文件 table.cnf @1=id @2=column_a @3=column_b @4=time 文件not_used.set ##写到这个文件里面的是update回滚时不需要更新的列 ##例如假设回滚不恢复 id 列,文件中应该如下 @1= 文件not_used.where ##写到这个文件里面的是update回滚时条件忽略的列 ##例如假设回滚时不需要列 time 和 column_b 作为回滚条件,文件中应该如下,顺序不敏感 @=3 @=4
##例如假设回滚时不需要列 time 和 id 作为回滚条件,文件中应该如下,顺序不敏感
#!/bin/bash table_name="test_update" ### DELETE DML 2 rows in binlog delete=2 ### UPDATE DML 3 rows in binlog update=3 ### How many columns for this rollback table table_columns=`wc -l ./table.cnf | awk ‘{print $1}‘` ### Format binlog #/usr/bin/awk ‘{$1="";print > "/export/scripts/rollback_autoSQL/bin.log";close("/export/scripts/rollback_autoSQL/bin.log")}‘ /export/scripts/rollback_autoSQL/mysql-bin.txt cat ./mysql-bin.txt | awk ‘{$1="";print>"./bin.log"}‘ #echo | awk ‘{$1="";print}‘ ./mysql-bin.txt > ./bin.log ### Count for DML dml_delete_count=`cat ./bin.log | grep DELETE | wc -l ` dml_update_count=`cat ./bin.log | grep UPDATE | wc -l ` echo -e "\033[47;30m dml_delete_count $dml_delete_count \033[0m" echo -e "\033[47;30m dml_update_count $dml_update_count \033[0m" ### How many rows for one DML dml_delete_row=`echo |awk ‘{print "‘$delete‘"+"‘$table_columns‘"}‘` dml_update_row=`echo |awk ‘{print "‘$update‘"+"‘$table_columns‘"+"‘$table_columns‘"}‘` dml_update_where_row_begin=3 dml_update_where_row_finish=`echo |awk ‘{print 2+"‘$table_columns‘"}‘` dml_update_set_row_begin=`echo |awk ‘{print 4+"‘$table_columns‘"}‘` dml_update_set_row_finish=$dml_update_row echo -e "\033[47;30m dml_delete_row $dml_delete_row \033[0m" echo -e "\033[47;30m dml_update_row $dml_update_row \033[0m" fun_delete() { b=‘‘ for((i=1;i<=${dml_delete_count};i++)) do sed -n ‘1,‘$dml_delete_row‘p‘ ./bin.log > ./bin.tmp sed -i ‘1,‘$delete‘d‘ ./bin.tmp cat ./not_used.values | while read columns_values do sed -i ‘/‘$columns_values‘/d‘ ./bin.tmp done data=`awk -F ‘=‘ ‘{$1="";print}‘ ./bin.tmp | awk ‘{print $1}‘ | tr "\n" "," | sed ‘s/,$//‘ ` # data=`sed ‘s/,$//‘ ./sql.tmp` cp ./table.cnf ./dml_columns.tmp cat ./not_used.values | while read columns_values do sed -i ‘/‘$columns_values‘/d‘ ./dml_columns.tmp done dml_columns=`awk -F ‘=‘ ‘{print $2}‘ ./dml_columns.tmp | tr "\n" "," | sed ‘s/,$//‘` echo "insert into $table_name($dml_columns) values ($data);" >> ./rollback.sql sed -i ‘1,‘$dml_delete_row‘d‘ ./bin.log rm -rf ./bin.tmp ./sql.tmp h=`echo | awk ‘{print int("‘$i‘"/"‘$dml_delete_count‘"*"100%")}‘` printf "progress:[$h%%]\r" # printf "progress:[%-100s]%d%%\r" $b $h # b=#$b done rm -rf ./bin.log echo -e "\n" echo done } fun_update() { for((i=1;i<=${dml_update_count};i++)) do sed -n ‘1,‘$dml_update_row‘p‘ ./bin.log > ./bin.tmp sed -n ‘‘$dml_update_set_row_begin‘,‘$dml_update_set_row_finish‘p‘ ./bin.tmp > ./bin.where sed -n ‘‘$dml_update_where_row_begin‘,‘$dml_update_where_row_finish‘p‘ ./bin.tmp > ./bin.set ### data have been set,and this data make to search for new data in rollback SQL,choose columns cat ./not_used.where | while read columns_where do sed -i ‘/‘$columns_where‘/d‘ ./bin.where done dml_where=`awk ‘{print $1}‘ ./bin.where | tr "\n" "," | sed ‘s/,$//‘` ### data will be update,all columns or part of them cat "./not_used.set" | while read columns_set do sed -i ‘/‘$columns_set‘/d‘ ./bin.set done dml_set=`awk ‘{print $1}‘ ./bin.set | tr "\n" "," | sed ‘s/,$//‘` echo "update $table_name set $dml_set where $dml_where;" >> ./rollback.sql sed -i ‘1,‘$dml_update_row‘d‘ ./bin.log h=`echo | awk ‘{print int("‘$i‘"/"‘$dml_update_count‘"*"100%")}‘` printf "progress:[$h%%]\r" done rm -rf ./bin.* echo -e "\n" echo -e "\033[47;30m change column‘s names \033[0m" cat ./table.cnf | while read t_tmp do t_1="`echo $t_tmp | awk -F ‘=‘ ‘{print $1}‘`=" t_2="`echo $t_tmp | awk -F ‘=‘ ‘{print $2}‘`=" sed -i ‘s/‘$t_1‘/‘$t_2‘/g‘ ./rollback.sql done echo done } case $1 in delete)echo -e "\033[47;32m begin fun_delete \033[0m";sleep 2;fun_delete ;; update)echo -e "\033[47;32m begin fun_update \033[0m";sleep 2;fun_update ;; *)echo -e "\033[47;31m err input,please choose delete or update,quit \033[0m";exit 1 esac