1 ///1:注释方实现接口 2 var compositeform = function () {//继承接口 3 4 } 5 compositeform.prototype.add = function () {//实现接口中的添加方法 6 7 } 8 compositeform.prototype.delete = function () {//实现接口中的删除方法 9 10 } 11 12 ///:属性法实现接口 13 var comform = function () { 14 this.implementsInteerfaces = [‘Composite‘, ‘FormItem‘]; 15 } 16 function addForm(formInstance) { 17 if (!implements(formInstance, ‘Composite‘, ‘FormItem‘)) { 18 throw new error("对象没有实现所需的接口。") 19 } 20 } 21 function implementss(object) { 22 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { 23 var interfaceName = arguments[i]; 24 var interfaceFound = false; 25 for (var j = 0; j < object.implementsInteerfaces.length; j++) { 26 if (object.implementsInteerfaces[j] == interfaceName) { 27 interfaceFound = true; 28 break; 29 } 30 } 31 if (!interfaceFound) { 32 return false;//接口没有被发现 33 } 34 } 35 return true;//接口被发现 36 } 37 38 ///:鸭式辨型模仿接口 39 var Composite = new Interface(‘Composite‘, [‘add‘, ‘remove‘, ‘getchild‘]); 40 var FormItem = new Interface(‘FormItem‘, [‘save‘]); 41 42 var CompositeForm = function (id, method, action) { 43 44 } 45 function addform(forminstance) { 46 ensureImplements(formInstance, Composite, FormItem); 47 } 48 49 50 51 var Interface = function (name, methods) { 52 if (arguments.length != 2) { 53 throw new error(‘创建接口失败‘); 54 } 55 this.name = name; 56 this.methods = []; 57 for (var i = 0, len = methods.length; i < len; i++) { 58 if (typeof methods[i] !== ‘string‘) { 59 throw new error("接口方法是字符串型"); 60 } 61 this.methods.push(methods[i]); 62 } 63 } 64 65 Interface.prototype.ensureImplements = function (object) { 66 if (arguments.length < 2) { 67 throw new error("确保能实现接口方法请传入至少2个,且符合要求的参数"); 68 } 69 for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { 70 var interfaces = arguments[i]; 71 if (interfaces.constructor !== Interface) { 72 throw new error("函数的参数interface.esureimplements希望从两个and above to be of接口实例"); 73 } 74 for (var j = 0, methodsLen = interfaces.methods.length; j < methodsLen; j++) { 75 var method = interfaces.methods[j]; 76 if (!object[method] || typeof object[method] !== ‘function‘) { 77 throw new error(‘‘); 78 } 79 } 80 } 81 }
以上代码只是照搬书上的,基本就是模仿面向对象语言里接口的功能(继承接口必需实现接口里的方法,但并没有验证方法参数,原因javascript的参数类型object 可是任何类型)
1 var Books = function (newisbn, newtitle, newauthor) { 2 var isbn = "abc", title, author;//局部变量(即私有变量) 3 function select(str) { 4 isbn += str; 5 }//局部方法(即私有方法) 6 this.getIsbn = function () { 7 this.isbn = isbn; 8 }; 9 this.getTitle = function () { 10 this.isbn = title; 11 }; 12 this.getAuthor = function () { 13 this.isbn = author; 14 }; 15 this.fn = function (str) { 16 select(str); 17 }; 18 } 19 var book = new Books(); 20 book.fn("def"); 21 book.getIsbn(); 22 alert(book.isbn);//abcdef 23 var book1 = new Books(); 24 book1.fn("ghi"); 25 book1.getIsbn(); 26 alert(book1.isbn);//abcghi
1 var Books = function (newisbn, newtitle, newauthor) { 2 var isbn = "abc", title, author;//类全局变量(即静态变量) 3 function select(str) { 4 isbn += str; 5 }//类全局方法(即静态方法) 6 return function () {//闭包 7 this.getIsbn = function () { 8 this.isbn = isbn; 9 }; 10 this.getTitle = function () { 11 this.isbn = title; 12 }; 13 this.getAuthor = function () { 14 this.isbn = author; 15 }; 16 this.fn = function (str) { 17 select(str); 18 }; 19 } 20 }();//括号很重要 21 var book = new Books(); 22 book.fn("def"); 23 book.getIsbn(); 24 alert(book.isbn);//abcdef 25 var book1 = new Books(); 26 book1.fn("ghi"); 27 book1.getIsbn(); 28 alert(book1.isbn);//abcdefghi
//1.原型链继承 var yuwen = function () { } yuwen.prototype = new Books();//设置原型链(实现继承) yuwen.prototype.constructor = yuwen;//重新设置(因为在设置prototype是消失了,书上是这样说的) yuwen.prototype.getBooks = function () { return this.books; } var w = new yuwen(); alert(w.name2);//打印得外语 name2的属性得到 //2.call对象冒充继承 var shuxue = function () { Books.call(this);//对象冒充,即Books中的this变更为现在yuwem对象(实现继承) } var s = new shuxue(); alert(s.name2);//打印得外语 name2的属性得到
1 var GiantCorp = {};//命名空间 2 GiantCorp.common = { 3 inti: function () { }, 4 pageend: function () { } 5 } 6 GiantCorp.index = { 7 inti: function () { }, 8 pageend: function () { } 9 }
1 (function () { 2 function _$(els) { 3 if (typeof arguments[0][0] === ‘function‘) { 4 window.onload = arguments[0][0](); 5 return; 6 } 7 this.elements = []; 8 for (var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; ++i) { 9 var element = els[i]; 10 if (typeof element === ‘string‘) { 11 element = document.getElementById(element); 12 } 13 this.elements.push(element); 14 } 15 } 16 _$.prototype = { 17 each: function (fn) { 18 for (var i = 0, len = this.elements.length; i < len; i++) { 19 fn.call(this.elements[i], i) 20 } 21 return this; 22 }, 23 html: function () { 24 for (var i = 0, len = this.elements.length; i < len; i++) { 25 return this.elements[i].innerHTML; 26 } 27 } 28 } 29 window.$ = function () { 30 return new _$(arguments); 31 } 32 })(); 33 </script> 34 <span id="sp">s_s</span> 35 <span id="sp2">s-s</span> 36 <script type="text/javascript"> 37 $(function () { 38 $("sp", "sp2").each(function (i) { 39 alert(i); 40 }); 41 alert($("sp").html()); 42 }); 43 </script>
以上就是我学习《JavaScript 设计模式》的上半部分,虽然只是初浅的学习了一遍,但学到的东西还是有的,我相信下一次再学习这部分内容时能理解的更多!