?? --27663 /*select count(1) from ap_invoice_distributions_all;*/ SELECT h.batch_id 批id, aba.batch_name 批名, h.org_id ou, ood.organization_name 业务实体, h.invoice_type_lookup_code INVOICE类型, pha.segment1 po编号, ass.vendor_name 贸易伙伴, ass.segment1 供应商编号, assa.vendor_site_code 供应商地点编码, assa.address_line1 供应商地点名称, h.invoice_date INVOICE日期, h.invoice_num INVOICE编号, h.invoice_currency_code INVOICE币种, h.invoice_amount INVOICE额, h.amount_paid 已付金额, h.total_tax_amount 税额, h.gl_date gl日期, h.attribute3 成本中心编码, department.description 成本中心, cux_flex_pkg.get_gl_flexfields(p_ccid => h.accts_pay_code_combination_id, p_return => ‘A‘) 负债账户, d.line_type_lookup_code 行类型代码, alc.description 行类型说明, d.amount, cux_flex_pkg.get_gl_flexfields(p_ccid => d.dist_code_combination_id, p_return => ‘A‘) 账户, d.created_by, us.user_name, d.creation_date FROM ap_invoices_all h, ap_invoice_distributions_all d, ap_batches_all aba, org_organization_definitions ood, po_headers_all pha, ap_suppliers ass, ap_supplier_sites_all assa, ap_lookup_codes alc, fnd_user us, (SELECT ffvt.description, ffv.flex_value FROM fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs, fnd_flex_values ffv, fnd_flex_values_tl ffvt WHERE ffvs.flex_value_set_id = ffv.flex_value_set_id AND ffv.flex_value_id = ffvt.flex_value_id AND ffvt.language = ‘ZHS‘ AND ffv.summary_flag = ‘N‘ AND ffv.enabled_flag = ‘Y‘ AND ffvs.flex_value_set_name = ‘BZ_DEPARTMENT‘) department WHERE h.invoice_id = d.invoice_id AND h.batch_id = aba.batch_id AND ood.organization_id = h.org_id AND h.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id(+) AND ass.vendor_id = assa.vendor_id AND ass.vendor_id = h.vendor_id AND assa.vendor_site_id = h.vendor_site_id AND h.attribute3 = department.flex_value AND alc.lookup_type = ‘INVOICE DISTRIBUTION TYPE‘ AND alc.lookup_code = d.line_type_lookup_code and us.user_id = d.created_by --AND h.gl_date >= to_date(‘2014-01-01‘, ‘YYYY-MM-DD‘) AND h.gl_date < to_date(‘2014-02-01‘, ‘YYYY-MM-DD‘) SELECT ood.organization_name 公司, vendor.segment1 供应商, vendor.address_line1 供应商地址, vendor.vendor_site_code 供应商地点, h.invoice_type_lookup_code INVOICE类型, SUM(nvl(h.invoice_amount, 0)) INVOICE金额, SUM(nvl(h.amount_paid, 0)) 已付款金额, SUM(nvl(h.invoice_amount, 0)) - SUM(nvl(h.amount_paid, 0)) 应付金额 FROM ap_invoices_all h, org_organization_definitions ood, (SELECT h.segment1, l.address_line1, l.vendor_site_id, l.vendor_site_code FROM ap_supplier_sites_all l, ap_suppliers h WHERE l.vendor_id = h.vendor_id) vendor WHERE h.org_id = ood.organization_id AND h.vendor_site_id = vendor.vendor_site_id GROUP BY ood.organization_name, vendor.segment1, vendor.vendor_site_code, vendor.address_line1, h.invoice_type_lookup_code; /*\* AND ass.vendor_id = assa.vendor_id AND ass.vendor_id = h.vendor_id AND assa.vendor_site_id = h.vendor_site_id* \* minus select l.invoice_id from ap_invoices_all l* \* select *from ap_invoices_all l where \*l.vendor_id is null or*\ l.vendor_site_id is null* SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ap_invoices_all h WHERE h.vendor_site_id > 0 GROUP BY h.org_id, h.vendor_id, h.vendor_site_id, h.invoice_type_lookup_code*/