(i\) , firstly find whether it have been marked or it‘s a prime ;
If a number is composite , it is going to been marked by its factors .
Secondly , enumerate \(prime[j]\) , mark all \(i\)‘s multiples \(i*prime[j]\) .
We just have to enumerate the prime multiples of \(i\) , becauce the composite multiples of one number will be marked by prime multiples of another number .
For example , only \(7*2\) , \(7*3\) , \(7*5\) ... are going to be marked because \(7*4\) are going to be marked by \(14*2\) .
In this way we can get all the prime numbers by sieving out composite numbers .
How to ensure that a composite number is sieved out only by its smallest and largest prime factors?
The core idea is simple .
While enumerating \(prime[j]\) , we stop the enumeration after marking \(i*prime[j]\) that \(prime[j]|i\) for the first time .
Because :
,why not use
to mark it ?
\(prime[j]\) will less than \(prime[k]\) , and \(the \ other \ number\) will greater than \(i\) .
That means , \(prime[k]\) is no more the smallest factor and \(i\) is no more the largest factor .
Don‘t forget , we are going to find the composite numbers only with its smallest and largest prime factors .
Otherwise ,
Before we find a \(prime[j]\) that \(prime[j]|i\) , because of the monotone increasing property of \(prime[]\) ,
obviously we have :
So far, both adequacy and necessity have been proved .
In this way , we can ensure that a composite number is sieved out only by its smallest and largest prime factors .
void getPrime(int n){
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){
if(!marked[i]) prime[++SUM]=i;
for(int j=1;j<=SUM&&prime[j]*i<=n;i++){
if(!(i%prime[j])) break;