SAP高级开发工程师 范德成
1. 要为复杂的函数接口写清晰的注释。
2. 注释中要写清楚重要的细节。
3. 注释本身不要有冗余信息。
4. 注释要随时更新。
5. 当遇到复杂的、不直观的实现时,也要为实现写注释。
6. 要为简化、抽象和缩写的变量名或函数名,注释其全称及其含义。
7. 不要为不言自明的代码加注释。
8. 不要为频繁变化的代码写冗余的注释。
bool MergeSort<T>(T[] array, int begin, int len, IComparer<T> comparer) { }
/// <summary> /// Performs merge sort on a part of an array with a comparer. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">the type of members in the array to be sorted</param> /// <param name="array">the array to sort</param> /// <param name="begin">the beginning index of the part in the array to be sorted</param> /// <param name="len">the length of the part in the array to be sorted</param> /// <param name="comparer">the comparer used to compare elements in the array; see documentation on <see cref="System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<T>">IComparer</see> for more information</param> /// <returns> /// Whether the part of the array is already sorted. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// <para>This method checks whether the specified part of the source array is already sorted. If it is already sorted, the method returns true directly without changing the array. Otherwise, it sorts the part and returns false.</para> /// <para>This method performs stable sort on the specified part of the array.</para> /// <para>After calling this method, the range of the array from position <paramref name="begin" /> and of length <paramref name="len" /> is sorted.</para> /// <para>The time complexity of this method is O(n log n), where n is the length of the part being sorted.</para> /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.IndexOutOfRangeException"> /// An IndexOutOfRangeException exception is thrown if the indices <paramref name="begin" /> and <paramref name="len" /> are out of range. /// </exception> bool MergeSort<T>(T[] array, int begin, int len, IComparer<T> comparer)
/// <summary> /// 利用一个比较器,对一个数组中的一段内容执行归并排序。 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">被排序数组的元素类型</param> /// <param name="array">要排序的数组</param> /// <param name="begin">数组中要排序的段的起始下标</param> /// <param name="len">数组中要排序的段的长度</param> /// <param name="comparer">用于比较数组中元素大小的比较器;详细信息请参见<see cref="System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<T>">IComparer</see>的文档。</param> /// <returns> /// 该数组段是否本来就是有序的。 /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// <para>本方法将检查源数组的指定段是否已经处于有序状态。如果是这样,本方法将不修改数组内容,直接返回true。否则,本方法对指定段进行排序并返回false。</para> /// <para>本方法对数组的指定段执行的排序是稳定排序。</para> /// <para>在调用本方法之后,数组中从<paramref name="begin" />开始,长度为<paramref name="len" />的段将被排序。</para> /// <para>本函数的时间复杂度为O(n log n),其中n是被排序部分的长度。</para> /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.IndexOutOfRangeException"> /// 若下标<paramref name="begin" />和<paramref name="len" />的范围溢出了,则抛出一个IndexOutOfRangeException异常。 /// </exception> bool MergeSort<T>(T[] array, int begin, int len, IComparer<T> comparer)
这里,我想特别说明一下对于异常的注释。各个语言中,对于异常在语法上有着不同要求。C#不支持checked exception,它的设计者Anders Hejlsberg也不建议我们使用checked exception;Java则要求除了程序bug以外的异常都作为checked exception。所谓checked exception,是这样的一些异常类型,当它们被当前函数抛出时,当前函数必须在原型(即函数的接口)中声明这些异常。这样做的好处是,调用方知道将会收到哪些异常。缺点则是,应用程序扩展起来很不方便:当需要从底层增加一个新的异常类时,要么就得在应用程序函数体内调用这些API的地方捕获这些异常,要么就得在应用程序的函数原型中声明这些异常。否则就会导致编译错误。这对于一些库来说,就要求它们为了应用程序着想,把它们的所有异常类从一个基类衍生出来,从而应用程序只需要声明那个基类即可。出于这个原因,我们写注释,就只为典型的异常(在实际场合中容易遇到的异常)写注释。那些很难出现,甚至理论上不可能出现的异常完全不用写。而且,必要的时候,虽然checked exception声明的可能是基类,但我们的注释却要反映出子类异常的具体发生情况。
