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Cisco IOS debug command reference

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Command A through D

debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config
debug aaa accounting : to display information on accountable events as they occur(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa accounting : to disable debugging output
debug aaa authentication : to display information on authentication, authorization,and accounting(AAA) TACACS+ authentication(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa authentication : to disable debugging output
debug aaa authorization : to display information on authentication, and accounting(AAA) TACACS+ authorization(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa authorization : to disable debugging output
debug aaa cache filterserver : to help troubleshoot your filter cache configurations(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa cache filterserver : to disable debugging output
debug aaa cache group : to debug the caching mechanism and ensure that entries are cached from authentication, authorization, and accounting(AAA) server responses and found when queried(in privileged EXEC mode)
debug aaa common-criteria : to troubleshoot authentication, authorization, and accounting(AAA) common criteria password security policy information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa common-criteria : to disable debugging output
debug aaa dead-criteria transactions : to display authentication, authoriztion, and accounting(AAA) dead-criteria transaction values(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa dead-criteria transactions
debug aaa per-user : to display debugging information about PPP session per-user activities(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa per-user : to turn off debugging
debug aaa pod : to display debug messages related to packet of disconnect(POD) packets(in privileged EXEC mode
no debug aaa pod : to disable debugging output
debug aaa redundancy : to display debug output that displays authentication, authorization, and accounting(AAA) redundancy events during session activation, session synchronisation to the standby device, and dynamic session updates to the standby device(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa redundancy : to disable debugging for AAA redundancy
debug aaa sg-server selection : to obtain information about why the RADIUS and TACACS+ server group system in a router is choosing a particular server(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa sg-server selection : to disable debugging output
debug aaa test : to show when the idle timer or dead timer has expired, when test packets are being sent, server response status, and the server state for RADIUS server load balancing(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aaa test : to disable debugging output
debug acircuit : to display errors and events that occur on the attachment circuits(the circuits between the provider edge(PE) and customer edge(CE) routers)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug acircuit : to disable debugging output
debug acircuit checkpoint : to enable the display of attachment circuit checkpoints(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug circuit checkpoint : to disable the display of these messages
debug adjacency : to enable the display of information about the adjacency database(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug adjacency : to disable the display of these events
debug adjacency(vasi) : to display debugging information for the VRF-Aware Service Infrastructure(VASI) adjacency(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug adjacency : to disable debugging output
debug alarm-interface : to show real-time activities in the data channel or the management channel of the Alarm Interface Controller(AIC)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug alarm0interface : to disable debugging output
debug alps ascu : to enable debugging for airline product set(ALPS) agent set control units (ASCUs) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug alps ascu : to disable debugging output
debug alps circuit event : to enable event debugging for airline product set (ALPS) circuits(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug alps circuit event : to disable debugging output
debug alps peer : to enable event or packet debugging for airline product set(ALPS) peers(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug alps peer : to disable debugging output
debug alps peer event : to enable debugging for airline product set(ALPS) peers(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug alps peer event : to disable debugging output
debug alps snmp : to enable debugging for airline product set(ALPS) Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) agents(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug alps snmp : to disable debugging output
debug ancp : to enable the display of debugging information related to the Access Node Control Protocol(ANCP)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ancp : to disable debugging output
debug appfw : to display debug messages about Cisco IOS Firewall events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appfw : to disable debugging output
debug apple arp : to enable debugging of the AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol(AARP)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple arp : to disable debugging output
debug apple domain : to enable debugging of the AppleTalk domain activities(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple domain : to disable debugging output
debug apple eigrp-all : to enable debugging output from the Enhanced IGRP routines(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple eigrp-all : to disable debugging output
debug apple errors : to display errors occulting in the AppleTalk(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple errors : to disable debugging output
debug apple events : to display information about AppleTalk special events, neighbours becoming reachable o unreachable, and interfaces going up or down(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple events : to disable debugging output
debug apple nbp : to display debugging output from the Name Binding Protocol(NBP) routines(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple nbp : to disable debugging output
