在UNIX下的我们怎么会沦落到用ruby写压缩和解压工具呢?直接上shell啊!但是请允许本猫这次可耻的用ruby来玩玩吧!其实ruby GEM中有很多压缩解压包,我选的是Zip,也许是因为名字符合KISS原则吧!不过在编写中发现Zip中的某些类没有文档中所说明的实例方法,也许在某个平台上还未实现??
代码也考虑到多文件的情况,如果是压缩多文件则默认会单独压缩每一个文件,比如:zip.rb a b c d 会产生a.zip .. d.zip四个压缩文件;但是我也考虑到现实中的情况,单独写了一个zip_n2one方法将多个文件压缩到一个文件中去,这个可以看代码实现,很清楚;如果是解压多文件则会依次解压缩每个文件,如果文件有重名会像之前说的直接覆盖。
代码未考虑到如果多个压缩文件的basename相同的情况,即zip.rb a.dat ../a.dat ~/a.dat的情况。如果真是如此,我估计压缩包中最终只有一个entry文件就是最后一个~/a.dat,要避免这种情况需要做额外的判断,我这里不是写真正的生产工具,只是个玩具嘛,所以点到为止了。
apple@kissAir: tmp$ls|grep -v .*.zip|xargs -n1 rm
apple@kissAir: tmp$ls|grep .*.zip|xargs -n1 rm
#!/usr/bin/ruby #简单的压缩解压工具 #code by 侯佩|hopy 2014-12-01 require 'zip/zip' def sh_e(e) e.backtrace.each {|s|puts s} puts "ERR : #{e.to_s} \n" end #取得zip文件中所有的entry名称 def get_entries_name(path) full_path = File.expand_path(path) entries = [] Zip::ZipInputStream::open(full_path) do |io| while (entry = io.get_next_entry) entries << entry.name end end entries end def unzip(path) full_path = File.expand_path(path) entries = get_entries_name(path) Zip::ZipFile.open(full_path) do |f| entries.each do |entry| f.extract(entry,entry) {true} puts "unzip #{entry} succeed!" end end rescue =>e sh_e(e) exit 3 end def zip_n2one(paths,zip_path) full_zip_path = File.expand_path(zip_path) f = Zip::ZipFile.open(full_zip_path,Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) paths.each do |path| full_path = File.expand_path(path) f.add(File.basename(path),full_path) {true} puts "add #{path} to #{full_zip_path}" end f.close puts "all files is zip to #{full_zip_path}" rescue =>e sh_e(e) exit 4 end def zip(path) full_path = File.expand_path(path) dir_name = File.dirname(full_path) only_name = File.basename(path,".*") only_zip_name = only_name + ".zip" full_zip_path = dir_name + '/' + only_zip_name f = Zip::ZipFile.open(full_zip_path,Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) f.add(File.basename(path),full_path) {true} f.close puts "create #{full_zip_path} succeed!" rescue =>e sh_e(e) exit 5 end is_unzip = false case ARGV.count when 0 puts "usage #{$0} [-u] files [...]" exit 1 when 1 if ARGV[0] == "-u" puts "ERR : unzip without filename!" exit 2 end else if ARGV[0] == "-u" is_unzip = true #将选项-u从参数列表中移除 ARGV.shift end end if is_unzip ARGV.each {|file_path|unzip(file_path)} else #ARGV.each {|file_path|zip(file_path)} zip_n2one(ARGV,"total.zip") end