使用svn进行开发的过程中,每次提交前我都会使用svn diff查看一次本次提交的内容与版本库中的区别,但是svn diff默认的打印出俩的区别代码很乱,为了能够很好的进行代码对比,在.subversion/config中修改svn diff的执行命令,如下:
#!/bin/sh # Configure your favorite diff program here. DIFF="/etc/alternatives/vimdiff" # Subversion provides the paths we need as the sixth and seventh # parameters. LEFT=${6} RIGHT=${7} # Call the diff command (change the following line to make sense for # your merge program). $DIFF $RIGHT $LEFT # Return an errorcode of 0 if no differences were detected, 1 if some were. # Any other errorcode will be treated as fatal.
以后,每次执行svn diff时就会去执行上面的脚步,非常方便进行代码检查。因为svn diff是对当前目录下的所有有变动的文件进行对比,如果文件太多,并且向中途退出,可以使用:diffoff(全部退出:diffoff!) 结束对比。