3.1什么是指令跟踪(轨迹)?(What is an instruction trace?)
An instruction trace for a program is the sequence of instructions that execute for that process.一个进程运行指令的序列称作指令轨迹。
3.2通常哪些事件会导致创建一个进程?(What common events lead to the creation of a process?
New batch job;interactive logon;created by OS to provide a service;spawned by existing process.新的批处理作业;交互登陆(终端用户登陆到系统);操作系统因为提供一项服务而创建;由现有的进程派生。
3.3对于图3.6中模型,简单的定义每个状态。Briefly define each state.
Running:The process that is currently being executed.Ready:A process that is prepared(准备) to execute when given the opportunity.Blocked:A process that cannot execute until some event occurs(发生), such as the completion(完成) of an I/O operation.New:A process that has just been created but has not yet been admitted(承认) to the pool of executable processes by the operating system.Exit:A process that has been released from the pool of executable processes by the operating system, either because it halted(停止) or because it aborted for some reason.
3.4抢占一个进程是什么意思?What does it mean to preempt a process?
Process preemption occurs when an executing process is interrupted by the processor so that another process can be executed.进程抢占发生在一个正在运行的进程被处理器中断然后让另一个进程运行。
3.5什么是交换,其目的是什么?What is swapping and what is itspurpose?
Swapping involves(包含) moving part or all of a process from main memory to disk.When none of the processes in main memory is in the Ready state, the operating system swaps one of the blocked processes out onto disk into a suspend(挂起) queue, so that another process may be brought into main memory to execute.
3.6为什么图3.9b有两个阻塞态?Why does Figure3.9 has two Blocked states?
There are two independent(独立的) concepts(概念):whether a process is waiting on an event(blocked or not), and whether a process has been swapped out of main memory(suspended or not).
3.7列出挂起进程的四个特点。List four characteristics of a suspended process.
1.The process is not immediately available for execution.2.The process may or may not be waiting on an event.If it is, this blocked condition is independent of the suspend condition, and occurrence of the blocking event does not enable the process to be executed.3.The process was placed in a suspended state by an agent;either itself, a parent process, or the operating system, for the purpose(目的) of preventing(防止) its execution.4.The process may not be removed from this state until the agent explicitly(明确地) orders the removal(移动).1.进程不会立即执行2.进程可能等待一个事件的发生,如果在等待,阻塞条件和挂起条件是相互独立的,并且阻塞等待事件的发生不会让进程可执行。3.进程被一个代理置为挂起的状态,这个代理可以是它自己,一个父进程或者操作系统,其目的是防止其运行。4.直到这个进程在这个代理明确地命令移动状态,这个进程才会改变状态。(这个进程需要显示的去申请解除挂起状态)。
3.8对于哪类实体,操作系统为了管理它而维护其信息表?For what types of entities does the operating system maintain tables of information for management purposes?
The OS maintains tables for entities related to memory, I/O,files, and process.
3.9列出进程控制块中的三类信息。List three general(一般) categories(类别) of information in a process control block.
Process identification(标识符), processor state information, and process control informations.
3.10为什么需要两种模式(用户态和内核态)?Why are two modes (user and kernel) needed?
The user mode has restrictions(限制) on the instructions that can be executed and the memory areas that can be accessed. This is to protect the operating system from damage or alteration(改变). In kernel mode, the operating system does not have this restrictions, so that it can perform(执行) its tasks.
3.11为了创建一个进程操作系统执行哪些步骤?What are the steps performed by an operating system to create a new process?
1.Assign a unique process identifier to the new process.2.Allocate space for the process.3.Initialize the process control block.4.Set the appropriate linkages.5.Create or expand other data structures. 1.给进程分配一个唯一的标识符。2.为进程分配空间。3.初始化进程控制块。4.设置正确的连接(例如操作系统把每个调度队列保存成链表,则新进程必须放置在就绪或就绪/挂起队列)。5.创建或扩充其他数据结构。
3.12中断和陷阱有什么区别?What is the difference between an interrupt and a trap?
An interrupt is due to some sort of event that is external to an independent of the currently running process, such as the completion of an I/O operation.A trap relates to an error or exception condition generated within the currently running process, such as an illegal(非法的) file access attempt(试图).
3.13举出中断的三个例子。Give three examples of an interrupt.
Clock interrupt, I/O interrupt, memory fault.
3.14模式切换和进程切换有什么区别?What is the difference between a mode switch and a process switch?
A mode switch may occur without changing the state of the process that is currently in the Running state. A process switch involves taking the currently executing process out of the Running state in favor of another process.The process switch involves saving more state information.