debug apple packet : to display per-packet debugging output(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple packet : to disable debugging output
debug apple remap : to enable debugging of the AppleTalk remap activities(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple remap : to disable debugging output
debug apple routing : to enable debugging output from the Routing Table Maintenance Protocol(RTMP) routines(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple routing : to disable debugging output
debug apple zip : to display debugging output from the Zone Information Protocol(ZIP) routines(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug apple zip : to disable debugging output
debug appn all : to turn on all possible debugging messages for Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn all : to disable debugging output
debug appn cs : to display Advanced Peer-to-peer Networking(APPN) Configuration Services(CS) component activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn cs : to disable debugging output
debug appn ds : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) Directory Service(DS) component activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn ds : to disable debugging output
debug appn hpr : to display debugging information related to High Performance Routing(HPR) code execution(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn hpr : to disable debugging output
debug appn ms : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) Management Services(MS) component activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn ms
debug appn nof : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) Node Operator Facility(NOF) component activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn nof
debug appn pc : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) Path Control(PC) component activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn pc 
debug appn ps : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) Presentation Services(PS) component activity (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn ps
debug appn scm : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking(APPN) Session Connector Manager(SCM) component activity
no debug appn scm
debug appn ss : to display session services (SS) events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn ss
debug appn trs : to display debugging information on Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) Topology and Routing Services(TRS) component activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug appn trs
debug arap : to display AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol(ARAP) events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug arap 
debug archive config timestamp : to enable debugging of the processing time for each integral step of a configuration replace operation and the size of the configuration files being handled(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug archive config timestamp
debug archive log config persistent : to turn on debugging of configuration logging persistent events and display the results(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug archive log config persistent
debug archive versioning : to enable debugging of the Cisco configuration archive activities(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug archive versioning
debug arp : to enable debugging output for Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) transactions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug arp
debug ase : to gather Automatic Signature Extraction(ASE) error, log, messaging, reporting, status, and timer information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ase
debug asnl events : to trace event logs in the Application Subscribe Notify Layer(ASNL)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug asnl events
debug asp packet : to display information on all asynchronous security protocols(ASPs) operating on the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug asp packet
debug aspp event : to display asynchronous point of sale(APOS) event debug messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aspp event
debug aspp packet : to display asynchronous point of sale(APOS) packet debug messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug aspp packet
debug async async-queue : to display messages for asynchronous line queueing(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug async async-queue
debug atm autovc : to display information about auto provisioned ATM permanent virtual circuit )PVC) events and errors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm autovc
debug atm bundle error : to display debug messages for switched virtual circuit(SVC) bundle errors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm bundle error
debug atm bundle events : to display switched virtual circuit(SVC) bundle events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm bundle events
debug atm cell-packing : the enable the display of ATM cell relay cell-packing debugging information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm cell-packing
debug atm events : to display ATM events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm events
debug atm ha-error : to debug ATM high-avaliability HA errors on a network device(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm ha-error
debug atm ha-events : to debug ATM high-availability(HA) events on the networking device(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm ha-events
debug atm ha-state : to debug ATM high-availability(HA) state information on the networking device(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm ha-state
debug atm l2transport : to enable the display of debugging information related to ATM over MPLS(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm l2transport
debug atm lfi : to display multilink PPP(MLP) over ATM link fragmentation and interleaving(LFI) debug information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm lfi
debug atm native : to display ATM switched virtual circuit(SVC) signalling events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm native
debug atm nbma : to display setup and teardown events for ATM switched virtual circuits(SVCs) configured using the Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm nbma
