1 void GUI_DispString(const char GUI_UNI_PTR *s) { 2 int xAdjust, yAdjust, xOrg; 3 int FontSizeY; 4 if (!s) 5 return; 6 GUI_LOCK(); 7 FontSizeY = GUI_GetFontDistY(); //获取字体的高度 8 xOrg = GUI_Context.DispPosX; //获取当前显示的x坐标 9 /* Adjust vertical position */ 10 yAdjust = GUI_GetYAdjust(); 11 GUI_Context.DispPosY -= yAdjust; //根据Y方向上的对齐方式对y进行调整 12 for (; *s; s++) { 13 GUI_RECT r; 14 int LineNumChars = GUI__GetLineNumChars(s, 0x7fff); //当前一行要显示几个字符 15 int xLineSize = GUI__GetLineDistX(s, LineNumChars); //当前一行在x方向上的像素数 16 /* Check if x-position needs to be changed due to h-alignment */ 17 switch (GUI_Context.TextAlign & GUI_TA_HORIZONTAL) { 18 case GUI_TA_CENTER: xAdjust = xLineSize / 2; break; 19 case GUI_TA_RIGHT: xAdjust = xLineSize; break; 20 default: xAdjust = 0; 21 } 22 /* 计算出每一行显示内容的矩形区域 */ 23 r.x0 = GUI_Context.DispPosX -= xAdjust; //根据水平方向的对齐方式对x坐标进行调整 24 r.x1 = r.x0 + xLineSize - 1; 25 r.y0 = GUI_Context.DispPosY; 26 r.y1 = r.y0 + FontSizeY - 1; 27 28 GUI__DispLine(s, LineNumChars, &r); //以计算好的矩形区域显示当前行字符 29 GUI_Context.DispPosY = r.y0; 30 s += GUI_UC__NumChars2NumBytes(s, LineNumChars); //从第一个字符开始,地址加1,可以遍历整行字符串 31 if ((*s == ‘\n‘) || (*s == ‘\r‘)) { 32 switch (GUI_Context.TextAlign & GUI_TA_HORIZONTAL) { 33 case GUI_TA_CENTER: 34 case GUI_TA_RIGHT: 35 GUI_Context.DispPosX = xOrg; 36 break; 37 default: 38 GUI_Context.DispPosX = GUI_Context.LBorder; 39 break; 40 } 41 if (*s == ‘\n‘) 42 GUI_Context.DispPosY += FontSizeY; 43 } else { 44 GUI_Context.DispPosX = r.x0 + xLineSize; 45 } 46 if (*s == 0) /* end of string (last line) reached ? */ 47 break; 48 } 49 GUI_Context.DispPosY += yAdjust; // 50 GUI_Context.TextAlign &= ~GUI_TA_HORIZONTAL; // 51 GUI_UNLOCK(); 52 }
<1> 获取选择字体的高度、宽度
<2> 从所传字符串参数中,依次读出一行的字符数,最终得到一行显示所对应的矩形区域
<3> 将一行所得到的详细信息传给行显示函数,行显示函数会从字库中找到匹配的字依次将一行的字符进行显示,完成一行的显示
<4> 如果不是只有一行,重新计算下一行显示的坐标,重复<1、2、3>的工作,直到将字符串显示完毕。
struct GUI_CONTEXT { /* Variables in LCD module */ LCD_COLORINDEX_UNION LCD; LCD_RECT ClipRect; U8 DrawMode; U8 SelLayer; U8 TextStyle; /* Variables in GL module */ GUI_RECT* pClipRect_HL; /* High level clip rectangle ... Speed optimization so drawing routines can optimize */ U8 PenSize; U8 PenShape; U8 LineStyle; U8 FillStyle; /* Variables in GUICHAR module */ const GUI_FONT GUI_UNI_PTR * pAFont; //指向当前选择的字体 #if GUI_SUPPORT_UNICODE const GUI_UC_ENC_APILIST * pUC_API; /* Unicode encoding API */ #endif I16P LBorder; I16P DispPosX, DispPosY; I16P DrawPosX, DrawPosY; I16P TextMode, TextAlign; //对齐方式 GUI_COLOR Color, BkColor; /* Required only when changing devices and for speed opt (caching) */ /* Variables in WM module */ #if GUI_WINSUPPORT const GUI_RECT* WM__pUserClipRect; GUI_HWIN hAWin; int xOff, yOff; #endif /* Variables in MEMDEV module (with memory devices only) */ #if GUI_SUPPORT_DEVICES const tLCDDEV_APIList* pDeviceAPI; /* function pointers only */ GUI_HMEM hDevData; GUI_RECT ClipRectPrev; #endif /* Variables in Anitaliasing module */ #if GUI_SUPPORT_AA const tLCD_HL_APIList* pLCD_HL; /* Required to reroute drawing (HLine & Pixel) to the AA module */ U8 AA_Factor; U8 AA_HiResEnable; #endif };
struct GUI_FONT { GUI_DISPCHAR* pfDispChar; //显示一个属于当前字库字符的函数 GUI_GETCHARDISTX* pfGetCharDistX; //获取字库中某字符的宽度 GUI_GETFONTINFO* pfGetFontInfo; //获取字库信息 GUI_ISINFONT* pfIsInFont; //查询字库中是否存在此字符 const tGUI_ENC_APIList* pafEncode; // U8 YSize; //高度 U8 YDist; //对应的像素点 U8 XMag; //X方向上的放大系数 U8 YMag; //Y方向上的放大系数 union { //此共用体主要是提供字库数据的访问地址, //对于不同的字库,其从字库中查找字模的方法,是不一样的 //这里主要分成三种情况,对应三种类型的指针 const void GUI_UNI_PTR * pFontData; const GUI_FONT_MONO GUI_UNI_PTR * pMono; const GUI_FONT_PROP GUI_UNI_PTR * pProp; } p; U8 Baseline; // U8 LHeight; /* height of a small lower case character (a,x) */ //小写高度 U8 CHeight; /* height of a small upper case character (A,X) */ //大写高度 };