在”GEF(Graphical Editor Framework) Eclipse项目入门系列(2)---Draw2D开发环境的搭建“一文中,我给大家介绍了Draw2D的开发环境的搭建。下一步,根据软件行业的惯例,需要展示一个例子,这样大家才更有兴趣去学习和探索这门技术。好了,废话少说,作者就借花献佛,用Dan Rubel,Jaimen Wren和Eric Clayberg的一个例子Draw2D的例子和大家分享一下。这个例子包括两个类,GenealogyView和FigureMover。 其中GenealogyView是一个绘制一家三口的关系的程序,FigureMover是一个鼠标事件监听程序,通过这个程序,用户可以拖拽一家三口的位置。程序跑起来后的效果如下。
(1) GenealogyView 类: 主程序入口
import org.eclipse.draw2d.*; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.*; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; public class GenealogyView { private Connection connect(IFigure figure1, IFigure figure2) { PolylineConnection connection = new PolylineConnection(); connection.setSourceAnchor(new ChopboxAnchor(figure1)); connection.setTargetAnchor(new ChopboxAnchor(figure2)); return connection; } private IFigure createMarriageFigure() { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50); PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape(); /** * Top:25,0 Left:0,25 Bottom:25,50 Right:50,25 */ System.out.println("Top:"+r.getTop().x+","+r.getTop().y); System.out.println("Left:"+r.getLeft().x+","+r.getLeft().y); System.out.println("Bottom:"+r.getBottom().x+","+r.getBottom().y); System.out.println("Right:"+r.getRight().x+","+r.getRight().y); polygonShape.setStart(r.getTop()); polygonShape.addPoint(r.getTop()); polygonShape.addPoint(r.getLeft()); polygonShape.addPoint(r.getBottom()); polygonShape.addPoint(r.getRight()); polygonShape.addPoint(r.getTop()); polygonShape.setEnd(r.getTop()); polygonShape.setFill(true); polygonShape.setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.lightGray); polygonShape.setPreferredSize(r.getSize()); new FigureMover(polygonShape); return polygonShape; } private IFigure createPersonFigure(String name) { RectangleFigure rectangleFigure = new RectangleFigure(); rectangleFigure.setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.lightGray); rectangleFigure.setLayoutManager(new ToolbarLayout()); rectangleFigure.setPreferredSize(100, 100); rectangleFigure.add(new Label(name)); new FigureMover(rectangleFigure); return rectangleFigure; } private Canvas createDiagram(Composite parent) { // Create a root figure and simple layout to contain // all other figures Figure root = new Figure(); root.setFont(parent.getFont()); XYLayout layout = new XYLayout(); root.setLayoutManager(layout); // Add the father Andy IFigure andy = createPersonFigure("Andy"); root.add(andy); layout.setConstraint(andy,new Rectangle(new Point(10, 10), andy.getPreferredSize())); // Add the mother "Betty" IFigure betty = createPersonFigure("Betty"); root.add(betty); layout.setConstraint(betty,new Rectangle(new Point(230, 10), betty.getPreferredSize())); // Add the son "Carl" IFigure carl = createPersonFigure("Carl"); root.add(carl); layout.setConstraint(carl,new Rectangle(new Point(120, 120), carl.getPreferredSize())); //Added marriage relationship IFigure marriage = createMarriageFigure(); root.add(marriage,new Rectangle(new Point(145, 35),marriage.getPreferredSize())); //Connect persons as marriage relationship root.add(connect(andy, marriage)); root.add(connect(betty, marriage)); root.add(connect(carl, marriage)); // Create a canvas to display the root figure Canvas canvas = new Canvas(parent, SWT.DOUBLE_BUFFERED); canvas.setBackground(ColorConstants.cyan); LightweightSystem lws = new LightweightSystem(canvas); lws.setContents(root); return canvas; } private void run() { Shell shell = new Shell(new Display()); shell.setSize(365, 280); shell.setText("Genealogy"); shell.setLayout(new GridLayout()); Canvas canvas = createDiagram(shell); canvas.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); Display display = shell.getDisplay(); shell.open(); while (!shell.isDisposed()) { while (!display.readAndDispatch()) { display.sleep(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { new GenealogyView().run(); } }
import org.eclipse.draw2d.*; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.*; /** * A Draw2D mouse listener for dragging figures around the diagram. Listeners such as this * are useful for manipulating Draw2D diagrams, but are superseded by higher level GEF * functionality if the GEF framework is used. */ public class FigureMover implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { private final IFigure figure; private Point location; /** * Construct a new instance for dragging the specified figure around the diagram. * * @param figure the figure to be dragged. */ public FigureMover(IFigure figure) { this.figure = figure; figure.addMouseListener(this); figure.addMouseMotionListener(this); } /** * Cache the mouse down location and mark the event as consumed so that the Draw2D * event dispatcher will send all mouse events to the figure associated with this * listener until the mouse button is released. */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { location = event.getLocation(); event.consume(); } /** * Process mouse drag events by moving the associated figure and updating the * appropriate figure in the diagram. */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) { if (location == null) return; Point newLocation = event.getLocation(); if (newLocation == null) return; Dimension offset = newLocation.getDifference(location); if (offset.width == 0 && offset.height == 0) return; location = newLocation; UpdateManager updateMgr = figure.getUpdateManager(); LayoutManager layoutMgr = figure.getParent().getLayoutManager(); Rectangle bounds = figure.getBounds(); updateMgr.addDirtyRegion(figure.getParent(), bounds); // Copy the rectangle using getCopy() to prevent undesired side-effects bounds = bounds.getCopy().translate(offset.width, offset.height); layoutMgr.setConstraint(figure, bounds); figure.translate(offset.width, offset.height); updateMgr.addDirtyRegion(figure.getParent(), bounds); event.consume(); } /** * Clear the last cached mouse location signaling the end of the drag figure * operation. */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { if (location == null) return; location = null; event.consume(); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) { } public void mouseDoubleClicked(MouseEvent event) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) { } public void mouseHover(MouseEvent event) { } }
GEF(Graphical Editor Framework) Eclipse项目入门系列(3)---Draw2D例子演示