debug atm oam cc : to display ATM operation, administration, and maintenance(OAM) F5 continuity check(CC) management activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm oam cc
debug atm oc3 pom : to display debug messages for ATM-OC3 Provisioning Object Manager(POM) network modules(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm oc3 pom
debug atm t3e3 : to display debug messages for ATM T3/E3 network modules(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug atm t3e3
debug audit : to display messages for the audit subsystem(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug audit
debug authentication : to display information about the Authentication Manager(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug authentication
debug auto-config : to enable debugging for autoconfiguration application(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debugg auto-cnfig
debug autoupgrade : to display the debug output of the Cisco Auto-Upgrade Manager(AUM)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug autoupgrade
debug backhaul-session-manager session through debug channel packets
debug backhaul-session-manager session : to debug all the available session or a specified session(in privileged EXEC mode) 
no debug backhaul-session-manager session
debug backhaul-session-manager set : to trace state changes and receive messages and events for all the available session sets or a specified session set(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug backhaul-session-manager set
debug backup : to monitor the transitions of an interface going down then back up(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug backup
debug bert : to display information on the bit error rate testing(BERT) feature(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bert
debug bfd : to display debugging messages about Bidirectional Forwarding Detection(BFD)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bfd
debug bgp ipv6 dampening : to display debugging messages for IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) dampening(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp ipv6
debug bgp ipv6 updates : to display debugging messages for IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) update packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp ipv6
debug bgp l2vpn vpls updates : to enable debugging of the L2VPN address family updates from the BGP table(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp l2vpn vpls updates
debug bgp nsap : to enable the display of Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) debugging information specific to the network service access point(NSAP) address family(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp nsap
debug bgp nsap dampening : to display debug messages for Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) network service access point(NSAP) prefix address dampening(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp nsap dampening 
debug bgp nsap updates : to display debug messages for Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) network service access point(NSAP) prefix address update packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp snap updates
debug bgp vpnv6 unicast : to display Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) virtual private network(VPN) debugging output(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bgp vpnv6
debug bri-interface : to display debugging information on ISDN BRI routing activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bri-interface
debug bsc event : to display all events occurring in the Binary Synchronous Communications(Bisync) feature (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bsc event
debug bsc packet : to display all frames traveling through the Binary Synchronous Communications(Bisync) feature(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bsc packet
debug bstun events : to display BSTUN connection events and status(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bstun events
debug bstun packet : to display packet information on packets traveling through the BSTUN links(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bstun packet
debug bundle errors : to enable the display of information on bundle errors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bundle errors
debug bundle events : to enable display of bundle events when use occurs(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug bundle events
debug call-home diagnostic-signature : to enable the debugging of call-home diagnostic signature flags on  a device(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call-home diagnostic-signature
debug call-mgmt : to display debugging information for call accounting, including modem and time slot usage, for active and recent calls(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call-mgmt
debug call fallback detail : to display details of the call fallback (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call fallback detail
debug call fallback probe : to display details of the call fallback probes(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call fallback probe
debug call filter detail : to display details of the debug trace inside the generic call filter module(GCFM)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call filter detail
debug call filter inout : to display the debug trace inside the generic call filter module(GCFM) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call filter inout
debug call rsvp-sync events : to display events that occur during Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) setup(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call rsvp-sync events
debug call rsvp-sync fund-trace : to display messages about software functions called by Resource Reservation(RSVP)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call rsvp-sync fund-trace
debug call threshold : to see details of the trigger actions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call threshold
debug call treatment action : to debug the call treatment actions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug call treatment action
debug callback : to display callback events when the router is using a modem and a chat script to call back on a terminal line(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug callback
debug capf-server : to collect debug information about the CAPF server (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug capf-server
