Backbone.History的主要关注点事实上是 popstate(hashChange)的回调checkUrl,无论我们触发navigate或者点击浏览器后退
1 var App = Backbone.Router.extend({ 2 routes: { 3 "": "index", // #index 4 "index": "index", // #index 5 "detail": "detail" // #detail 6 }, 7 index: function () { 8 var index = new Index(this.interface); 9 10 }, 11 detail: function () { 12 var detail = new Detail(this.interface); 13 14 }, 15 initialize: function () { 16 17 }, 18 interface: { 19 forward: function (url) { 20 window.location.href = (‘#‘ + url).replace(/^#+/, ‘#‘); 21 } 22 23 } 24 });
1 var History = Backbone.History = function () { 2 this.handlers = []; 3 _.bindAll(this, ‘checkUrl‘); 4 5 // Ensure that `History` can be used outside of the browser. 6 if (typeof window !== ‘undefined‘) { 7 this.location = window.location; 8 this.history = window.history; 9 } 10 };
history.start 函数
1 start: function(options) { 2 if (History.started) throw new Error("Backbone.history has already been started"); 3 History.started = true; 4 5 // Figure out the initial configuration. Do we need an iframe? 6 // Is pushState desired ... is it available? 7 this.options = _.extend({root: ‘/‘}, this.options, options); 8 this.root = this.options.root; 9 this._wantsHashChange = this.options.hashChange !== false; 10 this._wantsPushState = !!this.options.pushState; 11 this._hasPushState = !!(this.options.pushState && this.history && this.history.pushState); 12 var fragment = this.getFragment(); 13 var docMode = document.documentMode; 14 var oldIE = (isExplorer.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && (!docMode || docMode <= 7)); 15 16 // Normalize root to always include a leading and trailing slash. 17 this.root = (‘/‘ + this.root + ‘/‘).replace(rootStripper, ‘/‘); 18 19 // 老版本ie以及希望使用hashChange, 使用iframe实现 20 if (oldIE && this._wantsHashChange) { 21 var frame = Backbone.$(‘<iframe src="javascript:0" tabindex="-1">‘); 22 this.iframe = frame.hide().appendTo(‘body‘)[0].contentWindow; 23 this.navigate(fragment); 24 } 25 26 // Depending on whether we‘re using pushState or hashes, and whether 27 // ‘onhashchange‘ is supported, determine how we check the URL state. 28 if (this._hasPushState) { 29 Backbone.$(window).on(‘popstate‘, this.checkUrl); 30 } else if (this._wantsHashChange && (‘onhashchange‘ in window) && !oldIE) { 31 Backbone.$(window).on(‘hashchange‘, this.checkUrl); 32 } else if (this._wantsHashChange) { 33 this._checkUrlInterval = setInterval(this.checkUrl, this.interval); 34 }
/* 取决于选择hash还是pushState
如果使用 pushState,调用方法
Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true });
*/ 35 36 // Determine if we need to change the base url, for a pushState link 37 // opened by a non-pushState browser. 38 this.fragment = fragment; 39 var loc = this.location; 40 41 // Transition from hashChange to pushState or vice versa if both are 42 // requested. 43 if (this._wantsHashChange && this._wantsPushState) { 44 45 // If we‘ve started off with a route from a `pushState`-enabled 46 // browser, but we‘re currently in a browser that doesn‘t support it... 47 if (!this._hasPushState && !this.atRoot()) { 48 this.fragment = this.getFragment(null, true); 49 this.location.replace(this.root + ‘#‘ + this.fragment); 50 // Return immediately as browser will do redirect to new url 51 return true; 52 53 // Or if we‘ve started out with a hash-based route, but we‘re currently 54 // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead... 55 } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot() && loc.hash) { 56 this.fragment = this.getHash().replace(routeStripper, ‘‘); 57 this.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.root + this.fragment); 58 } 59 60 } 61 62 if (!this.options.silent) return this.loadUrl(); 63 }
统一入口 loadUrl
loadUrl: function (fragmentOverride) { var fragment = this.fragment = this.getFragment(fragmentOverride); var matched = _.any(this.handlers, function (handler) { // handlers是routes定义的集合,实例化Router时导入 if (handler.route.test(fragment)) { handler.callback(fragment); return true; } }); return matched; }
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