使用这个类然后关联Edit的变量为 LineNumberEdit类型的
#if !defined(AFX_LINENUMBEREDIT_H__CAB7A465_709C_42B8_80D0_2B0AF6D25AD4__INCLUDED_)
// CLineNumberStatic window
class CLineNumberStatic : public CStatic
// Construction/destruction
virtual ~CLineNumberStatic();
// Operations
void SetFgColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw );
void SetBgColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw );
void SetTopAndBottom( int topline, int bottomline );
void SetTopMargin( int topmargin );
void SetLineNumberFormat( CString format );
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point );
// Attributes
COLORREF m_fgcol;
COLORREF m_bgcol;
CString m_format;
int m_topmargin; // Current top margin
int m_topline; // Current top line number
int m_bottomline; // Current bottom line number
// CLineNumberEdit window
class CLineNumberEdit : public CEdit
// Construction/destruction
virtual ~CLineNumberEdit();
// Operations
void SetMarginForegroundColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw = TRUE, BOOL bEnabled = TRUE );
void SetMarginBackgroundColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw = TRUE, BOOL bEnabled = TRUE );
void SetLineNumberFormat( CString format );
void SetLineNumberRange( UINT nMin, UINT nMax = 0 );
void UseSystemColours( BOOL bUseEnabled = TRUE, BOOL bUseDisabled = TRUE );
virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
virtual afx_msg void OnEnable( BOOL bEnable );
virtual afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
virtual afx_msg void OnChange();
virtual afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
virtual afx_msg void OnVscroll();
virtual afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
virtual afx_msg LRESULT OnSetFont(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // Maps to WM_SETFONT
virtual afx_msg LRESULT OnSetText(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // Maps to WM_SETTEXT
virtual afx_msg LRESULT OnLineScroll(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // Maps to EM_LINESCROLL
virtual afx_msg LRESULT OnSelectLine(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void Prepare();
int CalcLineNumberWidth();
void UpdateTopAndBottom();
// Method to set window colour only
void SetWindowColour( BOOL bEnable = TRUE );
// Attributes
BOOL m_bUseEnabledSystemColours;
COLORREF m_EnabledFgCol;
COLORREF m_EnabledBgCol;
BOOL m_bUseDisabledSystemColours;
COLORREF m_DisabledFgCol;
COLORREF m_DisabledBgCol;
CLineNumberStatic m_line;
CSize m_zero;
int m_maxval;
CString m_format;
int m_LineDelta; // Introduced to provide an offset to the first line number
#endif // !defined(AFX_LINENUMBEREDIT_H__CAB7A465_709C_42B8_80D0_2B0AF6D25AD4__INCLUDED_) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "LineNumberEdit.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// Registered message to allow selection of complete
// lines by clicking the line number
// CLineNumberEdit
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::CLineNumberEdit
Description : constructor
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage :
m_hWnd = NULL;
m_line.m_hWnd = NULL;
m_zero.cx = 0;
m_zero.cy = 0;
m_format = _T( "%05i" );
m_LineDelta = 0;
// Could default m_maxval to 99,999, but may cause problems
// if m_format is changed and m_maxval is not...
m_maxval = 0;
// Setting up so by defult the original hard-coded colour
// scheme is used when enabled and the system colours are
// used when disabled.
m_bUseEnabledSystemColours = FALSE;
m_bUseDisabledSystemColours = TRUE;
m_EnabledFgCol = RGB( 0, 0, 0 );
m_EnabledBgCol = RGB( 255, 255, 248 );
m_DisabledFgCol = GetSysColor( COLOR_GRAYTEXT );
m_DisabledBgCol = GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE );
void CLineNumberEdit::PreSubclassWindow()
// Unfortunately, we can‘t change to ES_MULTILINE
// during run-time.
// Creating the line number control
SetLineNumberFormat( m_format );
// CLineNumberEdit message handlers
void CLineNumberEdit::OnSysColorChange()
// update the CStatic with the new colours
SetWindowColour( IsWindowEnabled() );
LRESULT CLineNumberEdit::OnSetText( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
// Default processing
LRESULT retval = DefWindowProc( WM_SETTEXT, wParam, lParam );
return retval;
void CLineNumberEdit::OnChange()
void CLineNumberEdit::OnVscroll()
void CLineNumberEdit::OnVScroll( UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar )
CEdit::OnVScroll( nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar );
LRESULT CLineNumberEdit::OnLineScroll( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
LRESULT retval = DefWindowProc( EM_LINESCROLL, wParam, lParam );
return retval;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::OnSetFont
Description : Mapped to WM_SETFONT. We must recalculate
the line number control size as well.
