llvm-config makes it easier to build applications that use LLVM. It can print the compiler flags, linker flags and object libraries needed to link against LLVM.
LLVM_CONFIG = llvm-config LLVM_CXXFLAGS += $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --cxxflags) LLVM_LDFLAGS := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags) LLVM_LIBS = $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --libs bitwriter core support) llvm_model_src = ModuleMaker.cpp test_model: g++ $(llvm_model_src) $(LLVM_CXXFLAGS) $(LLVM_LIBS) $(LLVM_LDFLAGS) -lpthread -ldl -o ModuleMaker这是一个Makefile。它是一个例子ModuleMaker的编译文件。这个ModuleMaker例子本身是LLVM源码中llvm/examples/ModuleMaker/目录下的一个例子,它演示的如果凭空构建一个LLVM IR的Module。我这里写了这个Makefile以后,可以在已经安装LLVM的系统(Linux)上单独的编译这个例子,而不需要依赖LLVM的源码,也不再需要在LLVM源码中编译这个例子。完整的包含Makefile的ModuleMaker例子的代码:https://github.com/shining1984/llvm-examples
同时,llvm-config还可以以`llvm-config --libs`这样的形式在Makefile中使用,或者在命令行中使用,这样的使用形式是获取这个命令在shell执行后所输出的信息。这里需要指出的是“`”这个符号,并不是“‘”。这两者是有区别的,前者是和“~”同键的符号,后者是和“"” 同键的符号。这一点是一定要区别的,否者系统无法识别。例如:
g++ `llvm-config --cxxflags` -o HowToUseJIT.o -c HowToUseJIT.cpp g++ `llvm-config --ldflags` -o HowToUseJIT HowToUseJIT.o `llvm-config --libs engine bcreader scalaropts`
Print the version number of LLVM.
Print a summary of llvm-config arguments.
Print the installation prefix for LLVM.
Print the source root from which LLVM was built.
Print the object root used to build LLVM.
Print the installation directory for LLVM binaries.
Print the installation directory for LLVM headers.
Print the installation directory for LLVM libraries.
Print the C++ compiler flags needed to use LLVM headers.
Print the flags needed to link against LLVM libraries.
Print all the libraries needed to link against the specified LLVM components, including any dependencies.
Similar to –libs, but prints the bare filenames of the libraries without -l or pathnames. Useful for linking against a not-yet-installed copy of LLVM.
Similar to –libs, but print the full path to each library file. This is useful when creating makefile dependencies, to ensure that a tool is relinked if any library it uses changes.
Print all valid component names.
Print the component names for all targets supported by this copy of LLVM.
Print the build mode used when LLVM was built (e.g. Debug or Release)参考文档:http://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-config.html