<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <link href="Scripts/jquery.autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="Scripts/jquery.autocomplete/jquery.js"></script> <script src="Scripts/jquery.autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.js"></script> <script> $(function () { //① 固定数据 var websites = [{ "User_LastName": "安春", "user_employeeNo": "0041", "User_UserId": 50233 }, { "User_LastName": "安国兵", "user_employeeNo": "1404", "User_UserId": 51278 }, { "User_LastName": "包小文", "user_employeeNo": "0685", "User_UserId": 50521 }]; //$("#MainContent_salesperson").autocomplete(websites, { minChars: 1, //最少输入字条 max: 12, autoFill: false, //是否选多个,用","分开 mustMatch: false, //是否全匹配, 如数据中没有此数据,将无法输入 matchContains: true, //是否全文搜索,否则只是前面作为标准 scrollHeight: 220, width: 500, multiple: false, formatItem: function (row, i, max) { //显示格式 return "<span style='width:140px'>" + row.User_LastName + "</span><span style='width:120px'>" + row.User_LastName + "</span><span style='width:120px'>" + row.User_LastName + "</span><span>" + row.User_LastName + "</span>"; }, formatMatch: function (row, i, max) { //以什么数据作为搜索关键词,可包括中文, return row.User_LastName; }, formatResult: function (row) { //返回结果 return row.User_LastName; } }); //② ajax获取后台数据 $.ajax({ contentType: "application/json", url: "../AjaxPage/GetAjax.aspx?z=GetAutoCompleteUserId_LastName", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { if (msg == null) { } else if (msg != null && msg.msg != 'login_timeout') { $("#MainContent_salesperson").autocomplete(msg, { minChars: 1, //最少输入字条 max: 12, autoFill: false, //是否选多个,用","分开 mustMatch: false, //是否全匹配, 如数据中没有此数据,将无法输入 matchContains: true, //是否全文搜索,否则只是前面作为标准 scrollHeight: 220, width: 147, multiple: false, formatItem: function (row, i, max) { //显示格式 return "<span style='width:72px;'>" + row.user_employeeNo + "</span><span style='width:72px;float:right;font-style: normal;font-weight:normal;' >" + row.User_LastName + "</span>"; }, formatMatch: function (row, i, max) { //以什么数据作为搜索关键词,可包括中文, return row.user_employeeNo + row.User_LastName; }, formatResult: function (row) { //返回结果 return row.user_employeeNo + " " + row.User_LastName; } }).result(function (event, data, formatted) { alert(data.User_UserId); //根据最终返回的数据做处理 }); } else if (msg != null && msg.msg == 'login_timeout') { alert('登入超时!'); window.location.href = '../Logout.aspx'; } } }); }); </script> </head> <body> <input id="MainContent_salesperson" type="text" /> </body> </html>
.ac_results { padding: 0px; /*border: 1px solid black;*/ border: 1px solid #C0CADD; background-color: white; overflow: hidden; z-index: 99999; } .ac_results ul { width: 100%; list-style-position: outside; list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .ac_results li { /*加*/ clear: both; margin: 0px; padding: 2px 5px; cursor: default; display: block; overflow: hidden; position: relative; /* if width will be 100% horizontal scrollbar will apear when scroll mode will be used */ /*width: 100%;*/ font: menu; font-size: 12px; /* it is very important, if line-height not setted or setted in relative units scroll will be broken in firefox */ line-height: 23px; overflow: hidden; } /*减*/ /*.ac_results li span { font-size: 12px; display: block; float: left; width: 80px; }*/ /*加*/ .ac_results li span { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 12px; } .ac_results li b { font-size: 12px; display: block; float: left; } .ac_loading { background: white url('indicator.gif') right center no-repeat; } /*.ac_odd { background-color: #eee; } .ac_over { background-color: #0A246A; color: white; }*/ .ac_odd { background-color: #F5F7FA; } .ac_over { background-color: #E1E6EF; color: #374767; }
/* * Autocomplete - jQuery plugin 1.0.2 * * Copyright (c) 2007 Dylan Verheul, Dan G. Switzer, Anjesh Tuladhar, Jörn Zaefferer * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Revision: $Id: jquery.autocomplete.js 5747 2008-06-25 18:30:55Z joern.zaefferer $ * */ ; (function ($) { $.fn.extend({ autocomplete: function (urlOrData, options) { var isUrl = typeof urlOrData == "string"; options = $.extend({}, $.Autocompleter.defaults, { url: isUrl ? urlOrData : null, data: isUrl ? null : urlOrData, delay: isUrl ? $.Autocompleter.defaults.delay : 10, max: options && !options.scroll ? 