debug cas : to debug channel-associated signalling(CAS) messages and to debug the establishment of a time-division multiplexing(TDM) connection between a DS0 and a digital modem(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cas slot slot_number port port-number
debug ccaal2 session : to display the ccaal2 function calls during call setup and teardown (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccaal2 session
debug cce dp named-db urlfilter : to enable debug information of the Common Classification Engine Data-Plane(CCE DP) URL Filtering Classification module(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cce dp named-db urlfilter
 debug ccfrf11 session : to display the ccfrf11 function calls during call setup and teardown(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccfrf11 session
debug cch323 : to provide debugging output for various components within the H.323 subsystem (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cch323
debug cch323 capacity : to track the call capacity of the gatekeeper(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cch323 capacity
debug cch323 h225 : to provide the trace of the state transition of the H.225 state machine based on the processed events (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cch323 h225
debug cch323 h245 : to provide the trace of the state transition of the H.245 state machine based on the processed events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cch323 h245
debug cch 323 preauth : to enable diagnostic reporting of authentication, authorisation, and accounting(AAA) call preauthentication for H.323 calls(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cch323 preach
debug cch323 ras : to provide the trace of the state transition of the Registration, Admission, and Status(RAS) Protocol state machine based on the processed events(in privileged EXEC mode) 
no debug cch323 ras
debug cch323 video : to provide debugging output for video components within the H.323 subsystem(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cch323 video
debug ccm-manager : to display debugging information about Cisco CallManager(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccm-manager
debug ccsip all : to enable all Session Initiation Protocol(SIP)-related debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip all
debug ccsip calls : to show all Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) Service Provider Interface(SPI) call tracing (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip calls
debug ccsip dhcp : to display debugging related information on Session Initiation Protocol(SIP ) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) interaction, when SIP parameters are provisioned by DHCP(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip dhcp
debug ccsip error : to show Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) Service Peovider Interface(SPI) errors(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip error
debug ccsip events : to enable tracing of events that are specific to service provider interface(SPI)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip events
debug ccsip info : to enable tracing of general service provider interface (SPI) information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip info
debug ccsip media : to enable tracing of Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) call media streams(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip media
debug ccsip messages : to show all Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) Service Provider Interface(SPI) message tracing(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip messages
debug ccsip preauth : to enable diagnostic reporting of authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) pre authentication for Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) calls(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip preauth
debug ccsip states : to show all Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) Service Provider Interface(SPI) state tracing(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip states
debug ccsip transport : to enable tracing of the Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) transport handler and the TCP or User Datagram Protocol(UDP) process (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccsip transport
debug ccswvoice vo-debug : to display detailed debugging information related to ccswvoice function calls during call setup and teardown(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccswvoice vo-debug 
debug ccswvoice vofr-debug : to display the ccswvoice function calls during call setup and teardown(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccswvoice vofr-debug
debug ccswvoice vofr-session : to display the ccswvoice function calls during call setup and teardown(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccswvoice vofr-session
debug ccswvoice vo-session : to display the first 10 votes (including header) of selected VoFR subframe for the interface (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ccswvoice vo-session
debug cdapi : to display information about the Call Distributor Application Programming Interface (CDAPI)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdapi
debug cdma pdsn a10 ahdlc : to display debug messages for Asynchronous High-Level Data Link Control(AHDLC)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn a10 ahdlc
debug cdma pdsn a10 gre : to display debug messages for A10 Generic Routing Encapsulation(GRE) interface errors, events, and packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn a10 gre
debug cdma pdsn a10 ppp : to display debug messages for A10 Point-to-Point protocol(PPP) interface errors, envnts, and packages (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn a10 ppp
debug cdma pdsn a11 : to display debug messages for A11 interface errors, events, and packages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn a11
debug cdma pdsn accounting : to display debug messages for accounting events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn accounting
debug cdma pdsn accounting flow : to display debug messages for accounting flow(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn accounting flow
debug cdma pdsn accounting time-of-day : to display the timer value,(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn accounting time-of-day
