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import taos
from pyproj import Proj, CRS
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
import time
import requests
import platform
from osgeo import gdal

def get_taosdb_info():
    host = ""
    user = "root"
    password = "taosdata"
    database = "taishi"
    if platform.system().lower() == linux:
        cfg = "/etc/taos"
        return host, user, password, database, cfg
    elif platform.system().lower() == windows:
        cfg = "C:/TDengine/cfg"
        return host, user, password, database, cfg

def get_Device_Name():
    deviceName2Type = {person:1, car:2, road:3, bridge:4, gasStation:5, other:6}
    return deviceName2Type

def getConnecter(host, user, password, cfg):
        conn = taos.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, config=cfg)
        print(database connect succeed)
    except Exception as err:
        print(database connect failed)
        raise err
    return conn

def GetFilesFromXML(xmlpath):
    tree = ET.ElementTree(file=os.path.join(xmlpath))  # 打开文件,解析成一棵树型结构
    root = tree.getroot()  # 获取树型结构的根
    input_fileName = str(root.find(filename_in).text)
    output_fileName = str(root.find(filename_out).text)
    return input_fileName, output_fileName

##get object annotation bndbox loc start
def GetAnnotBoxLoc(AnotPath, lon_img=120.000000, lat_img=39.000000, pix_m_img=1.0):  # AnotPath VOC标注文件路径
    lon_img = lon_img
    lat_img = lat_img
    pix_m_img = pix_m_img
    tree = ET.ElementTree(file=os.path.join(AnotPath))  # 打开文件,解析成一棵树型结构
    root = tree.getroot()  # 获取树型结构的根
    input_fileName = str(root.find(filename_in).text)
    output_fileName = str(root.find(filename_out).text)

    pic_anno = []
    ObjectSet = root.findall(object)  # 找到文件中所有含有object关键字的地方,这些地方含有标注目标
    for Object in ObjectSet:
        ObjDic = {}
        ObjName = Object.find(name).text
        BndBox = Object.find(box)
        x1 = int(BndBox.find(xmin).text)  # -1 #-1是因为程序是按0作为起始位置的
        y1 = int(BndBox.find(ymin).text)  # -1
        x2 = int(BndBox.find(xmax).text)  # -1
        y2 = int(BndBox.find(ymax).text)  # -1
        geo_loc = xy2lonlat(x1, y1, x2, y2, lon_img, lat_img, pix_m_img)
        ObjDic[ObjName] = geo_loc

    return input_fileName, output_fileName, pic_anno

# 返回矩形框目标中心的经纬度
# 输入:像素box边界,名称,影像左上角点的经纬度,以及pix_m分辨率(默认是1.0米)
def xy2lonlat(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, lon, lat, pix_m=1.0):
    crs_3857 = CRS.from_epsg(3857)
    PRO = Proj(crs_3857)
    X, Y = PRO(lon, lat, inverse=False)

    delt_x = 0.5*(xmin + xmax)
    delt_y = 0.5*(ymin + ymax)

    X += delt_x * pix_m
    Y -= delt_y * pix_m

    lon_out, lat_out = PRO(X, Y, inverse=True)

    return [str(lon_out), str(lat_out)]

def get_time_stamp():
    ct = time.time()
    local_time = time.localtime(ct)
    data_head = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", local_time)
    data_secs = (ct - int(ct)) * 1000
    time_stamp = "%s.%03d" % (data_head, data_secs)
    return time_stamp

def get_time_string():
    ct = time.time()
    local_time = time.localtime(ct)
    time_string = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", local_time)
    return time_string

#发送位置信息到 sensorszh table POI 数据库
def save_geo_loc(pic_anno, deviceName2Type):
    objName_DB = [key for key, _ in deviceName2Type.items()]
    i = 0
    for obj in pic_anno:
        for objName, lon_lat in obj.items():
            if objName not in objName_DB:
                objName = other
            lon = lon_lat[0]
            lat = lon_lat[1]
            timestamp = get_time_string()
            timestamp = eval(timestamp)+i
            i = i+1
            # print(timestamp)
            url = str(objName) + &devicetype= + str(deviceName2Type[objName])                         + &lon=+ str(lon) +&lat= + str(lat) + &time= + str(timestamp)
            r = requests.get(url)
            print(POI point insert into sensorszh table, status_code:, r.status_code)

# data insert into anno_loc
def save_xml_db(conn, database, xml_file, pic_anno, deviceName2Type):
    objName_DB = [key for key, _ in deviceName2Type.items()]
    original_pic_path, processed_pic_path = GetFilesFromXML(xml_file)
    cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute(use  + database)
    except Exception as err:
        print(use  + database + failed,mabey the database is not exist!)
        raise err

        # sql = "DROP TABLE anno_loc"
        sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS anno_loc(create_time TIMESTAMP, pic_name binary(50), obj_name binary(20), devicetype binary(10), lon binary(100),lat binary(100),original_pic_path binary(500), processed_pic_path binary(500), xml_anno binary(500))"
    except Exception as err:
        raise err

    # anno_loc: "create_time, pic_name, obj_name, devicetype, lon, lat, original_pic_path, processed_pic_path, xml_anno"
    xml_anno = xml_file
    _, pic_name = os.path.split(original_pic_path)
    for obj in pic_anno:
        for objName, lon_lat in obj.items():
            if objName not in objName_DB:
                objName = other
            lon = lon_lat[0]
            lat = lon_lat[1]
            devicetype = deviceName2Type[objName]
            create_time = get_time_stamp()
                sql = "insert into anno_loc values (‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘)"                       % (create_time, pic_name, str(objName), str(devicetype), lon, lat, original_pic_path, processed_pic_path, xml_anno)
                print("insert into anno_loc succeed!!!")
            except Exception as err:
                raise err
    if cur:

def save_xml_matedata_db(conn, database, xml_file, task_type = "td"):
    # task_type = "td" or "rs"
    cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute(use  + database)
    except Exception as err:
        print(use  + database + failed, mabey the database is not exist!)
        raise err