10 : 150 }, options); // if highlight is set to false, replace it with a do-nothing function options.highlight = options.highlight || function (value) { return value; }; // if the formatMatch option is not specified, then use formatItem for backwards compatibility options.formatMatch = options.formatMatch || options.formatItem; return this.each(function () { new $.Autocompleter(this, options); }); }, result: function (handler) { return this.bind("result", handler); }, search: function (handler) { return this.trigger("search", [handler]); }, flushCache: function () { return this.trigger("flushCache"); }, setOptions: function (options) { return this.trigger("setOptions", [options]); }, unautocomplete: function () { return this.trigger("unautocomplete"); } }); $.Autocompleter = function (input, options) { var KEY = { UP: 38, DOWN: 40, DEL: 46, TAB: 9, RETURN: 13, ESC: 27, COMMA: 188, PAGEUP: 33, PAGEDOWN: 34, BACKSPACE: 8 }; // Create $ object for input element var $input = $(input).attr("autocomplete", "off").addClass(options.inputClass); var timeout; var previousValue = ""; var cache = $.Autocompleter.Cache(options); var hasFocus = 0; var lastKeyPressCode; var config = { mouseDownOnSelect: false }; var select = $.Autocompleter.Select(options, input, selectCurrent, config); var blockSubmit; // prevent form submit in opera when selecting with return key $.browser.opera && $(input.form).bind("submit.autocomplete", function () { if (blockSubmit) { blockSubmit = false; return false; } }); // only opera doesn't trigger keydown multiple times while pressed, others don't work with keypress at all $input.bind(($.browser.opera ? "keypress" : "keydown") + ".autocomplete", function (event) { // track last key pressed lastKeyPressCode = event.keyCode; switch (event.keyCode) { case KEY.UP: event.preventDefault(); if (select.visible()) { select.prev(); } else { onChange(0, true); } break; case KEY.DOWN: event.preventDefault(); if (select.visible()) { select.next(); } else { onChange(0, true); } break; case KEY.PAGEUP: event.preventDefault(); if (select.visible()) { select.pageUp(); } else { onChange(0, true); } break; case KEY.PAGEDOWN: event.preventDefault(); if (select.visible()) { select.pageDown(); } else { onChange(0, true); } break; // matches also semicolon case options.multiple && $.trim(options.multipleSeparator) == "," && KEY.COMMA: case KEY.TAB: case KEY.RETURN: if (selectCurrent()) { // stop default to prevent a form submit, Opera needs special handling event.preventDefault(); blockSubmit = true; return false; } break; case KEY.ESC: select.hide(); break; default: clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(onChange, options.delay); break; } }).focus(function () { // track whether the field has focus, we shouldn't process any // results if the field no longer has focus hasFocus++; }).blur(function () { hasFocus = 0; if (!config.mouseDownOnSelect) { hideResults(); } }).click(function () { // show select when clicking in a focused field if (hasFocus++ > 1 && !select.visible()) { onChange(0, true); } }).bind("search", function () { // TODO why not just specifying both arguments? var fn = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : null; function findValueCallback(q, data) { var result; if (data && data.length) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].result.toLowerCase() == q.toLowerCase()) { result = data[i]; break; } } } if (typeof fn == "function") fn(result); else $input.trigger("result", result && [result.data, result.value]); } $.each(trimWords($input.val()), function (i, value) { request(value, findValueCallback, findValueCallback); }); }).bind("flushCache", function () { cache.flush(); }).bind("setOptions", function () { $.extend(options, arguments[1]); // if we've updated the data, repopulate if ("data" in arguments[1]) cache.populate(); }).bind("unautocomplete", function () { select.unbind(); $input.unbind(); $(input.form).unbind(".autocomplete"); }).bind("input", function () { // @hack:support for inputing chinese characters in firefox onChange(0, true); });; function selectCurrent() { var selected = select.selected(); if (!selected) return false; var v = selected.result; previousValue = v; if (options.multiple) { var words = trimWords($input.val()); if (words.length > 1) { v = words.slice(0, words.length - 1).join(options.multipleSeparator) + options.multipleSeparator + v; } v += options.multipleSeparator; } $input.val(v); hideResultsNow(); $input.trigger("result", [selected.data, selected.value]); return true; } function onChange(crap, skipPrevCheck) { if (lastKeyPressCode == KEY.DEL) { select.hide(); return; } var currentValue = $input.val(); if (!skipPrevCheck && currentValue == previousValue) return; previousValue = currentValue; currentValue = lastWord(currentValue); if (currentValue.length >= options.minChars) { $input.addClass(options.loadingClass); if (!options.matchCase) currentValue = currentValue.toLowerCase(); request(currentValue, receiveData, hideResultsNow); } else { stopLoading(); select.hide(); } }; function trimWords(value) { if (!value) { return [""]; } var words = value.split(options.multipleSeparator); var result = []; $.each(words, function (i, value) { if ($.trim(value)) result[i] = $.trim(value); }); return result; } function lastWord(value) { if (!options.multiple) return value; var words = trimWords(value); return words[words.length - 1]; } // fills in the input box w/the first match (assumed to be the best match) // q: the term entered // sValue: the first matching result function autoFill(q, sValue) { // autofill in the complete box w/the first match as long as the user hasn't entered in more data // if the last user key pressed was backspace, don't autofill if (options.autoFill && (lastWord($input.val()).toLowerCase() == q.toLowerCase()) && lastKeyPressCode != KEY.BACKSPACE) { // fill in the value (keep the case the user has typed) $input.val($input.val() + sValue.substring(lastWord(previousValue).length)); // select the portion of the value not typed by the user (so the next character will erase) $.Autocompleter.Selection(input, previousValue.length, previousValue.length + sValue.length); } }; function hideResults() { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(hideResultsNow, 200); }; function hideResultsNow() { var wasVisible = select.visible(); select.hide(); clearTimeout(timeout); stopLoading(); if (options.mustMatch) { // call search and run callback $input.search( function (result) { // if no value found, clear the input box if (!result) { if (options.multiple) { var words = trimWords($input.val()).slice(0, -1); $input.val(words.join(options.multipleSeparator) + (words.length ? options.multipleSeparator : "")); } else $input.val(""); } } ); } if (wasVisible) // position cursor at end of input field $.Autocompleter.Selection(input, input.value.length, input.value.length); }; function receiveData(q, data) { if (data && data.length && hasFocus) { stopLoading(); select.display(data, q); autoFill(q, data[0].value); select.show(); } else { hideResultsNow(); } }; function request(term, success, failure) { if (!options.matchCase) term = term.toLowerCase(); var data = cache.load(term); // recieve the cached data if (data && data.length) { success(term, data); // if an AJAX url has been supplied, try loading the data now } else if ((typeof options.url == "string") && (options.url.length > 0)) { var extraParams = { timestamp: +new Date() }; $.each(options.extraParams, function (key, param) { extraParams[key] = typeof param == "function" ? param() : param; }); $.ajax({ // try to leverage ajaxQueue plugin to abort previous requests mode: "abort", // limit abortion to this input port: "autocomplete" + input.name, dataType: options.dataType, url: options.url, data: $.extend({ q: lastWord(escape(term)),//q: lastWord(term), //在这里修改识别中文 limit: options.max }, extraParams), success: function (data) { var parsed = options.parse && options.parse(data) || parse(data); cache.add(term, parsed); success(term, parsed); } }); } else { // if we have a failure, we need to empty the list -- this prevents the the [TAB] key from selecting the last successful match select.emptyList(); failure(term); } }; function parse(data) { var parsed = []; var rows = data.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = $.trim(rows[i]); if (row) { row = row.split("|"); parsed[parsed.length] = { data: row, value: row[0], result: options.formatResult && options.formatResult(row, row[0]) || row[0] }; } } return parsed; }; function stopLoading() { $input.removeClass(options.loadingClass); }; }; $.Autocompleter.defaults = { inputClass: "ac_input", resultsClass: "ac_results", loadingClass: "ac_loading", minChars: 1, delay: 400, matchCase: false, matchSubset: true, matchContains: false, cacheLength: 10, max: 100, mustMatch: false, extraParams: {}, selectFirst: true, formatItem: function (row) { return row[0]; }, formatMatch: null, autoFill: false, width: 0, multiple: false, multipleSeparator: ",", highlight: function (value, term) { //<strong>$1</strong> 这段代码 导致第二个参数第一个字变粗 //return value.