debug cdma pdsn cluster : to display the error messages, event messages, and packets received(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn cluster message
debug cdma pdsn ipv6 : to display IPV6 error or event messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn ipv6
debug cdma pdsn prepaid : to display debug messages about prepaid flow(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn prepaid
debug cdma pdsn qos : to display debug messages about quality of service features(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn qos
debug cdma pdsn resource-manager : to display debug messages that help you monitor the resource-manager information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn resource-manager
debug cdma pdsn selection : to display debug message for the intelligent
debug cdma pds service-selection : to display debug messages for service selection(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn service-selection
debug cdma pdsn session : to display debug messages for Session Manager errors, events, and packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdma pdsn session
debug cdp : to enable debugging of the Cisco Discovery Protocol(CDP)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdp
debug cdp ip : to enable debug output for the IP routing information that is carried and processed by the Cisci Discovery Protocol(CDP)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cdp ip
debug cef : to enable the display of information about Cisco Express Forwarding events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cef
debug cell-hwic driver : to debug the Cisco IOS driver for the cellular interface(in EXEC mode)
debug cell0hwic firmware : to see the Cisco IOS firmware information(in EXEC mode)
debug cellular messages all : to print all Cisco IOS driver debug messages(in EXEC mode)
debug cellular messages async : to debug cellular async (in EXEC mode)
debug cellular messages data :  to print Cisco IOS data path debug messages(in EXEC mode)
debug cellular messages dm : to print Diagnostics Monitor(DM) messages from the Qualcomm CDMA chipset(in EXEC mode)
debug cellular messages management : to print management path messages, such as CnS(in EXEC mode)
debug cell-hwic virt-con : to redirect the Nios 2 console driver messages to display them in the Cisco IOS router console environment(in EXEC mode)
debug cem ls errors : to debug connection errors or null data structures(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cem les errors
debug cem ls events : to debug CEM local switching events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cem ls events
debug des-conn : to display information from circuit emulation service(CES) clients(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ces-conn
debug cfm : to enable debugging of the data path of Ethernet connectivity fault management(CFM) in Cisco Catalyst 6500 series switches(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cfm
debug channel events : to display processing events on Cisco 7000 series routers that occur on the channel adapter interfaces of all installed adapters(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug channel events
debug channel ilan : to display messages relating to configuration and bridging using Cisco Mainframe Channel Connection (CMCC) internal LANs and to help debug source-route bridging (SRB) problems related to CMCC internal LANs(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug channel ilan
debug channel love : to display Channel Interface Processor(CIP) love letter events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug channe love
debug channel packets : to display per-paeket debugging output(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug channel packets
debug clns esis events through debug dbconn tcp
debug clns esis events : to display uncommon End System-to-Intermediate System(ES-IS) events, including previously unknown neighbours, neighbours that have aged out, and neighbours that have changed roles(ES-IS, for example),(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dlns esis events
debug clns esis pakets : to enable display information on End System-to-Intermediate System(ES-IS) packets that the router has received and sent(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug clns esis packets
debug clns events : to display Connections Network Service (CLNS) events that are occurring at the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug clns events
debug clns igrp packets : to display debugging information on all ISO-IGRP routing activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug clns igrp packets
debug clns packet : to display information about packet receipt and forwarding to the next interface(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug clns packet
debug clns routing : to display debugging information for all Connectionless Network Service(CLNS) routing cache updates and activities involving the CLNS routing table(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug clns routing
debug cls message : to display information about Cisco Link Service(CLS) messages(in privilege EXEC mode)
no debug cos message
debug cls vdlc : to display information about Cisco Link Service(CLS) Virtual Data Link Control (VDLC) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cls vdlc
debug cme-xml : to generate debug messages for the Cisco Unified CallManager Express XML application(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cme-xml
debug cns config : to turn on debugging messages related to the Cisco Networking Services(CNS) configuration agent(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cns config 
debug cns events : to turn on debugging messages related to the Cisco Networking Service(CNS) Event Gateway(Iin privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cns event 
debug cns exec : to display debugging messages about Cisco Networking Service(CNS) exec agent services(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cns exec 
undebug cns exec
debug cns image : to display debugging messages about Cisco Networking Service(CNS) image agent service(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cns image
debug cns management : to display information about Cisco Networking Service(CNS) management(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cps management
