直接上命令查看所有的git命令非常简单,直接在控制台输入 git,可以看到:
lswdeMacBook-Pro:GitHub lsw$ git usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value] [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] [-p|--paginate|--no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare] [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>] <command> [<args>] The most commonly used git commands are: add Add file contents to the index bisect Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug branch List, create, or delete branches checkout Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree clone Clone a repository into a new directory commit Record changes to the repository diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc fetch Download objects and refs from another repository grep Print lines matching a pattern init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one log Show commit logs merge Join two or more development histories together mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch push Update remote refs along with associated objects rebase Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index show Show various types of objects status Show the working tree status tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' lists available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>' to read about a specific subcommand or concept.
这里有git常用的命令,如果不知道命令如何使用,那么输入 git help <命令的名称>,比如 git help init,然后回车,控制台中就会输出init命令的详细解释合使用说明。
1、git clone 从远程服务器上的git版本库克隆到本地。例子:首先进入本地的一个文件夹比如gitHubLib
<p class="p1">lswdeMacBook-Pro:GitHub lsw$ git clone https://github.com/shiweihappy/LearnGItShell.git</p><p class="p1">Cloning into 'LearnGItShell'...</p><p class="p1">remote: Counting objects: 3, done.</p><p class="p1">remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.</p><p class="p1">remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)</p><p class="p1">Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.</p><p class="p1">Checking connectivity... done.</p>可以看的我将远程服务器上的LearnGItShell这个git仓库克隆到本地的目录文件夹中
2、git pull --rebase 更新git的仓库,有人就问了为什么不是用git pull,加入--rebase是什么意思,这个问题就有点难解释了,有时间的话我会专门写一篇文章介绍这两种方法的区别。如果实在想知道的话可以网上搜索一下,具体这两种方法哪种更好,谁都无法说服谁,萝卜白菜各有所爱吧!
lswdeMacBook-Pro:<span style="font-family: monospace;font-size:18px; white-space: pre; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240);">LearnGItShell</span> lsw$ git pull --rebase Current branch master is up to date.
vim a.txt
进入可编辑状态 i
输入对应的内容,推出可编辑状态 esc
保存文件 :wq
4、git status 查看仓库的各个文件的状态。这个命令要多使用,无论是在更新或者提交的时候,可以查看本地的文件修改状况,防止误修改。例子:
lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) a.txt nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
5、git add 添加文件到本地仓库中,可以使用 git add a.txt 或者 git add . 将全部文件都加入到本地仓库中。
lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git add . lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git status On branch master
<p class="p1">Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.</p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p1">Changes to be committed:</p><p class="p1"> (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)</p><p class="p2"> </p><p class="p3"><span class="s1"> </span>new file: a.txt</p>使用add命令后,在使用status命令查看本地的文件都在本地的仓库中了。
6、git commit命令,提交修改内容的日志,这个命令很重要,因为通过他可以将这次所有的修改的说明提交到git仓库的log日志中,这也是以后我们查看之前修改的重要依据。例子:
lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git commit -m "add a.txt" [master 9a25f4f] add a.txt 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) create mode 100644 a.txt lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ ls README.md a.txt lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git status On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working directory clean
lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git push warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use: git config --global push.default matching To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use: git config --global push.default simple When push.default is set to 'matching', git will push local branches to the remote branches that already exist with the same name. In Git 2.0, Git will default to the more conservative 'simple' behavior, which only pushes the current branch to the corresponding remote branch that 'git pull' uses to update the current branch. See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further information. (the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode 'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git) Username for 'https://github.com': shi_weihappy@126.com Password for 'https://shi_weihappy@126.com@github.com': Counting objects: 4, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 283 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) To https://github.com/shiweihappy/LearnGItShell.git 40ceb9f..9a25f4f master -> master
lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean
lswdeMacBook-Pro:LearnGItShell lsw$ git log commit 9a25f4fe7224492c7ba440c3430e27918b8fa5d8 Author: shiweihappy <shi_weihappy@126.com> Date: Tue Jan 6 22:24:10 2015 +0800 add a.txt commit 40ceb9fd3bf48bc8f351e60521761a72b9e390a4 Author: shiweihappy <shi_weihappy@126.com> Date: Tue Jan 6 22:20:11 2015 +0800 Initial commit