两周没写东西了,主要是在学习一点C,参考 webbench 写了个工具。刚刚写完,也不知道好不好用,同学们有兴趣也帮我测一测,提点意见。
项目位于 https://github.com/heiing/hb
克隆下来后,使用 make 编译即可。
./hb [OPTIONS] URL OPTIONS: -h | --help Print this information and exit. -v | --version Display program version and exit. -c | --clients <n> Run <n> clients, default one. -t | --time <second> Run <second> seconds, default 30. -m | --method <n> Use HTTP method, default GET: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD,TRACE,PATCH PROPFIND,COPY,MOVE -p | --protocol <n> Use HTTP protocol, default 2:\n" 0 - HTTP/0.9 1 - HTTP/1.0 2 - HTTP/1.1 -f | --file <path> Use file for POST/PUT method. -P | --proxy <server:port> Use proxy for request.
./hb -m POST -f postdata.txt http://example.com/foo
User-Agent: my agent 1.0 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie: PHPSESSID=1234567890123456 name=hb&version=0.0.1