9i下 --多行 with temp as (select ‘6001600301,6001600302,6001600303,6001600304‘ text from dual union select ‘7001600301,7001600302,7001600303‘ text from dual ) select substr(text,instr(text,‘,‘,1,rn)+1,instr(text,‘,‘,1,rn+1)-instr(text,‘,‘,1,rn)-1) text from ( select ‘,‘||t1.text||‘,‘ text,t2.rn from (select text,length(text)-length(replace(text,‘,‘,‘‘))+1 rn from temp) t1, (select rownum rn from all_objects where rownum <= (select max(length(text)-length(replace(text,‘,‘,‘‘))+1) rn from temp)) t2 where t1.rn >= t2.rn order by text,rn ) TEXT 6001600301 6001600302 6001600303 6001600304 7001600301 7001600302 7001600303 --单行 with temp as (select ‘6001600301,6001600302,6001600303,6001600304‘ text from dual) select substr(text,instr(text,‘,‘,1,rn)+1,instr(text,‘,‘,1,rn+1)-instr(text,‘,‘,1,rn)-1) text from ( select ‘,‘||t1.text||‘,‘ text,t2.rn from temp t1, (select rownum rn from all_objects where rownum <= (select length(text)-length(replace(text,‘,‘,‘‘))+1 from temp)) t2 ) TEXT 6001600301 6001600302 6001600303 6001600304 10G下 --多行 with temp as (select ‘6001600301,6001600302,6001600303,6001600304‘ text from dual union select ‘7001600301,7001600302,7001600303‘ text from dual ) select regexp_substr(text,‘[0-9]+‘,1,rn) text from ( select t1.text,t2.rn from (select text,length(text)-length(replace(text,‘,‘,‘‘))+1 rn from temp) t1, (select level rn from dual connect by rownum <= (select max(length(text)-length(replace(text,‘,‘,‘‘))+1) rn from temp)) t2 where t1.rn >= t2.rn order by text,rn ) TEXT 6001600301 6001600302 6001600303 6001600304 7001600301 7001600302 7001600303 --单行 with temp as (select ‘6001600301,6001600302,6001600303,6001600304‘ text from dual) select regexp_substr(text,‘[0-9]+‘,1,rn) text from temp t1, (select level rn from dual connect by rownum <= (select length(text)-length(replace(text,‘,‘,‘‘))+1 from temp)) t2 TEXT 6001600301 6001600302 6001600303 6001600304 |