debug cns xml : to turn on debugging messages related to the Cisco Networking Service(CNS) eXtensible Markup Language(XML) parser(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cns xml
debug cns xml-parser : to turn on debugging messages related to the Cisco Networking Services(CNS) extensible Markup Language(XML) parser(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cns xml-parser
debug compress : to debug compression (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug compress
debug condition : to filter debugging output for certain debug commands on the basis of specified conditions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition
debug condition application voice : to display debugging messages for only the specified VoiceXML application(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition application voice
debug condition glbp : to display debugging messages about Gateway Load Balancing Protocol(GLBP) conditions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition glbp
debug condition interface : to limit output for some debug commands on the basis of the interface, virtual circuit(VC), or VLAN,(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition interface
debug condition match-list : to run a filtered debug on a voice call(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition match-list
debug condition standby : to filter the output of the debug standby command on the basis of interface and Hot Standby Router Protocol(HSRP) group number(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition standby
debug condition voice-port : to display debug output for a specified port(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition voice-port
debug condition vrf : to limit debug output to a specific Virtual Routing and Forwarding(VFR) instance(in privileged EXEC mode)
undebug condition vrf
debug condition xconnect : to conditionally filter debug messages related to connect configurations(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug condition xconnect
debug configuration lock : to enable debugging of the Cisco IOS configuration lock(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug command lock
debug confmodem : to display information associated with the discovery and configuration of the modem attached to the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug confmodem
debug conn : to display information from the connection manager, time0division multiplexing(TDM) and digital signal processor(DSP) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug conn
debug content-scan : to enable content scan debugging(inn privileged EXEC mode)
no debug content scan
debug control-plane : to display debugging output from the control-plane routines(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug control-plane
debug cops : to display a one-line summary of each Common Open Policy Service(COPS) message sent from and received by the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cops
debug cot : to display information about the Continuity Test(COT) functionality(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cot
debug cpp event : to display general Combinet Proprietary Protocol(CPP) events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cpp event
debug cpp negotiation : to display Conbinet Protocol(CPP) negotiation events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cpp negotiation
debug cpp packet : to display Combinet Proprietary Protocol(CPP) packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cpp packet
debug credentials : to set debugging on the credentials service that runs between the Cisco Unified Survivable Site Remote Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST) router and Cisco CallManager(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug credentials
debug crm : to troubleshoot the Carrier Resource Manager(CRM)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crm
debug crypto ace b2b : to enable IPSec VPN SPA  debugging for a Blade Failure Group(in privileged EXEC mode)
debug crypto ace boot : to enable ACE boot API debugging (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace boot
debug crypto ace cfgmon : to enable ACE CFGMON transactions debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace cfgmon
debug crypto ace congestion-mgr : to enable ACE Crypto engine manager debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace congestion-mgr
debug crypto ace dpd : to enable ACE DPD debugging (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace dpd
debug crypto ace error : to enable error logging debugging (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace error
debug crypto ace hapi : to enable ACE HAPI transactions debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace hapi
debug crypto ace ikea : to enable ACE IKEA transactions debugging(i privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace ikea
debug crypto ace invspi : to enable ACE invalid SPI debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace invspi
debug crypto ace ipd : to enable ACE IPD debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace ipd
debug crypto ace mace : to enable multi-ACE messages debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace mace
debug crypto ace pcp : to enable ACE PCP transactions debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace pcp
debug crypto ace polo : to enable ACE policy loader debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace polo
debug crypto ace propcfg : to enable ACE propagate configuration debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace propcfg
debug crypto ace qos : to enable ACE QoS debugging (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace qos
debug crypto ace rcon : to enable ACE RCON messages debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace rcon
debug crypto ace redundancy : to enable ACE HA debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace redundancy
debug crypto ace spi : to enable ACE SPI debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace spi
debug crypto ace stats : to enable ACE stats module debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace stats
debug crypto ace syslog : to enable ACE syslog messages debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace syslog
debug crypto ace tftp : to enable ACE TFTP boot debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace tftp
debug crypto ace topn : to enable ACE-TOPN-HELPER debugging( in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace topn
