(3)更加详细的比较全的list 请看 STL list类源代码实现
struct Node { int data; Node *next; }; class LinkedList { public: LinkedList(const int &n);// n 链表长度 LinkedList(const LinkedList &aplist); ~LinkedList(); void display(); void insert_before(const int &key,const int &toinsert); void del(const int &todelete); Node* find_key(const int &key); void distroy(); int getLength(); private: Node *head; Node *cur; };// 类的后面和 结构体一样,必须加 分号 (;) LinkedList::LinkedList(const int &n) { head = new Node; head->data = -1;// 此元素是一个标示符 head->next = NULL;// init head Node *p = head;// p in the left of cur int i; cout << "请输入链表序列:" << endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cur = new Node; cin >> cur->data; cur->next = NULL; p->next = cur; p = cur; } } LinkedList::~LinkedList() { cout << "***"; distroy(); } void LinkedList::display() { if(head == NULL) { cout << "此链表不存在!" << endl; return; } cur = head->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << "此链表为空!" << endl; return; } while(cur != NULL) { cout << cur->data << " "; cur = cur->next; } cout << endl;// 多一个空格的 } void LinkedList::del(const int &todelete) { if(head == NULL) { cout << "此链表不存在!" << endl; return; } Node *p = head; cur = head->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << "此链表为空,删除失败!" << endl; return; } while(cur!=NULL && cur->data!=todelete) { p = cur; cur = cur->next; } if(cur == NULL) cout << "此元素不存在,删除失败!" << endl;// 当然也可能此链表为空 else { cout << "成功删除元素:" << cur->data << endl; p->next = cur->next; delete cur; } } void LinkedList::insert_before(const int &key,const int &toinsert) { if(head == NULL) { cout << "此链表不存在!" << endl; return; } Node *p,*tmp; p = head; cur = head->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << "此链表为空,插入失败!" << endl;// 当然也可能此链表为空 return; } while(cur!=NULL && cur->data!=key) { p = cur; cur = cur->next; } if(cur == NULL) cout << key << ":此元素不存在,插入失败!" << endl; else { tmp = new Node; tmp->data = toinsert; tmp->next = NULL; p->next = tmp; tmp->next = cur; cout << "成功插入元素:" << toinsert << endl; } } Node* LinkedList::find_key(const int &key) { if(head == NULL) { cout << "此链表不存在!" << endl; return NULL; } cur = head->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << "此链表为空,查找失败!" << endl; return head; } while(cur!=NULL && cur->data!=key) cur = cur->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << key << "此元素不在链表中,查找失败!" << endl; return head; } else { cout << "成功查找到元素:" << cur->data << endl; return cur; } } void LinkedList::distroy() { if(head == NULL) { cout << "此链表不存在!" << endl; return; } cur = head->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << "此链表已经为空,无法再次删除!" << endl; delete head;//销毁head节点 head = NULL;// 用于后面的判断 return; } while(cur != NULL) { head->next = cur->next; delete cur; cur = head->next; } if(head != NULL) { delete head; head = NULL; } } int LinkedList::getLength() { int cp = 0; if(head == NULL) { cout << "此链表不存在!" << endl; return cp; } cur = head->next; if(cur == NULL) { cout << "此链表为空!" << endl; return cp; } while(cur != NULL) { cp ++; cur = cur->next; } return cp; }(2)main函数的测试
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // 主函数开始,main() int main() { int len,todelete,key,toinsert,tofind;// 当然也可以把一些变量同意命名为opt_key Node *tmp; int cp; cout << "请输入所要建立链表的长度:" << endl; cin >> len; LinkedList *list = new LinkedList(len);// new 出来的对象,用指针指向 list->display();// 不能用list.display()的 //LinkedList list = LinkedList(len); //list.display();// 注释的语句也是对的,但是必须都得改为 list.xxx; //而且new的对象(在堆上)必须手动delete,否则不调用析构函数,非new出来的对象,自动调用析构函数 cout << "请输入所要删除的元素:" << endl; cin >> todelete; list->del(todelete); list->display(); cout << "请输入所要查找的元素:" << endl; cin >> tofind; tmp = list->find_key(tofind); cout << "查找后返回main()的结果:" << tmp->data << endl; list->display(); cout << "请输入所要插入的元素和其右侧元素:" << endl; cin >> toinsert >> key; list->insert_before(key,toinsert); list->display(); cout << "销毁前的链表长度:"; cout << list->getLength() << endl; list->distroy(); cp = list->getLength(); cout << "销毁后的链表长度:"; cout << cp << endl; //list->~LinkedList();// 本以为是析构函数是不可以自动调用的, //其实不然,课本上明明说析构函数是可以自动调用的,但是有一个前提:对象的生存期即将结束的时 //在函数结束时调用(栈内存即将销毁时),堆内存中对象是在delete时调用 delete list; return 0; }
(3)看到自己上面写的两条心得和体会,自己也扑哧笑了;再看自己写的代码 —— main函数和LinkList类竟然在一起;看来我当初真的幼稚了很多;
(5)最后摘抄的一句话,与大家共享 : 当你的才华撑不起你的野心时,只有静下心来好好学习! 纵使命运注定是个打酱油的,也要打一瓶与别人不一样的酱油!
c++实现list类(第一次用类) —— new对象需delete