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 * Copyright (C) 2013 gujicheng
 * Licensed under the GPL License Version 2.0;
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * If you have any question, please contact me.
 **                   Author information                                **
 ** Email: gujicheng197@126.com                                         **
 ** QQ   : 29600731                                                     **
 ** Weibo: http://weibo.com/gujicheng197                                **
package com.libra.sinvoice;

import java.util.List;

import com.libra.sinvoice.Buffer.BufferData;

 * @ClassName: com.libra.sinvoice.Encoder
 * @Description: 编码器
 * @author zhaokaiqiang
 * @date 2014-11-16 下午1:32:17
public class Encoder implements SinGenerator.SinGeneratorCallback {

	private final static String TAG = "Encoder";
	private final static int STATE_ENCODING = 1;
	private final static int STATE_STOPED = 2;

	// index 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
	// circleCount 31, 28, 25, 22, 19, 15, 10
	private final static int[] CODE_FREQUENCY = { 1422, 1575, 1764, 2004, 2321,
			2940, 4410 };
	private int mState;

	private SinGenerator mSinGenerator;

	private EncoderCallback encoderCallback;

	public static interface EncoderCallback {

		void freeEncodeBuffer(BufferData buffer);

		BufferData getEncodeBuffer();

	public Encoder(EncoderCallback callback, int sampleRate, int bits,
			int bufferSize) {
		encoderCallback = callback;
		mState = STATE_STOPED;
		mSinGenerator = new SinGenerator(this, sampleRate, bits, bufferSize);

	public final static int getMaxCodeCount() {
		return CODE_FREQUENCY.length;

	public final boolean isStoped() {
		return (STATE_STOPED == mState);

	// content of input from 0 to (CODE_FREQUENCY.length-1)
	public void encode(List<Integer> codes, int duration) {
		if (STATE_STOPED == mState) {

			for (int index : codes) {
				if (STATE_ENCODING == mState) {
					if (index >= 0 && index < CODE_FREQUENCY.length) {
						// 使用正弦发生器编码
						mSinGenerator.gen(CODE_FREQUENCY[index], duration);
					} else {
						LogHelper.d(TAG, "code index error");
				} else {
					LogHelper.d(TAG, "encode force stop");


	public void stop() {
		if (STATE_ENCODING == mState) {
			mState = STATE_STOPED;

	public BufferData getGenBuffer() {
		if (null != encoderCallback) {
			return encoderCallback.getEncodeBuffer();
		return null;

	public void freeGenBuffer(BufferData buffer) {
		if (null != encoderCallback) {



    2.数组CODE_FREQUENCY中存放的数字分别代表从0到6对应的频率,不同的数据会根据不同的频率进行编码,circleCount 31, 28, 25, 22, 19, 15, 10 是指在编码的过程中,对应频率的正弦波在一个周期内的取样数量,每个周期的取样数量x周期总数=总取样数。


private final static int[] CODE_FREQUENCY = { 1422, 1575, 1764, 2004, 2321,2940, 4410 };



 * Copyright (C) 2013 gujicheng
 * Licensed under the GPL License Version 2.0;
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * If you have any question, please contact me.
 **                   Author information                                **
 ** Email: gujicheng197@126.com                                         **
 ** QQ   : 29600731                                                     **
 ** Weibo: http://weibo.com/gujicheng197                                **
package com.libra.sinvoice;

import com.libra.sinvoice.Buffer.BufferData;

 * @ClassName: com.libra.sinvoice.SinGenerator
 * @Description: 正弦波发生器
 * @author zhaokaiqiang
 * @date 2014-11-15 下午2:51:34
public class SinGenerator {

	private static final String TAG = "SinGenerator";

	private static final int STATE_START = 1;
	private static final int STATE_STOP = 2;

	// 2^8时的峰值
	public static final int BITS_8 = 128;
	// 默认为2^16时的峰值
	public static final int BITS_16 = 32768;