debug crypto ace warning : to enable ACE warning log debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ace warning
debug crypto condition unmatched : to display crypto conditional debug messages when context information is unavailable to check against debug conditions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto condition unmatched
debug crypto ctcp : to display information about a Cisco Tunnel Control Protocol(cTCP) session(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ctcp
debug crypto engine : to display debugging messages about crypto engines, which perform encryption and decryption (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto engine
debug crypto engine accelerator logs : to enable logging of commands and associated parameters sent from the virtual private network(VPN) module driver to the VPN module hardware using a debug flag(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto engine accelerator logs 
debug crypto engine ism-vpn : to enable debugging for a Cisco VPN Internal Service Module(ISM)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto engine ism-vpn
debug crypto engine ism-vpn ssl : to enable debugging for Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) in a Cisco VPN Internal Service Module(VPN ISM)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto engine ism-vpn ssl
debug crypto engine ism-vpn traffic : to enable debugging for Cisco VPN Internal Service Module (ISM) traffic(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto engine ism-vpn traffic
debug crypto engine ism-vpn traffic selector : to enable ebug rules for specific traffic in Cisco VPN Internal Service Module(ISM)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug vrypto engine ism-vpn traffic selector
debug crypto error : to enable error debugging for a crypto area (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto error
debug crypto gdoi : to display information about a Group Domain of Interpretation(GDOI) configuration(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto gdoi
debug crypto gdoi condition : to configure conditional filters (based on groups and peers) for GDOI debugging(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto gdoi condition
debug crypto ha : to display crypto high availability debugging information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ha
debug crypto ipv6 ipsec : to display IP Security(IPSec) events for IPv6 networks(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ipv6 ipsec
debug crypto ipv6 packet : to display the contents if IPv6 packets(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ipv6 packet
debug crypto ikev2 : to enable Internet Key Exchange Version2 (IKEv2) debug messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ikev2
debug crypto ipsec : to display IP Security(IPsec) events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ipsec
debug crypto ipsec client ezvpn : to display information about voice control messages that have been captured by the Voice DSP Control Message Logger and about Cisco Easy VPN remote connections (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ipsec client ezvpn
debug crypto ipsec ha : to enable debugging messages for IP Security(IPSec) high availability(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto ipsec ha
debug crypto isakmp : to display messages about Internet Key Exchange(IKE) events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto isakmp
debug crypto isakmp ha : to enable debugging messages for Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol(ISAKMP) high availability (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto isakmp ha
debug crypto key-exchange : to show Digital Signature Standard(DSS) public key exchange messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto key-exchange
debug crypto mib : to display debug messages for the IP Security (IPSec) MIB subsystem(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto mib
debug crypto pki messages : to display debugging messages for the details of the interaction(message dump) between the certification authority(CA) and the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto poi messages
debug crypto pki server : to enable debugging for a crypto public key infrastructure(PKI) certificate server(i n privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto pki server
debug crypto pki transactions : to display debugging messages for the trace of interaction(message type) between the certification authority(CA) and the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto pki transactions
debug crypto provisioning : to display information about an easy secure device provisioning (SDP) operation(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto provisioning
debug crypto sesmgmt : to show connection setup messages and their flow through the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug crypto sesmgmt
debug csm neat : to turn on debugging for all Cal Switching Module(CSM) Voice over IP(VoIp) calls,(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dsm neat 
debug csm tgrm : to view Call Switching Module (CSM) trunk group resource manager information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug csm tgrm
debug csm voice : to turn on debugging for all Call Switching Module(CSM) Coice over IP(VoIP) calls(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug csm voice
debug ctl-client : to collect debug information about the CTL client(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug ctl-client
debug ctunnel : to display debugging messages for the IP over a Connectionless Network Service(CLNS) Tunnel feature(in privileged EXEC mode)
n odebug ctunnel
debug custon-queue : to enable custom queueing output(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug custom-queue
debug cwmp : to debug the TR-069 Agent(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug cwmp
debug dempening : to display debug trace information messages for interface dampening(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dampening
debug data-store : to display persistent storage device(PSD)-related debugging messages for the gateway GPRS support node(GGSN)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug data-store
debug data-store detail : to display extended details for persistent storage device(PSD)-related debugging information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug data-store detail