def topological_sort(graph, output_func): # Time complexity is O(n ^ 2) while len(graph) > 0: # Output dependency-free nodes to_pop_node_name = [] for node_name in graph: # Remove and output all nodes without dependencies if len(graph[node_name].dependencies) == 0: output_func(node_name) to_pop_node_name.append(node_name) # Remove the nodes for node_name in to_pop_node_name: graph.pop(node_name) to_pop_node_name = None # finished using # Remove dependency links for node_name in graph: current_node = graph[node_name] to_pop_node_name = [] for child_node_name in current_node.dependencies: if child_node_name not in graph: to_pop_node_name.append(child_node_name) for child_node_name in to_pop_node_name: current_node.dependencies.pop(child_node_name) to_pop_node_name = None # finished using
其中,Output dependency-free nodes、Remove the nodes等都是对一个代码块的注释。此类注释能表示出程序的步骤。这种注释还可以跨越更大的范围,此时的技巧是,用大括号或begin、end的字样来表明其范围。如下所示:
int i; int max = -1; int sum = 0; // Do the first thing { for (i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (max < 0 || arr[i] > max) { max = arr[i]; } } // } // Do the second thing { for (i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { sum += arr[i]; } // }
// Begin of "Do the second thing" for (i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { sum += arr[i]; } // End of "Do the second thing"
准确使用注释中的大括号或者begin、end的好处是,当一大块代码中还有嵌套注释时,依然可以清晰地表示出一段范围。另外,我个人的准则是不给注释加上step 1、step 1.1、step 2之类字样,原因很简单,一旦在原有的步骤里面插入一个新步骤,那么从这个步骤往后所有步骤的编号都要调整,太费事儿。
def detect_loop(graph, o_loop): """ detect_loop: Detects any loop in a graph. Parameters: graph - the graph to test o_loop - a list to receive the looping nodes Return value: True if a loop has been detected. False otherwise. """ # We are using depth-first search to find loops. # # If we did not implement recursive calls, we could use trace-back in a # non-recursive manner; python default recursion limit is about 900, which # is in general enough here, as the dependency we analyze is usually less # than 100. # # Due to the fact that if we traverse a non-tree directed acyclic graph # (DAG), we may end up in a time complexity of O(2 ^ n), we make a deep # copy of the graph first, and make it into a tree. During the process, we # can detect loops. The time complexity is O(n ^ 2) where n is the number # of nodes. result = False copied_graph = GraphNode.deep_copy_graph(graph) # Cases: # Root 1 leads to a loop--will be detected and the function will return. # The loop will have a link pointing back to an ancestor node or the # current node itself. # Root 1 leads to a DAG--any link to a visited node (cannot be an ancestor # node or the current node itself) will be detected and removed, and # made into a tree # Root 1 leads to a DAG (call it DAG1), root 2 links to DAG1--no loop can # involve DAG1. Reason: suppose there is a loop involving DAG1, then # from a node that is a part of the intersection, we can go back to # it through the links, thus making DAG1 not a DAG--contradiction. # So if root 2 leads to a loop--the loop will be detected by checking the # DFS traversal stack # If all of root 1..n-1 lead to DAGs, and root n leads to a loop, it will # be detected only there # # accessed: used to mark accessed nodes in the DAG. Its members are the # names of accessed nodes. When an accessed node is met through a link, # the traversal returns and the link is removed, because the link should # not be added to the tree. accessed = set() # of node name (string) # traversal_stack: is used to record the loop to show to the user traversal_stack = [] for node_name in copied_graph: result = detect_loop_rec(copied_graph, node_name, accessed, traversal_stack) if result: # Loop detected o_loop.extend(traversal_stack) break return result
第六点,要为简化、抽象和缩写的变量名或函数名,注释其全称及其含义。比如,你用winnt4wks来代表Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4 i386 Multiprocessor Free的时候,你就应该吧这个全名用注释的方式写在右边(或上方):
// winnt4wks: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4 i386 Multiprocessor Free object winnt4wks;
// Loop and print every element of the array for (i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arr[i]); }