        # sql = "DROP TABLE files"
        sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files(create_time TIMESTAMP, ID binary(50), original_pic_path binary(500), processed_pic_path binary(500), original_pic_simp_path binary(500), processed_pic_simp_path binary(500), task_type binary(10))"
    except Exception as err:
        raise err

    create_time = get_time_stamp()
    ID = str(eval(get_time_string()))
    original_pic_path, processed_pic_path = GetFilesFromXML(xml_file)
    original_pic_simp_path = original_pic_path.split(.)[-2]+"-S."+original_pic_path.split(.)[-1]
    processed_pic_simp_path = processed_pic_path.split(.)[-2]+"-S."+processed_pic_path.split(.)[-1]
    task_type = task_type# "td" or "rs"

        sql = "insert into files values (‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘,‘%s‘)"               % (create_time, ID, original_pic_path, processed_pic_path, original_pic_simp_path, processed_pic_simp_path, task_type)
        print("insert into files succeed!!!")
    except Exception as err:
        raise err

    if cur:

def get_full_and_simplified_name_path(xml_file):
    input_pic_path, out_pic_path = GetFilesFromXML(xml_file)
    input_pic_simp_path = input_pic_path.split(.)[-2]+"-S."+input_pic_path.split(.)[-1]
    out_pic_simp_path = out_pic_path.split(.)[-2]+"-S."+out_pic_path.split(.)[-1]
    return input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path

def resize_geotiff(input_path, dst_path, scale):
    ds = gdal.Open(input_path)
    # prj = ds.GetProjection()
    # print(prj)

    im_width = ds.RasterXSize  # 栅格矩阵的列数
    im_height = ds.RasterYSize  # 栅格矩阵的行数

    opt = gdal.WarpOptions(height=int(scale * im_height), width=int(scale * im_width))

    path, filename = os.path.split(input_path)

    if .tif not in dst_path:
        dst_path = os.path.join(dst_path, filename)

    gdal.Warp(dst_path, input_path, options=opt)
# input_path = ‘D:/inputTIF.tif‘
# dst_path = ‘D:/out.tif‘
# # dst_path = ‘D:/output‘
# resize_geotiff(input_path, dst_path, 0.5)

def resize_common_picture(input_path, dst_path, scale):
    origin_img = Image.open(input_path)
    h, w = origin_img.size
    h_out, w_out = int(h*scale), int(w*scale)
    target_size = (h_out, w_out)
    scale_img = origin_img.copy()
    scale_img.thumbnail(target_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

# detection_into_tao_db
def detection_into_tao_db(xml_file, lon_img, lat_img, pix_m_img, task_type="td", scale=0.5):
    host, user, password, database, cfg = get_taosdb_info()
    input_fileName, output_fileName, pic_anno = GetAnnotBoxLoc(xml_file, lon_img=lon_img, lat_img=lat_img, pix_m_img=pix_m_img)
    # poi to sensorszh table
    save_geo_loc(pic_anno, get_Device_Name())
    print("poi to sensorszh table succeed!!!")
    # target insert into anno_loc
    conn = getConnecter(host, user, password, cfg)
    save_xml_db(conn, database, xml_file, pic_anno, get_Device_Name())
    print("target insert into anno_loc succeed!!!")

    # xml_matedata insert into files
    conn = getConnecter(host, user, password, cfg)
    save_xml_matedata_db(conn, database, xml_file, task_type=task_type)  # task_type = "td" or "rs"
    print("save_xml_matedata_db succeed!!!")

    # get_full_and_simplified_name_path
    input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path = get_full_and_simplified_name_path(xml_file)
    # 对 img 缩放
    if tif in input_pic_path.split(.)[-1]:
        resize_geotiff(input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        resize_geotiff(out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        print("resize_geotiff succeed!!!")
        resize_common_picture(input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        resize_common_picture(out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        print("resize_common_picture succeed!!!")

# segmentation_into_tao_db
def segmentation_into_tao_db(xml_file, task_type="rs", scale=0.5):
    host, user, password, database, cfg = get_taosdb_info()
    # xml_matedata insert into files
    conn = getConnecter(host, user, password, cfg)
    save_xml_matedata_db(conn, database, xml_file, task_type=task_type)  # task_type = "td" or "rs"
    print("save_xml_matedata_db succeed!!!")
    # get_full_and_simplified_name_path
    input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path = get_full_and_simplified_name_path(xml_file)
    # 对 img 缩放
    if tif in input_pic_path.split(.)[-1]:
        resize_geotiff(input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        resize_geotiff(out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        print("resize_geotiff succeed!!!")
        resize_common_picture(input_pic_path, input_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        resize_common_picture(out_pic_path, out_pic_simp_path, scale=scale)
        print("resize_common_picture succeed!!!")

if __name__ == __main__:
    det_xml_file = D:/研究/课题资料/申请后提交/验收-准备/coding4-yanshou/out-det/P0034.xml
    lon_img = 120.000000
    lat_img = 39.000000
    pix_m_img = 1.0
    detection_into_tao_db(det_xml_file, lon_img, lat_img, pix_m_img, task_type="td", scale=0.5)

    seg_xml_file = D:/研究/课题资料/申请后提交/验收-准备/coding4-yanshou/out-seg/inputTIF.xml
    segmentation_into_tao_db(seg_xml_file, task_type="rs", scale=0.5)




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