学习到的:①vector 可以像数组一样用 不一定要用迭代器
#include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; typedef struct BiTree { BiTree * pLeft, * pRight; int data; }BiTree; void createBiTree(BiTree * &T) { int d; cout << "please input the data of tree:"; cin >> d; if(d != 0) { T = new BiTree; T->data = d; T->pLeft = NULL; T->pRight = NULL; createBiTree(T->pLeft); createBiTree(T->pRight); } } //分层打印整个二叉树 答案的思路 用游标cur last标示回车位置 不用辅助结点 void PrintNodeByLevel(BiTree* root) { if(root == NULL) { return; } vector<BiTree *> vec; vec.push_back(root); int cur = 0; int last = 1; while(cur < vec.size()) { last = vec.size(); //新一行访问开始 重定位last于当前行最后一个结点的下一个结点 while(cur < last) { printf("%d ", vec[cur]->data); //注意 vector也可以像数组一样用 if(vec[cur]->pLeft != NULL) { vec.push_back(vec[cur]->pLeft); } if(vec[cur]->pRight != NULL) { vec.push_back(vec[cur]->pRight); } cur++; } printf("\n"); } } //分层打印整个二叉树 我自己的思路 利用数据为‘\n’的辅助的树节点标示回车位置 void Travese(BiTree * T) { queue<BiTree *> Q; BiTree Assist; Assist.data = ‘\n‘; //辅助表示回车 Assist.pLeft = NULL; Assist.pRight = NULL; Q.push(T); Q.push(&Assist); while(!Q.empty()) { BiTree * TmpTree = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if(TmpTree->data != ‘\n‘) { if(TmpTree->pLeft != NULL) //注意 空指针不压入 因为下面还要判断其下一个有效树结点是不是回车 { Q.push(TmpTree->pLeft); } if(TmpTree->pRight != NULL) { Q.push(TmpTree->pRight); } if(Q.front()->data == ‘\n‘) //当一个\n要被弹出时 压入下一个\n { Q.push(&Assist); } printf("%d ", TmpTree->data); } else if(TmpTree->data == ‘\n‘) { printf("\n"); } } } //打印二叉树中指定层的结点 根节点为第0层 int PrintNodeAtLevel(BiTree* root, int level) { if(root == NULL || level < 0) { return 0; } if(level == 0) { printf("%d ", root->data); return 1; } else { int returnl = 1, returnr = 1; if(root->pLeft != NULL) { returnl = PrintNodeAtLevel(root->pLeft, level - 1); } if(root->pRight != NULL) { returnr = PrintNodeAtLevel(root->pRight, level - 1); } return (returnl && returnr) ? 1 : 0; } } int main() { BiTree * T = NULL; createBiTree(T); Travese(T); PrintNodeAtLevel(T, 2); printf("\n"); PrintNodeByLevel(T); return 0; }