1 local MainScene = class("MainScene", function() 2 return display.newScene("MainScene") 3 end) 4 local CURRENT_MODULE_NAME = ... 5 local Queue = import("./Queue", CURRENT_MODULE_NAME) 6 function MainScene:ctor() 7 8 local draw_node = CCDrawNode:create() 9 self:addChild(draw_node) 10 11 local sp = display.newSprite("res/res.png", 0, 0) 12 self:addChild(sp) 13 self.myQueue = Queue.new(100) 14 15 self.layer = display.newLayer() 16 self.layer:setTouchEnabled(true) 17 self.layer:setTouchMode(cc.TOUCH_MODE_ONE_BY_ONE) 18 self.layer:addNodeEventListener(cc.NODE_TOUCH_EVENT, function(event) 19 if event.name == "began" then 20 sp:setPosition(event.x,event.y) 21 return true 22 elseif event.name == "moved" then 23 draw_node:drawDot(ccp(event.x, event.y), 3, ccc4f(220, 10, 10, 222)) 24 local point = ccp(event.x, event.y) 25 26 self.myQueue:enQueue(point) 27 print("ENQUEUE: "..point.x.." , "..point.y) 28 elseif event.name == "ended" then 29 end 30 end) 31 self:addChild(self.layer) 32 33 CCDirector:sharedDirector():getScheduler():scheduleScriptFunc(function(dt) 34 if self.point == nil and self.myQueue:isEmpty() == false then 35 self.point = self.myQueue:deQueue() 36 print("DEQUEUE"..self.point.x.." , "..self.point.y) 37 end 38 39 if self.point ~= nil then 40 if math.floor(self.point.x) - math.floor(sp:getPositionX()) < 0 then 41 self.x= -1 42 elseif math.floor(self.point.x) - math.floor(sp:getPositionX()) > 0 then 43 self.x= 1 44 else 45 self.x = 0 46 end 47 48 if math.floor(self.point.y) - math.floor(sp:getPositionY()) < 0 then 49 self.y=-1 50 elseif math.floor(self.point.y) - math.floor(sp:getPositionY()) > 0 then 51 self.y= 1 52 else 53 self.y= 0 54 end 55 56 local spX = sp:getPositionX() + self.x 57 local spY = sp:getPositionY() + self.y 58 59 sp:setPosition(ccp(spX, spY)) 60 61 if math.floor(spX) == math.floor(self.point.x) and math.floor(spY) == math.floor(self.point.y) then 62 self.point = nil 63 end 64 end 65 end, 0.01, false) 66 end 67 68 function MainScene:onEnter() 69 end 70 71 function MainScene:onExit() 72 end 73 74 return MainScene
效果就是画出轨迹线路,精灵可以沿着轨迹线路匀速运动起来。代码基于quick 2.2.5
quick cocos2d-x 实现划线轨迹,精灵匀速跟随移动的效果