// ==UserScript== // @name HotKey Next Page // @namespace scottxp@126.com // @author scottxp // @version 1.0 // @description 按左右键翻页,可以自己针对网站定制xpath规则 // @include http://* // @include https://* // Modified by Starrow. // 1. Add the detection of contenteditable div used as textarea in HTML 5. // 2. Remove the reference to unsafeWindow, which is unnecessary and doesn‘t work since Firefox 30. // ==/UserScript== const nextStrs = [ ‘下一页‘, ‘下页‘, ‘下一节‘, ‘下一章‘, ‘下一篇‘, ‘后一章‘, ‘后一篇‘, ‘?‘, ‘next‘, ‘next page‘, ‘old‘, ‘older‘, ‘earlier‘, ‘下頁‘, ‘下一頁‘, ‘后一页‘, ‘后一頁‘, ‘下一則‘, ‘翻下页‘, ‘翻下頁‘, ‘后页‘, ‘后頁‘, ‘下翻‘, ‘下一个‘, ‘下一张‘, ‘下一幅‘, ‘Next >‘ ]; const lastStrs = [ ‘上一页‘, ‘上页‘, ‘上一节‘, ‘上一章‘, ‘上一篇‘, ‘前一章‘, ‘前一篇‘, ‘?‘, ‘previous‘, ‘prev‘, ‘previous page‘, ‘new‘, ‘newer‘, ‘later‘, ‘上頁‘, ‘上一頁‘, ‘上一則‘, ‘前一页‘, ‘前一頁‘, ‘翻上页‘, ‘翻上頁‘, ‘前页‘, ‘前頁‘, ‘上翻‘, ‘上一个‘, ‘上一张‘, ‘上一幅‘, ‘< Prev‘ ]; const GeneralXpaths = [ ["//a[(text()=‘","‘)]"], ["//input[@type=‘button‘ and @value=‘","‘]"] ]; //编辑下面的数组来自定义规则 const SpecialXpaths = [ { //匹配的url urls : [ "http://www.google.com" ], //上一页节点的xpath last : "//a[@id=‘pnprev‘]", //下一页节点的xpath next : "//a[@id=‘pnnext‘]" } ]; const LEFT = 37; const RIGHT = 39; function checkKey(e){ if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ) return ; if(checkTextArea(e.target)) return ; var node; if(e.keyCode == LEFT && (node = getNode(LEFT))){ click(node); } if(e.keyCode == RIGHT && (node = getNode(RIGHT))){ click(node); } } function checkTextArea(node){ var name = node.localName.toLowerCase(); if (name == ‘textarea‘ || name == ‘input‘ || name == ‘select‘) return true; if(name == ‘div‘ && node.id.toLowerCase().indexOf(‘textarea‘)!=-1) return true; //Add new textarea which are div with contenteditable being true. //contenteditable is new in HTML 5 and supported in all major browsers. //In case contenteditable is supported but cannot be read via DOM, use attributes["contenteditable"].value. if (node.contenteditable===true || (node.attributes["contenteditable"] && node.attributes["contenteditable"].value==="true")) { return true; } return false; } function click(node){ if(node.onclick) node.onclick(); if(node.click) node.click(); if(node.href) location.href = node.href; } function xpath(query) { return document.evaluate(query, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); } function getNode(keyCode){ var node = getNodeByGeneralXpath(keyCode) if (!node) node = getNodeBySpecialXpath(keyCode); return node; } function getNodeByGeneralXpath(keyCode){ var strs; if(keyCode == LEFT) strs = lastStrs; else if(keyCode == RIGHT) strs = nextStrs; else return null; var x = GeneralXpaths; for (var i in x){ for (var j in strs){ var query = x[i][0]+strs[j]+x[i][1]; var nodes = xpath(query); if(nodes.snapshotLength > 0) return nodes.snapshotItem(0); } } return null; } function getNodeBySpecialXpath(keyCode){ var s = SpecialXpaths; for (var i in s){ if(checkXpathUrl(s[i].urls)){ if (keyCode == LEFT){ return xpath(s[i].last).snapshotItem(0); } else if(keyCode == RIGHT){ return xpath(s[i].next).snapshotItem(0); } } } return null; } function checkXpathUrl(urls){ for(var i in urls) if(location.href.indexOf(urls[i]) == 0) return true; return false; } if (top.location != self.location) return; document.addEventListener(‘keydown‘, checkKey, false);