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osgDB Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgDB library provides support for reading and writing scene graphs, providing a plugin framework and file utility classes.

The plugin framework in centered around the osgDB::Registry, and allows plugins which provide specific file format support to be dynamically loaded on demand. 




osgViewer Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgViewer library provides high level viewer functionality designed to make it easier to write a range of different types of viewers, from viewers embedded in existing windows via SimpleViewer, through to highly scalable and flexible Viewer and Composite classes.

A set of event handlers add functionality to these viewers so that you can rapidly compose the viewer functionality tailored to your needs. Finally the viewer classes can be adapted to work with a range of different window toolkit API‘s via GraphicsWindow implementations, with native Win32, X11 and Carbon implementations on Windows, Unices and OSX respectively, and other window toolkits such as WxWidgets, Qt etc. 







osg Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The core osg library provides the basic scene graph classes such as Nodes, State and Drawables, and maths and general helper classes. 


osgAnimation Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgAnimation library provides general purpose utility classes for animation. 


osgFX Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgFX library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to provide a special effects framework.

osgFX‘s framework allows multiple rendering techniques to be provide for each effect, thereby provide the use appropriate rendering techniques for each different class of graphics hardware, i.e. support for both modern programmable graphics hardware and still have standard OpenGL 1.1 support as a fallback. 




osgGA Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The ‘GA‘ in osgGA stands for ‘GUI Abstraction‘; the osgGA namespace provides facilities to help developers write the glue to allow the osg to work with varying window systems.

As a cross-platform, window system-agnostic class library, the OpenSceneGraph has no direct ties to any given windowing environment. Viewers, however, must at some level interact with a window system - where Window system may refer to a windowing API, e.g. GLUT, Qt, FLTK, MFC, ...

There is much commonality in the implementation of Viewers for varying windowing environments. E.g. most Viewers will update a Camera position in response to a mouse event, and may request that a timer be started as a result of a model being ‘spun‘.

The purpose of the osgGA namespace is to centralise the common areas of this functionality. The viewer writer needs then only write a GUIEventAdapter, a GUIActionAdapter, and assemble a collection of GUIEventHandlers as appropriate for the viewer.

Events from the windowing environment are adpated, and then fed into the GUIEventHandlers. The GUIEventHandlers analyse and take action, and make requests of the windowing environemnt via the GUIActionAdapter. The viewer writer should then honour these requests, translating them into calls to the windowing API. 

osgGA中的GA代表GUI Abstraction,osgGA命名空间提供设施,使开发者能够使用osg和不同的窗口系统一起工作。




也或者响应一个 计时器来开始对一个模型“旋转“。





osgManipulator Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgManipulator library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to support 3D interactive manipulators. 


osgParticle Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgParticle library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to support particle effects. 

osgQt Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgQt utility library provides various classes to aid the integration of OpenSceneGraph and Qt. 

osgShadow Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgShadow library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to add support for a range of shadow techniques. 

osgSim Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgSim library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to support nodes and drawables that specific to the visual simulation, such a navigational light point support and OpenFlight style degrees of freedom transform. 


osgTerrain Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgTerrain library is a NodeKit that provides geospecifc terrain rendering support. 

osgTerrain库是一个结点工具吧来 提供物理地形渲染支持。

osgText Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgText library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to support high quality text. 

osgUtil Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgUtil library provides general purpose utility classes such as update, cull and draw traverses, scene graph operators such a scene graph optimisation, tri stripping, and tessellation. 


osgVolume Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgVolume library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to support volume rendering. 

osgWidget Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The osgWidget library is a NodeKit that extends the core scene graph to support a 2D (and eventually 3D) GUI widget set. 



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