	// 采样率
	public static final int SAMPLE_RATE_8 = 8000;
	public static final int SAMPLE_RATE_11 = 11250;
	public static final int SAMPLE_RATE_16 = 16000;

	public static final int UNIT_ACCURACY_1 = 4;
	public static final int UNIT_ACCURACY_2 = 8;

	private int mState;
	private int mSampleRate;
	private int mBits;

	private static final int DEFAULT_BITS = BITS_8;
	private static final int DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE = SAMPLE_RATE_8;
	private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

	private int mFilledSize;
	private int mBufferSize;
	private SinGeneratorCallback sinGeneratorCallback;

	public static interface SinGeneratorCallback {

		BufferData getGenBuffer();

		void freeGenBuffer(BufferData buffer);

	public SinGenerator(SinGeneratorCallback callback) {

	public SinGenerator(SinGeneratorCallback callback, int sampleRate,
			int bits, int bufferSize) {
		sinGeneratorCallback = callback;

		mBufferSize = bufferSize;
		mSampleRate = sampleRate;
		mBits = bits;

		mFilledSize = 0;
		mState = STATE_STOP;

	public void stop() {
		if (STATE_START == mState) {
			mState = STATE_STOP;

	public void start() {
		if (STATE_STOP == mState) {
			mState = STATE_START;

	 * 对数字进行编码
	 * @param genRate
	 * @param duration
	public void gen(int genRate, int duration) {
		if (STATE_START == mState) {

			// 定值16384
			int n = mBits / 2;
			int totalCount = (duration * mSampleRate) / 1000;
			double per = (genRate / (double) mSampleRate) * 2 * Math.PI;
			double d = 0;

			LogHelper.d(TAG, "per:" + per + "___genRate:" + genRate);
			if (null != sinGeneratorCallback) {
				mFilledSize = 0;
				// 获取要编码的数据
				BufferData bufferData = sinGeneratorCallback.getGenBuffer();
				if (null != bufferData) {
					for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i) {

						if (STATE_START == mState) {

							// 算出不同点的正弦值
							int out = (int) (Math.sin(d) * n) + 128;

							// 如果填充数量超过了缓冲区的大小,就重置mFilledSize,释放bufferData
							if (mFilledSize >= mBufferSize - 1) {
								// free buffer

								mFilledSize = 0;
								bufferData = sinGeneratorCallback
								if (null == bufferData) {
									LogHelper.d(TAG, "get null buffer");

							// 转码为byte类型并保存,& 0xff是为了防止负数转换出现异常
							bufferData.byteData[mFilledSize++] = (byte) (out & 0xff);
							if (BITS_16 == mBits) {
								bufferData.byteData[mFilledSize++] = (byte) ((out >> 8) & 0xff);

							d += per;
						} else {
							LogHelper.d(TAG, "sin gen force stop");
				} else {
					LogHelper.d(TAG, "get null buffer");

				if (null != bufferData) {
				mFilledSize = 0;



    1int n = mBits / 2; 在这里定义的n,在后面的代码中参与了运算,n是指我们要创建的正弦函数的峰值,就是最高点的值,mBits的值是2^16/2=32768,在这里将峰值除以二,应该是为了识别率考虑,因为在将n直接赋值为mBits的时候,发出的声音较为尖锐,识别率降低很多,所以,这里选择了mBits/2最为峰值。

    2.int totalCount = (duration * mSampleRate) / 1000;这个是在计算要循环的次数,因为duration=100,所以采样的总次数是4410,循环执行4410次

    3.double per = (genRate / (double) mSampleRate) * 2 * Math.PI;这个per参数是用来记录在循环的过程中,每次往前步进的距离,这个是和频率相关的。我们以发出数字5为例,从Encoder类中,我们知道5对应的频率是2940HZ,如果我们要声音播放100ms,那么就需要震动294次,也就是294个正弦周期。而这294次,根据44.1KHZ的频率,也就是100ms采样4410次的频率,就可以算出在每个周期里面,需要采样4410/294=15,所以一个周期内采样数量是15次,而一个正弦周期的长度是2PI,所以,使用2PI/15=0.4186,这个值就是这里的per值。

    4.int out = (int) (Math.sin(d) * n) + 128; 在计算出per之后,在循环中使用变量d对每次的per进行了累加,然后使用前面的计算公式,就可以计算出在采样点处对应的函数值,在完成下面的操作之后,就实现了数字的编码

