Recently, Mr. Xie learn the concept of happy number. A happy number is a number contain all digit 7 or only 1 digit other than 7. For example, 777 is a happy number because 777 contail all digit 7, 7177 and 87777 both happy number because only 1 digit other than 7. Whereas 887,799 9807,12345, all of them are not happy number. Now Mr. xie want to know for a given integer n, how many number among [1,n] are happy numbers, but counting them one by one is slow, can you help him?
First line an integer t indicate there are t testcases(1≤t≤100). Then t lines follow, each line an integer n(1≤n≤106, n don‘t have leading zero).
Output case number first, then the answer.
5 1 7 17 20 30
Case 1: 1 Case 2: 7 Case 3: 10 Case 4: 10 Case 5: 11
#include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" const int maxn=1000000+10; int a[maxn]; void init() //打表枚举 { int i; for(i=0;i<=9;i++) //这里今天做的时候卡在这了,把i的值设为了1,后来检查这个错误查了好久,最后看数据少了几个,才发现这里错了; { //有最后一位为0的情况没有考虑到 a[i]=1; a[i*10+7]=1; //二位的情况 a[7*10+i]=1; a[i*100+7*10+7]=1;//三位 a[7*100+i*10+7]=1; a[7*100+7*10+i]=1; a[i*1000+7*100+7*10+7]=1;//四位 a[7*1000+i*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*1000+7*100+i*10+7]=1; a[7*1000+7*100+7*10+i]=1; a[i*10000+7*1000+7*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*10000+i*1000+7*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*10000+7*1000+i*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*10000+7*1000+7*100+i*10+7]=1; a[7*10000+7*1000+7*100+7*10+i]=1; a[i*100000+7*10000+7*1000+7*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*100000+i*10000+7*1000+7*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*100000+7*10000+i*1000+7*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*100000+7*10000+7*1000+i*100+7*10+7]=1; a[7*100000+7*10000+7*1000+7*100+i*10+7]=1; a[7*100000+7*10000+7*1000+7*100+7*10+i]=1; } } int main() { memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); init(); int t,i,count,n,j; scanf("%d",&t); for(i=1;i<=t;i++) { count=0; scanf("%d",&n); for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { if(a[j]==1) count++; } printf("Case %d: ",i); printf("%d\n",count); } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { // freopen("a.txt","r",stdin); int t, n, i, j; int p[200] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,27,37,47,57,67,70,71,72, 73,74,75,76,77,78,79,87,97,177,277,377,477,577, 677,707,717,727,737,747,757,767,770,771,772,773, 774,775,776,777,778,779,787,797,877,977,1777,2777, 3777,4777,5777,6777,7077,7177,7277,7377,7477,7577,7677, 7707,7717,7727,7737,7747,7757,7767,7770,7771,7772,7773,7774, 7775,7776,7777,7778,7779,7787,7797,7877,7977,8777,9777,17777, 27777,37777,47777,57777,67777,70777,71777,72777,73777,74777,75777, 76777,77077,77177,77277,77377,77477,77577,77677,77707,77717,77727, 77737,77747,77757,77767,77770,77771,77772,77773,77774,77775,77776, 77777,77778,77779,77787,77797,77877,77977,78777,79777,87777,97777, 177777,277777,377777,477777,577777,677777,707777,717777,727777,737777, 747777,757777,767777,770777,771777,772777,773777,774777,775777,776777, 777077,777177,777277,777377,777477,777577,777677,777707,777717,777727, 777737,777747,777757,777767,777770,777771,777772,777773,777774,777775, 777776,777777,777778,777779,777787,777797,777877,777977,778777,779777, 787777,797777,877777,977777}; cin >> t; for(i = 1; i <= t; ++ i) { cin >> n; for(j = 0; p[j] <= n && j < 189; ++ j); printf("Case %d: %d\n",i,j); } return 0; }
XTU OJ 1210 Happy Number (暴力+打表)