debug dbconn all : to turn on all debug flags for Database Connection(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dbconn all
debug dbconn appc : to display Advanced Program-to-Program Communication(APPC)-related trace or error messages(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dbconn appc
debug dbconn config : to display trace or error messages for Database Connection configuration and control blocks(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dbconn config
debug dbconn drda : to display error messages and stream traces for Distributed Relational Database Architecture(DRDA) (in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dbconn drda
debug dbconn event : to display trace or error messages for Cisco Transaction Connection(CTRC) events related to DATABASE2(DB2) communications(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dbconn event
debug dbconn tcp : to display error messages and traces for TCP(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dbconn tcp
debug decnet aid through debug css ipx event
debug decent adj : to display debugging information on DECnet adjacencies(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug decnet adj
debug decnet connects : to display debugging information of all connect packets that are filtered (permitted or denied )by DECnet access lists(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug decnet connects
debug decnet events : to display debugging information on DECnet events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug decnet events
debug decnet packet : to display debugging information in DECnet packet events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug decnet packet
debug decnet routing : to display all DECnet routing-related events occurring at the router(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug decnet routing
debug device-sensor : to enable debugging for device sensor(in privileged EXEC mode)
debug dhcp : debug dhcp
no debug dhcp
debug dhcp redundancy : to display debugging information about DHCP proxy client redundancy events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dhcp redundancy
debug dialer events : to display debugging information about the packets received on a diaper interface(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dialer events
debug dialer forwarding : to display debugging information about the control plane at the home gateway(HGW) for Layer2 Tunneling Protocol(L2TP) dialout(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dialer forwarding
debug dialer map : to display debugging information about the creation and deletion of dynamic dialler maps(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dialer map
debug dialpeer : to view dial peer information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dialpeer
debug diameter : to display information about the Diameter Protocol(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug diameter
debug dlsw : to enable debugging of data-link switching plus(DLSW+)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dlsw
debug dmsp doc-to-fax : to display debugging messages for the doc Media Service Provider(docMSP) TIFF or text2Fax engine(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dmsp doc-to-fax
debug dmsp fax-to-doc : to display debugging messages for doc MSP(docMSP)(in privielged EXEC mode)
no debug dmsp fax-to-doc
debug dmvpn : to display debug Dynamic Multipoint VPN(AMVPN) session information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dmvpn
debug dmvpn condition : to display conditional debug Dynamic Multipoint VPN(DMCPN) session information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dmvpn condition
debug dot11 : to enable debugging of radio functions(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dot11
debug dot11 aaa : to enable debugging of dot11 authentication, authorisation, and accounting(AAA) operations(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dot11 aaa
debug dot11 cac : to begin debugging of admission control radio functions
no debug dot11 cac
debug dot11 dot11radio : to enable radio debug options(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dot11 dot11radio
debug dot11 ids : to enable debugging for wireless IDS monitoring
no debug dot11 ids
debug dot11 ids mfp : to debug Management Frame Protection(MFP) operations on the access point
debug dot1x : to display 802.1X debugging information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dot1x 
debug drip event : to display debugging messages for Duplicate Ring Protocol(DRiP) events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug drip event
debug drip packet : to display debugging messages for Duplicate Ring Protocol(DRiP) packets
debug dsc clock : to display debugging output for the time-division multiplexing(TDM) clock-switching events on the dial shelf controller(DSC)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dsc clock
debug dsip : to display debugging output for Distributed System Interconnect Protocol(DSIP) used between a router shelf and a dial shelf(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dsip
debug dspapi : to enable debugging for Digital Signal Processor(DSP) application programming interface(API) message events(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dspapi
debug dspfarm : to display digital signal processot(DSP) farm service debugging information(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dspfarm
debug dspu activation : to display information on downstream physical unit(DSPU) activation(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dspu activation
debug dspu packet : to display information on a downstream physical unit(DSPU) packet(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dspu packet
debug dspu state : to display information on downstream physical unit(DSPU) finite machine(FSM) state changes(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dspu state
debug dspu trace : to display information on downstream physical unit(DSPU) trace activity, which includes all finite state machine(FSM) activity(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dspu trace
debug dss ipx event : to display debugging messages for route change events that affect Internetwork Packet Exchange(IPX) Multilayer Switching(MLS)(in privileged EXEC mode)
no debug dss ipx event

Cisco IOS debug command reference


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