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term.replace(/([\^\$\(\)\[\]\{\}\*\.\+\?\|\\])/gi, "\\$1") + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"), "<strong>$1</strong>"); return value.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" + term.replace(/([\^\$\(\)\[\]\{\}\*\.\+\?\|\\])/gi, "\\$1") + ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"), "$1"); }, scroll: true, scrollHeight: 180 }; $.Autocompleter.Cache = function (options) { var data = {}; var length = 0; function matchSubset(s, sub) { if (!options.matchCase) s = s.toLowerCase(); var i = s.indexOf(sub); if (i == -1) return false; return i == 0 || options.matchContains; }; function add(q, value) { if (length > options.cacheLength) { flush(); } if (!data[q]) { length++; } data[q] = value; } function populate() { if (!options.data) return false; // track the matches var stMatchSets = {}, nullData = 0; // no url was specified, we need to adjust the cache length to make sure it fits the local data store if (!options.url) options.cacheLength = 1; // track all options for minChars = 0 stMatchSets[""] = []; // loop through the array and create a lookup structure for (var i = 0, ol = options.data.length; i < ol; i++) { var rawValue = options.data[i]; // if rawValue is a string, make an array otherwise just reference the array rawValue = (typeof rawValue == "string") ? [rawValue] : rawValue; var value = options.formatMatch(rawValue, i + 1, options.data.length); if (value === false) continue; var firstChar = value.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); // if no lookup array for this character exists, look it up now if (!stMatchSets[firstChar]) stMatchSets[firstChar] = []; // if the match is a string var row = { value: value, data: rawValue, result: options.formatResult && options.formatResult(rawValue) || value }; // push the current match into the set list stMatchSets[firstChar].push(row); // keep track of minChars zero items if (nullData++ < options.max) { stMatchSets[""].push(row); } }; // add the data items to the cache $.each(stMatchSets, function (i, value) { // increase the cache size options.cacheLength++; // add to the cache add(i, value); }); } // populate any existing data setTimeout(populate, 25); function flush() { data = {}; length = 0; } return { flush: flush, add: add, populate: populate, load: function (q) { if (!options.cacheLength || !length) return null; /* * if dealing w/local data and matchContains than we must make sure * to loop through all the data collections looking for matches */ if (!options.url && options.matchContains) { // track all matches var csub = []; // loop through all the data grids for matches for (var k in data) { // don't search through the stMatchSets[""] (minChars: 0) cache // this prevents duplicates if (k.length > 0) { var c = data[k]; $.each(c, function (i, x) { // if we've got a match, add it to the array if (matchSubset(x.value, q)) { csub.push(x); } }); } } return csub; } else // if the exact item exists, use it if (data[q]) { return data[q]; } else if (options.matchSubset) { for (var i = q.length - 1; i >= options.minChars; i--) { var c = data[q.substr(0, i)]; if (c) { var csub = []; $.each(c, function (i, x) { if (matchSubset(x.value, q)) { csub[csub.length] = x; } }); return csub; } } } return null; } }; }; $.Autocompleter.Select = function (options, input, select, config) { var CLASSES = { ACTIVE: "ac_over" }; var listItems, active = -1, data, term = "", needsInit = true, element, list; // Create results function init() { if (!needsInit) return; element = $("<div/>") .hide() .addClass(options.resultsClass) .css("position", "absolute") .appendTo(document.body); list = $("<ul/>").appendTo(element).mouseover(function (event) { if (target(event).nodeName && target(event).nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'LI') { active = $("li", list).removeClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE).index(target(event)); $(target(event)).addClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); } }).click(function (event) { $(target(event)).addClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); select(); // TODO provide option to avoid setting focus again after selection? useful for cleanup-on-focus input.focus(); return false; }).mousedown(function () { config.mouseDownOnSelect = true; }).mouseup(function () { config.mouseDownOnSelect = false; }); if (options.width > 0) element.css("width", options.width); needsInit = false; } function target(event) { var element = event.target; while (element && element.tagName != "LI") element = element.parentNode; // more fun with IE, sometimes event.target is empty, just ignore it then if (!element) return []; return element; } function moveSelect(step) { listItems.slice(active, active + 1).removeClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); movePosition(step); var activeItem = listItems.slice(active, active + 1).addClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); if (options.scroll) { var offset = 0; listItems.slice(0, active).each(function () { offset += this.offsetHeight; }); if ((offset + activeItem[0].offsetHeight - list.scrollTop()) > list[0].clientHeight) { list.scrollTop(offset + activeItem[0].offsetHeight - list.innerHeight()); } else if (offset < list.scrollTop()) { list.scrollTop(offset); } } }; function movePosition(step) { active += step; if (active < 0) { active = listItems.size() - 1; } else if (active >= listItems.size()) { active = 0; } } function limitNumberOfItems(available) { return options.max && options.max < available ? options.max : available; } function fillList() { list.empty(); var max = limitNumberOfItems(data.length); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (!data[i]) continue; var formatted = options.formatItem(data[i].data, i + 1, max, data[i].value, term); if (formatted === false) continue; var li = $("<li/>").html(options.highlight(formatted, term)).addClass(i % 2 == 0 ? "ac_even" : "ac_odd").appendTo(list)[0]; $.data(li, "ac_data", data[i]); } listItems = list.find("li"); if (options.selectFirst) { listItems.slice(0, 1).addClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); active = 0; } // apply bgiframe if available if ($.fn.bgiframe) list.bgiframe(); } return { display: function (d, q) { init(); data = d; term = q; fillList(); }, next: function () { moveSelect(1); }, prev: function () { moveSelect(-1); }, pageUp: function () { if (active != 0 && active - 8 < 0) { moveSelect(-active); } else { moveSelect(-8); } }, pageDown: function () { if (active != listItems.size() - 1 && active + 8 > listItems.size()) { moveSelect(listItems.size() - 1 - active); } else { moveSelect(8); } }, hide: function () { element && element.hide(); listItems && listItems.removeClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); active = -1; }, visible: function () { return element && element.is(":visible"); }, current: function () { return this.visible() && (listItems.filter("." + CLASSES.ACTIVE)[0] || options.selectFirst && listItems[0]); }, show: function () { var offset = $(input).offset(); element.css({ width: typeof options.width == "string" || options.width > 0 ? options.width : $(input).width(), top: offset.top + input.offsetHeight, left: offset.left }).show(); if (options.scroll) { list.scrollTop(0); list.css({ maxHeight: options.scrollHeight, overflow: 'hidden' }); if ($.browser.msie && typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { var listHeight = 0; listItems.each(function () { listHeight += this.offsetHeight; }); var scrollbarsVisible = listHeight > options.scrollHeight; list.css('height', scrollbarsVisible ? options.scrollHeight : listHeight); if (!scrollbarsVisible) { // IE doesn't recalculate width when scrollbar disappears listItems.width(list.width() - parseInt(listItems.css("padding-left")) - parseInt(listItems.css("padding-right"))); } } } }, selected: function () { var selected = listItems && listItems.filter("." + CLASSES.ACTIVE).removeClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE); return selected && selected.length && $.data(selected[0], "ac_data"); }, emptyList: function () { list && list.empty(); }, unbind: function () { element && element.remove(); } }; }; $.Autocompleter.Selection = function (field, start, end) { if (field.createTextRange) { var selRange = field.createTextRange(); selRange.collapse(true); selRange.moveStart("character", start); selRange.moveEnd("character", end); selRange.select(); } else if (field.setSelectionRange) { field.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else { if (field.selectionStart) { field.selectionStart = start; field.selectionEnd = end; } } field.focus(); }; })(jQuery);
jquery autocomplete ajax获取动态数据,兼容各浏览器,支持中文