// 转码为byte类型并保存,& 0xff是为了防止负数转换出现异常

bufferData.byteData[mFilledSize++] = (byte) (out & 0xff);

if (BITS_16 == mBits) {

bufferData.byteData[mFilledSize++] = (byte) ((out >> 8) & 0xff);



 * Copyright (C) 2013 gujicheng
 * Licensed under the GPL License Version 2.0;
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * If you have any question, please contact me.
 **                   Author information                                **
 ** Email: gujicheng197@126.com                                         **
 ** QQ   : 29600731                                                     **
 ** Weibo: http://weibo.com/gujicheng197                                **
package com.libra.sinvoice;

import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

 * @ClassName: com.libra.sinvoice.Buffer
 * @Description: 缓冲器
 * @author zhaokaiqiang
 * @date 2014-11-15 下午1:35:46
public class Buffer {

	private final static String TAG = "Buffer";
	// 生产者队列
	private BlockingQueue<BufferData> mProducerQueue;
	// 消费者队列
	private BlockingQueue<BufferData> mConsumeQueue;
	// 缓冲区数量
	private int mBufferCount;
	// 缓冲区体积
	private int mBufferSize;

	public Buffer() {

	public Buffer(int bufferCount, int bufferSize) {

		mBufferSize = bufferSize;
		mBufferCount = bufferCount;
		mProducerQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<BufferData>(mBufferCount);
		// we want to put the end buffer, so need to add 1
		mConsumeQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<BufferData>(mBufferCount + 1);

		// 初始化生产者队列
		for (int i = 0; i < mBufferCount; ++i) {
			try {
				mProducerQueue.put(new BufferData(mBufferSize));
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {

	public void reset() {
		// 将生产者的空头结点剔除
		int size = mProducerQueue.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
			BufferData data = mProducerQueue.peek();
			if (null == data || null == data.byteData) {

		// 将消费者中的非空数据添加到生产者当中
		size = mConsumeQueue.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
			BufferData data = mConsumeQueue.poll();
			if (null != data && null != data.byteData) {

		LogHelper.d(TAG, "reset ProducerQueue Size:" + mProducerQueue.size()
				+ "    ConsumeQueue Size:" + mConsumeQueue.size());

	final public int getEmptyCount() {
		return mProducerQueue.size();

	final public int getFullCount() {
		return mConsumeQueue.size();

	// 获取生产者的头结点,阻塞式
	public BufferData getEmpty() {
		return getImpl(mProducerQueue);

	// 加入到生产者中
	public boolean putEmpty(BufferData data) {
		return putImpl(data, mProducerQueue);

	// 获取消费者的头结点
	public BufferData getFull() {
		return getImpl(mConsumeQueue);

	// 加入到消费者中
	public boolean putFull(BufferData data) {
		return putImpl(data, mConsumeQueue);

	// 获取队列的头结点
	private BufferData getImpl(BlockingQueue<BufferData> queue) {
		if (null != queue) {
			try {
				return queue.take();
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
		return null;

	// 将数据加入到队列中
	private boolean putImpl(BufferData data, BlockingQueue<BufferData> queue) {
		if (null != queue && null != data) {
			try {
				return true;
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
		return false;

	// when mData is null, means it is end of input
	public static class BufferData {
		// 数据容器
		public byte byteData[];
		// 填充体积
		private int mFilledSize;
		// 缓冲最大体积
		private int mMaxBufferSize;
		// 静态空缓冲区
		private static BufferData sEmptyBuffer = new BufferData(0);

		public BufferData(int maxBufferSize) {

			mMaxBufferSize = maxBufferSize;
			mFilledSize = 0;

			if (maxBufferSize > 0) {
				byteData = new byte[mMaxBufferSize];
			} else {
				byteData = null;

		 * 获取空的缓冲区
		 * @return
		public static BufferData getEmptyBuffer() {
			return sEmptyBuffer;

		// 重置填充数量
		final public void reset() {
			mFilledSize = 0;

		final public int getMaxBufferSize() {
			return mMaxBufferSize;

		// 设置填充数量
		final public void setFilledSize(int size) {
			mFilledSize = size;

		final public int getFilledSize() {
			return mFilledSize;







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