information for "project.exe" cannot be found or does not match. Binary was not built with debug information.
To enable debugging:
1) Goto Project->Properties
2) On the left expand "Configuration Properties"
3) Expand "C/C++"
4) On the left, Select "General"
5) On the right, change "Debug Information Format" to "Program Database For Edit
And Continue (/ZI)"
5) On the left, Select "Optimization"
6) On the right, change "Optimization" to "Disabled (/Od)"
7) On the left, expand "Linker"
8) On the left, select "Debugging"
9) On the right, change "Generate Debug Info" to "Yes"
10) Click ok
12) Rebuild your applicationVS2010,版本Release时:Debugging information for "project.exe" cannot be found or does not match.