1.时钟发生器2.指令寄存器3.累加器4.RISC CPU算术逻辑运算单元5.数据控制器6.状态控制器7.程序计数器8.地址多路器9.外围模块10.地址译码器
module clk_gen (clk,reset,clk1,clk2,clk4,fetch,alu_clk); input clk,reset; output clk1,clk2,clk4,fetch,alu_clk; wire clk,reset; reg clk2,clk4,fetch,alu_clk; reg[7:0] state; parameter S1 = 8‘b00000001, S2 = 8‘b00000010, S3 = 8‘b00000100, S4 = 8‘b00001000, S5 = 8‘b00010000, S6 = 8‘b00100000, S7 = 8‘b01000000, S8 = 8‘b10000000, idle = 8‘b00000000; assign clk1 = ~clk; always @(negedge clk) if(reset) begin clk2 <= 0; clk4 <= 1; fetch <= 0; alu_clk <= 0; state <= idle; end else begin case(state) S1: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; alu_clk <= ~alu_clk; state <= S2; end S2: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; clk4 <= ~clk4; alu_clk <= ~alu_clk; state <= S3; end S3: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; state <= S4; end S4: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; clk4 <= ~clk4; fetch <= ~fetch; state <= S5; end S5: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; state <= S6; end S6: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; clk4 <= ~clk4; state <= S7; end S7: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; state <= S8; end S8: begin clk2 <= ~clk2; clk4 <= ~clk4; fetch <= ~fetch; state <= S1; end idle: state <= S1; default: state <= idle; endcase end endmodule //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------由于在时钟发生器的设计中采用了同步状态机的设计方法,不但使clk_gen模块的源程序可以被各种综合器综合,也使得由其生成的clk1、clk2、clk4、fetch、alu_clk 在跳变时间同步性能上有明显的提高,为整个系统的性能提高打下了良好的基础。
//--------------------------------------------------------------- module register(opc_iraddr,data,ena,clk1,rst); output [15:0] opc_iraddr; input [7:0] data; input ena, clk1, rst; reg [15:0] opc_iraddr; reg state; always @(posedge clk1) begin if(rst) begin opc_iraddr<=16‘b0000_0000_0000_0000; state<=1‘b0; end else begin if(ena) //如果加载指令寄存器信号load_ir到来, begin //分两个时钟每次8位加载指令寄存器 casex(state) //先高字节,后低字节 1’b0: begin opc_iraddr[15:8]<=data; state<=1; end 1’b1: begin opc_iraddr[7:0]<=data; state<=0; end default: begin opc_iraddr[15:0]<=16‘bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; state<=1‘bx; end endcase end else state<=1‘b0; end end endmodule //--------------------------------------------------------
//-------------------------------------------------------------- module accum( accum, data, ena, clk1, rst); output[7:0]accum; input[7:0]data; input ena,clk1,rst; reg[7:0]accum; always@(posedge clk1) begin if(rst) accum<=8‘b0000_0000; //Reset else if(ena) //当CPU状态控制器发出load_acc信号 accum<=data; //Accumulate end endmodule
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module alu (alu_out, zero, data, accum, alu_clk, opcode); output [7:0]alu_out; output zero; input [7:0] data, accum; input [2:0] opcode; input alu_clk; reg [7:0] alu_out; parameter HLT =3’b000, SKZ =3’b001, ADD =3’b010, ANDD =3’b011, XORR =3’b100, LDA =3’b101, STO =3’b110, JMP =3’b111; assign zero = !accum; always @(posedgealu_clk) begin //操作码来自指令寄存器的输出opc_iaddr<15..0>的低3位 casex (opcode) HLT: alu_out<=accum; SKZ: alu_out<=accum; ADD: alu_out<=data+accum; ANDD: alu_out<=data&accum; XORR: alu_out<=data^accum; LDA: alu_out<=data; STO: alu_out<=accum; JMP: alu_out<=accum; default: alu_out<=8‘bxxxx_xxxx; endcase end endmodule //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- module datactl (data,in,data_ena); output [7:0]data; input [7:0]in; input data_ena; assign data = (data_ena)? In : 8‘bzzzz_zzzz; endmodule //--------------------------------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module adr(addr,fetch,ir_addr,pc_addr); output [12:0] addr; input [12:0] ir_addr, pc_addr; input fetch; assign addr = fetch? pc_addr : ir_addr; endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module counter ( pc_addr, ir_addr, load, clock, rst); output [12:0] pc_addr; input [12:0] ir_addr; input load, clock, rst; reg [12:0] pc_addr; always @( posedge clock or posedge rst ) begin if(rst) pc_addr<=13‘b0_0000_0000_0000; else if(load) pc_addr<=ir_addr; else pc_addr <= pc_addr + 1; end endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module machinectl( ena, fetch, rst); output ena; input fetch, rst; reg ena; always @(posedge fetch or posedge rst) begin if(rst) ena<=0; else ena<=1; end endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------状态机是CPU的控制核心,用于产生一系列的控制信号,启动或停止某些部件。CPU何时进行读指令读写I/O端口,RAM区等操作,都是由状态机来控制的。状态机的当前状态,由变量state记录,state的值就是当前这个指令周期中已经过的时钟数(从零计起)。
