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1. What’s rsync
    Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool.  It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon.  It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its  delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday use.
    Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a "quick check" algorithm (by default) that looks for files that have changed in size or in last-modified time.  Any changes in the other preserved attributes (as requested by options) are made on the destination file directly when the quick check indicates that the file‘s data does not need to be updated.
2. How to use rsync
    2.1 Rsync同步目录
        rsync --compress --recursive --delete --links --times --perms --owner --group --verbose --progress --stats --rsh="ssh"  /root/testdir/    hadoop_name:/root/tonytest
        --compress   开启压缩模式
        --recursive   对子目录中的文件进行同步
        --delete 同步本地的删除信息(本地删除文件后,也会删除对端的文件)
        --links       对链接文件进行同步
        --times 同步文件的修改时间
        --perms 同步文件的权限
        --owner 同步文件的属主
        --group 同步文件的属组
        --verbose 打印更多的同步信息
        --progress 打印出同步的进度信息
        --rsh 指定对端shell
        --stats 打印出同步的统计信息
        /root/testdir/ 同步的本地源目录
        hadoop_name:/root/tonytest 同步的目的主机和目录
    2.2 Rsync的问题
3. What’s Inotify and inotify-tools?
    Inotify 是一个 Linux特性,它监控文件系统操作,比如读取、写入和创建。Inotify 反应灵敏,用法非常简单,并且比 cron 任务的繁忙轮询高效得多。
Inotify-tools 是对linux特性进行封装的开源工具包。
4. RSYNC&Inotify-tools
5. How to use on SUSE Linux?
    5.1 源站安装相关工具
            #zypper install rsync
            #tar zxf inotify-tools-3.14.tar.gz【inotify-tools-3.14.tar.gz见附件】
            #cd inotify-tools-3.14
            #make;make install;ldconfig
            # ssh-keygen -t rsa
            将~/.ssh/ id_dsa.pub内容追加到目标站~/.ssh/ authorized_keys文件中
    5.2 目标站安装相关工具
        #zypper install rsync
    5.3 使用实例
        # nohup  realsync.sh “sourcedir” “destip[desthostname]” “destdir” &
6. realsync.sh代码


  1. #!/bin/sh
  2.  #
  3.  # Copyright (C) Tony!
  4.  #
  5.  #    Date: 2014-12-05 22:51:09 CST
  6.  #    Version: 0.1
  7.  #    Author:
  8.  #           Tony <tingw.liu#gmail.com>
  9.  # vim set nu; set cindent; set tabstop = 4 ;set softtabstop=4*/

  10. bluecolor()
  11. {
  12.     echo -ne "\033[34m"
  13. }
  14. redcolor()
  15. {
  16.     echo -ne "\033[31m"
  17. }
  18. greencolor()
  19. {
  20.     echo -ne "\033[32m"
  21. }
  22. yellocolor()
  23. {
  24.     echo -ne "\033[33m"
  25. }
  26. cleanstyle()
  27. {
  28.     echo -ne "\033[0m"
  29. }

  30. help()
  31. {
  32.     redcolor
  33.     echo -n "Usage: "
  34.     yellocolor
  35.     echo "sourcedir destip[desthostname] destdir"
  36.     cleanstyle
  37.     exit 0
  38. }

  39. if [ $# -ne 3 ];then
  40.     help
  41. fi
  42. srcdir=$1
  43. dest=$2
  44. destdir=$3

  45. #inotifywait -m -r -q --timefmt ‘%F %T‘ --format ‘%T %w%f %e‘ -e close_write /root/rsynctestdir//|while read file

  46. inotifywait -m -r -q --timefmt ‘%F %T‘ --format ‘%w%f‘ -e close_write ${srcdir}/|while read file
  47. do
  48.     time=`date +‘%F %T %Z‘`
  49.     echo "$time RSYNC $file from \"$srcdir\" to \"${dest}:${destdir}\""
  50.     rsync --compress --recursive --links --times --perms --owner --group --verbose --progress --stats --rsh="ssh" $file ${dest}:${destdir}/    
  51. done



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