public HiveHistoryImpl(SessionState ss) { try { console = new LogHelper(LOG); if(ss.getConf().getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_USE_CUSTOM_PROXY)){ LOG.warn("user custom proxy,gen history log file"); proxyUser = ss.getConf().getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_CUSTOM_PROXY_USER); if(("").equals(proxyUser)||proxyUser == null||("hdfs").equals(proxyUser)){ console.printError("gen history file,use proxy,but proxy user is " + proxyUser); return; } conf_file_loc = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + proxyUser; }else { conf_file_loc = ss.getConf().getVar( HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEHISTORYFILELOC); } LOG.warn("user history log dir is " + conf_file_loc); if ((conf_file_loc == null) || conf_file_loc.length() == 0) { console.printError("No history file location given"); return; } // Create directory File histDir = new File(conf_file_loc); if (!histDir.exists()) { //目录的创建逻辑 if (!histDir.mkdirs()) { console.printError("Unable to create log directory " + conf_file_loc); return; } } do { histFileName = conf_file_loc + File.separator + "hive_job_log_" + ss.getSessionId() + "_" + Math.abs(randGen.nextInt()) + ".txt"; } while (! new File(histFileName).createNewFile()); console.printInfo("Hive history file=" + histFileName); histStream = new PrintWriter(histFileName); HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<String, String>(); hm.put(Keys.SESSION_ID.name(), ss.getSessionId()); log(RecordTypes.SessionStart, hm); } catch (IOException e) { console.printError("FAILED: Failed to open Query Log : " + histFileName + " " + e.getMessage(), "\n" + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } }
// Create directory File histDir = new File(conf_file_loc); if (!histDir.exists()) { //目录的创建逻辑 if (!histDir.mkdirs()) { console.printError("Unable to create log directory " + conf_file_loc); return; } }
public boolean setWritable( boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkWrite( path); } if (isInvalid()) { return false ; } return fs.setPermission(this, FileSystem ACCESS_WRITE, writable, ownerOnly); }
private boolean createDir; ..... // Create directory File histDir = new File(conf_file_loc); if (!histDir.exists()) { if (!histDir.mkdirs()) { console.printError("Unable to create log directory " + conf_file_loc); return; }else{ LOG.warn("create dir success,start chmod,dir is " + histDir); createDir = histDir.setWritable(true,false); } }else{ LOG.warn("dir already exists,start chmod,dir is " + histDir); createDir = histDir.setWritable(true,false); } do { histFileName = conf_file_loc + File.separator + "hive_job_log_" + ss.getSessionId() + "_" + Math.abs(randGen.nextInt()) + ".txt"; } while (! new File(histFileName).createNewFile());
本文出自 “菜光光的博客” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://caiguangguang.blog.51cto.com/1652935/1589891