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module machine( inc_pc, load_acc, load_pc, rd,wr, load_ir, datactl_ena, halt, clk1, zero, ena, opcode ); output inc_pc, load_acc, load_pc, rd, wr, load_ir; output datactl_ena, halt; input clk1, zero, ena; input [2:0] opcode; reg inc_pc, load_acc, load_pc, rd, wr, load_ir; reg datactl_ena, halt; reg [2:0] state; parameter HLT = 3 ‘b000, SKZ = 3 ‘b001, ADD = 3 ‘b010, ANDD = 3 ‘b011, XORR = 3 ‘b100, LDA = 3 ‘b101, STO = 3 ‘b110, JMP = 3 ‘b111; always @( negedge clk1 ) begin if ( !ena ) //接收到复位信号RST,进行复位操作 begin state<=3‘b000; {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else ctl_cycle; end //-----------------begin of task ctl_cycle--------- task ctl_cycle; begin casex(state) 3’b000: //load high 8bits in struction begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0001; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0100; state<=3’b001; end 3’b001: //pc increased by one then load low 8bits instruction begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b1001; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0100; state<=3’b010; end 3’b010: //idle begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; state<=3’b011; end 3’b011: //next instruction address setup 分析指令从这里开始 begin if(opcode==HLT) //指令为暂停HLT begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b1000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0001; end else begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b1000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end state<=3’b100; end 3’b100: //fetch oprand begin if(opcode==JMP) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0010; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else if( opcode==ADD || opcode==ANDD || opcode==XORR || opcode==LDA) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0001; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else if(opcode==STO) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0010; end else begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end state<=3’b101; end 3’b101: //operation begin if ( opcode==ADD||opcode==ANDD||opcode==XORR||opcode==LDA ) begin //过一个时钟后与累加器的内容进行运算 {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0101; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else if( opcode==SKZ && zero==1) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b1000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else if(opcode==JMP) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b1010; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else if(opcode==STO) begin //过一个时钟后把wr变1就可写到RAM中 {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b1010; end else begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end state<=3’b110; end 3’b110: //idle begin if ( opcode==STO ) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0010; end else if ( opcode==ADD||opcode==ANDD||opcode==XORR||opcode==LDA) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0001; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end state<=3’b111; end 3’b111: // begin if( opcode==SKZ && zero==1 ) begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b1000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end else begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; end state<=3’b000; end default: begin {inc_pc,load_acc,load_pc,rd}<=4‘b0000; {wr,load_ir,datactl_ena,halt}<=4‘b0000; state<=3’b000; end endcase end endtask //-----------------end of task ctl_cycle--------- endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module addr_decode( addr, rom_sel, ram_sel); output rom_sel, ram_sel; input [12:0] addr; reg rom_sel, ram_sel; always @( addr ) begin casex(addr) 13‘b1_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx:{rom_sel,ram_sel}<=2‘b01; 13‘b0_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx:{rom_sel,ram_sel}<=2‘b10; 13‘b1_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx:{rom_sel,ram_sel}<=2‘b10; default:{rom_sel,ram_sel}<=2‘b00; endcase end endmodule地址译码器用于产生选通信号,选通ROM或RAM。
module ram( data, addr, ena, read, write ); inout [7:0] data; input [9:0] addr; input ena; input read, write; reg [7:0] ram [10‘h3ff:0]; assign data = ( read && ena )? ram[addr] : 8‘hzz; always @(posedge write) begin ram[addr]<=data; end endmodule
module rom( data, addr, read, ena ); output [7:0] data; input [12:0] addr; input read, ena; reg [7:0] memory [13‘h1fff:0]; wire [7:0] data; assign data= ( read && ena )? memory[addr] : 8‘bzzzzzzzz; endmodule