1 #ifndef __LEAST_SQUARES_FITTING__ 2 #define __LEAST_SQUARES_FITTING__ 3 #include <map> 4 #include <vector> 5 #include <cmath> 6 using namespace std; 7 class PolyFunction { 8 public: 9 PolyFunction() : m_dim(0), m_expr(){} 10 PolyFunction(vector<double>& c) : m_dim(0), m_expr() 11 { 12 int len = c.size(); 13 for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { 14 if (c[i]) { 15 m_expr.insert(make_pair(i, c[i])); 16 m_dim = i; 17 } 18 } 19 } 20 ~PolyFunction(){} 21 int getCols() 22 { 23 return m_mat[0].size(); 24 } 25 26 int getRows() 27 { 28 return m_mat.size(); 29 } 30 31 double operator ()(double x) 32 { 33 double ans = m_expr[m_dim]; 34 for (int i = m_dim; i > 0; --i) { 35 if (m_expr.end() != m_expr.find(i)) { 36 ans = m_expr[i - 1] + x * ans; 37 } 38 } 39 return ans; 40 } 41 private: 42 int m_dim; 43 map<int, double> m_expr; 44 }; 45 46 class Matrix { 47 public: 48 Matrix(){} 49 Matrix(int m, int n) : m_mat(m, vector<double>(n)) 50 {} 51 vector<double>& operator [](int i) 52 { 53 return m_mat[i]; 54 } 55 private: 56 vector< vector<double> > m_mat; 57 }; 58 59 typedef struct { 60 size_t n; 61 size_t p; 62 Matrix A; 63 Matrix Q; 64 Matrix QSI; 65 vector<double> S; 66 vector<double> t; 67 vector<double> xt; 68 vector<double> D; 69 } workspace; 70 71 static int multifit_linear_svd(Matrix& X, vector<double>& y, 72 double tol, 73 int balance, 74 size_t& rank, 75 vector<double>& c, 76 Matrix& cov, 77 double& chisq, 78 workspace& work) 79 { 80 // 81 //typedef struct { 82 // size_t size1; 83 // size_t size2; 84 // size_t tda; 85 // double * data; 86 // gsl_block * block; 87 // int owner; 88 //} gsl_matrix; 89 // 90 if (X.getRows() != y.size()) 91 return -1; 92 if (X.getCols() != c.size()) 93 return -1; 94 if (cov.getRows() != cov.getCols()) 95 return -1; 96 if (c.size() != cov.getCols()) 97 return -1; 98 if (X.getRows() != work.n || X.getCols() != work.p) 99 return -1; 100 if (tol <= 0) 101 return -1; 102 103 const size_t n = X.getRows(); 104 const size_t p = X.getCols(); 105 106 size_t i, j, p_eff; 107 Matrix& A = work.A; 108 Matrix& Q = work.Q; 109 Matrix& QSI = work.QSI; 110 vector<double>& S = work.S; 111 vector<double>& xt = work.xt; 112 vector<double>& D = work.D; 113 114 //copy X to worspace, A <= X; 115 A = X; 116 //balance the columns of the matrix A if requested 117 if (balance) 118 linalg_balance_columns(A, D);//////////////////////////// 1 119 else { 120 for (int k = 0; k < D.size(); ++k) 121 D[k] = 1.0; 122 } 123 124 //decompose A into U S Q^T 125 linalg_SV_decomp_mod(A, QSI, Q, S, xt); 126 127 //solve y = A c for c 128 blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, A, y, 0.0, xt); 129 130 //scale the matrix Q, Q‘ = Q S^-1 131 QSI = Q; 132 133 double alpha0 = S[0]; 134 p_eff = 0; 135 for (j = 0; j < p; j++) { 136 } 137 138 139 140 } 141 142 vector<double>& LeastSquaresFitting(vector<double> x, vector<double> y, int N) 143 { 144 int M = (x.size() < y.size()) ? x.size() : y.size(); 145 double chisq; 146 Matrix XX(M, N + 1); 147 vector<double> c(N + 1); 148 Matrix cov(N + 1, N + 1); 149 for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) { 150 XX[i][0] = 1.0; 151 for (int j = 1; j < N + 1; ++j) 152 XX[i][j] = pow(x[i], j); 153 } 154 //gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *work = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc(M, N + 1); 155 //typedef struct 156 //{ 157 //size_t n; /* number of observations */ 158 //size_t p; /* number of parameters */ 159 //gsl_matrix * A; 160 //gsl_matrix * Q; 161 //gsl_matrix * QSI; 162 //gsl_vector * S; 163 //gsl_vector * t; 164 //gsl_vector * xt; 165 //gsl_vector * D; 166 //} gsl_multifit_linear_workspace; 167 //struct { 168 // size_t n; 169 // size_t p; 170 // Matrix A; 171 // Matrix Q; 172 // Matrix QSI; 173 // vector<double> S; 174 // vector<double> t; 175 // vector<double> xt; 176 // vector<double> D; 177 //} 178 workspace work = { 179 M, 180 N + 1, 181 Matrix(M, N + 1), 182 Matrix(N + 1, N + 1), 183 Matrix(N + 1, N + 1), 184 vector<double>(N + 1), 185 vector<double>(M), 186 vector<double>(N + 1), 187 vector<double>(N + 1) 188 }; 189 190 //gsl_multifit_linear(XX, y, c, cov, chisq, work); 191 multifit_linear(XX, y, 2.2204460492503131e-16/*EPSILON*/, 1, c, cov, chisq, work); 192 //return c; 193 } 194 #endif //__LEAST_SQUARES_FITTING__