Item 6. Explicitly disallow the use of compile-generated functions you do not want.
class NonCom{ public: ..... private: NonCom(const NonCom&); NonCom& operator=(const NonCom&); ... };If you inadvertently try to do call this function in a member or a friend function, the linker will complain.
class noncopyable{ public: noncopyable(){} ~noncopyable(){} private: noncopyable(const noncopyable&); noncopyable& operator=(const noncopyable&); }; class NonCom : noncopyable{ ... };This works, because compilers will try to generate a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator if anybody — even a member or friend function — tries to copy a NonCom object. As Item 12 (See 10.8) explains, the compiler- generated versions of these functions will try to call their base class counterparts, and those calls will be rejected, because the copying operations are private in the base class.
《Effective C++》读书笔之六 Item 6. Explicitly disallow the use of compile-generated functions