Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.
1 如何设计二分法的结束条件?
2 如何中序先构造左子树,然后构造根节点,然后是右子树?
3 如何确定根节点?
4 如何返回节点,如何确定返回的节点是左子树还是右子树?
5 什么时候递归?
//2014-2-16 update TreeNode *sortedListToBST(ListNode *head) { int n = getLength(head); return toBST(head, 0, n-1); } int getLength(ListNode *h) { int n = 0; for ( ; h; n++) h = h->next; return n; } TreeNode *toBST(ListNode *&h, int low, int up) { if (low > up) return nullptr; int m = low + ((up-low)>>1); TreeNode *lt = toBST(h, low, m-1); TreeNode *r = new TreeNode(h->val); h = h->next; r->left = lt; r->right = toBST(h, m+1, up); return r; }
Leetcode Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree,布布扣,
Leetcode Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree