原文地址:Why request queuing is high even when request executing is below its limit?
We are using below settings
With Default Settings in machine.config and aspnet.config
Wed did testing with ACT and took performance counters.
ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727(_LM_W3SVC_2_ROOT)\Requests Executing
ASP.NET v2.0.50727\Requests Queued
In aspnet.config
<system.web> <applicationPool maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU="5000" maxConcurrentThreadsPerCPU="0" requestQueueLimit="5000"/> </system.web>
In machine.config
<system.web> <processModel autoConfig="false" maxWorkerThreads="4095" maxIoThreads="4095" minWorkerThreads="2047" minIoThreads="2047" /> </system.web>
And provide Application Pool Queue Limit=5000 Now we have very less request queuing comparatively and high request executing as below snapshots depicts!!
ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727(_LM_W3SVC_2_ROOT)\Requests Executing
ASP.NET v2.0.50727\Requests Queued
But surprisingly avg. response time per seconds in ACT has not improved.
So I have below questions…
1) Why there is request queuing even when request executing is below its limit (in my case no. of CPU x maxconcurrentrequestperCPU = 8 x 12 = 96)?
2) Even making changes to aspnet.config, machine.config and providing Application Pool Queue Limit=5000, why request queuing is observed?
3) Why ACT response time has not improved as Request Executing Counter is higher?
关于Stack Overflow上ASP.NET最大连接数限制提问的一个思考