我们究竟能从项目中学到什么呢?有的人可能会说,从一个项目中,你可以学到很多东西,比如你可以学习Nhibinate,Entity Framework 等ORM框架,还可以学习到LINQ 2 SQL等技术,但是,一个DAOHelper就能毁掉你的梦想。我们不妨来看看下面的一些代码。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; using Sable.Dao; using Blrs.Wcp.Models; using PetaPoco; namespace Blrs.Wcp.Services { /// <summary> /// 外部数据源管理对象管理接口的实现类 /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <img src="ClassDiagram.png" /> /// </remarks> public class CmsDataSourceService : ICmsDataSourceService { ICmsComplexDatumService cmsComplexDatumService = new CmsComplexDatumService(); public Page Show() { return this.ShowDataSource(""); } public Page ShowDataSource(string TypeId) { CmsDataSourceQueryData cmsDataSourceQueryData = new CmsDataSourceQueryData(); cmsDataSourceQueryData.Page = new Page(); cmsDataSourceQueryData.TypeId = TypeId; return Query(cmsDataSourceQueryData); } public Page Query(CmsDataSourceQueryData cmsDataSourceQueryData) { Sql sql = new Sql("select a.* from Cms_DataSource a"); string where = " a.DateSoureTitle like @0 "; if (cmsDataSourceQueryData.TypeId != "" && cmsDataSourceQueryData.TypeId != null) { where += " and a.DateSoureMethod <>‘2‘ "; } sql.Where(where, new object[] { "%" + cmsDataSourceQueryData.DateSoureTitle + "%" }); sql.OrderBy(new object[] { "a.DateSoureTitle" }); DaoHelper.QueryByPage<CmsDataSource>(sql, cmsDataSourceQueryData.Page); return cmsDataSourceQueryData.Page; } public void Add(CmsDataSourceList cmsDataSource) { string names = DaoHelper.ExecuteScalar<string>("select a.DateSoureTitle from Cms_DataSource a where a.DateSoureTitle = @0 ", new object[] { "" + cmsDataSource.CmsDataSource.DateSoureTitle + "" }); if (names != null) { throw new Exception("不允许数据源名称相同!"); } cmsDataSource.CmsDataSource.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); DaoHelper.Insert(cmsDataSource.CmsDataSource); cmsComplexDatumService.AddOrUpdate(cmsDataSource); } public void Update(CmsDataSourceList cmsDataSource) { string names = DaoHelper.ExecuteScalar<string>("select a.DateSoureTitle from Cms_DataSource a where a.DateSoureTitle = @0 and a.ID<> ‘"+cmsDataSource.CmsDataSource.ID+"‘", new object[] { "" + cmsDataSource.CmsDataSource.DateSoureTitle + "" }); if (names != null) { throw new Exception("不允许数据源名称相同!"); } DaoHelper.Update(cmsDataSource.CmsDataSource); cmsComplexDatumService.AddOrUpdate(cmsDataSource); } public void Del(string id) { List<string> ids = new List<string>(); ids.Add(id); this.Dels(ids); } public void Dels(List<string> ids) { foreach (string id in ids) { DaoHelper.Delete<CmsComplexDatum>(new Sql("delete from Cms_ComplexData where NID=‘" + id + "‘")); DaoHelper.Delete<CmsDataSource>((object)id); } } public CmsDataSourceList Show(string id) { CmsDataSourceList list = new CmsDataSourceList(); CmsDataSource cmsDataSource = DaoHelper.SingleOrDefault<CmsDataSource>((object)id); IEnumerable<CmsComplexDatum> cmsComplexDatums = DaoHelper.Query<CmsComplexDatum>("select a.*,b.DateSoureTitle from Cms_ComplexData a,Cms_DataSource b where a.CID=@0 and a.NID=b.ID ", new string[] { id }); list.CmsDataSource = cmsDataSource; list.CmsComplexDatums = cmsComplexDatums.ToList<CmsComplexDatum>(); return list; } } }
一句话可以概括一下我的思想:DAOHelper是用来做事的,而我们真正要学的,是DAOHelper深层次的原理,不能“ 知其然而不知其所以然”,不能让DAOHelper剥夺了我们向往更深层次学习的动力。