Return : LRESULT - Always 0
Parameters : WPARAM wParam - From Windows
LPARAM lParam - From Windows
Usage : Called from Windows
LRESULT CLineNumberEdit::OnSetFont( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
DefWindowProc( WM_SETFONT, wParam, lParam );
// We resize the line-number
// field
return 0;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::OnSize
Description : Handles WM_SIZE. Recalculates the line
number control size as well.
Return : void
Parameters : UINT nType - From Windows
int cx - From Windows
int cy - From Windows
Usage : Called from Windows
void CLineNumberEdit::OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy )
CEdit::OnSize( nType, cx, cy );
// If we have the line-number
// control, it must be resized
// as well.
if( m_line.m_hWnd )
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::OnEnable
Description : Handles WM_ENABLE. Calls to set colours.
Return : void
Parameters : BOOL bEnable - From Windows
Usage : Called from Windows.
void CLineNumberEdit::OnEnable( BOOL bEnable )
CEdit::OnEnable( bEnable );
SetWindowColour( bEnable );
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::OnSelectLine
Description : Handler for the urm_SELECTLINE registered
message. Will select the line in wParam.
Return : LRESULT - Not used
Parameters : WPARAM wParam - The line to select
LPARAM lParam - Not used
Usage : Called from MFC. Use
SendMessage( urm_SELECTLINE, line ) from
LRESULT CLineNumberEdit::OnSelectLine(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/ )
// Calc start and end position of the line
int lineno = wParam + GetScrollPos( SB_VERT );
int start = LineIndex( lineno );
int end = LineIndex( lineno + 1 );
SetSel( start, end - 1 );
return 0;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::SetWindowColour
Description : Handles changing window colours.
Return : void
Parameters : BOOL bEnable - flag if set enabled/disabled
Usage : Called to change colours in the edit box.
void CLineNumberEdit::SetWindowColour( BOOL bEnable /*= TRUE*/ )
if (m_bUseEnabledSystemColours)
// re-query the system colours in case they have changed.
m_EnabledFgCol = GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT );
m_EnabledBgCol = GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW );
if (m_bUseDisabledSystemColours)
// re-query the system colours in case they have changed.
m_DisabledFgCol = GetSysColor( COLOR_GRAYTEXT );
m_DisabledBgCol = GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE );
// change the colour based on bEnable
if (bEnable)
m_line.SetFgColor( m_EnabledFgCol, TRUE );
m_line.SetBgColor( m_EnabledBgCol, TRUE );
} else {
m_line.SetFgColor( m_DisabledFgCol, TRUE );
m_line.SetBgColor( m_DisabledBgCol, TRUE );
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::UseSystemColours
Description : Sets the Use*SystemColours flags.
Return : void
Parameters : BOOL bEnabled - flag if to use enabled
system colours
BOOL bDisabled - flag if to use disabled
system colours
Usage : Called to change colours in the edit box
void CLineNumberEdit::UseSystemColours( BOOL bUseEnabled /*= TRUE*/, BOOL bUseDisabled /*= TRUE*/ )
m_bUseEnabledSystemColours = bUseEnabled;
m_bUseDisabledSystemColours = bUseDisabled;
BOOL bEnable = TRUE;
if (::IsWindow(m_hWnd))
bEnable = IsWindowEnabled();
SetWindowColour( bEnable );
// CLineNumberEdit private implementation
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::Prepare
Description : Setting the edit rect for the control and
either create or move the line number
control. Also sets the top- and bottom
line numbers.
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Must be called to (re)establish the edit
rect, must also be called as soon as the
control changes size.
void CLineNumberEdit::Prepare()
// Calc sizes
int width = CalcLineNumberWidth();
CRect rect;
GetClientRect( &rect );
CRect rectEdit( rect );
rect.right = width;
rectEdit.left = rect.right + 1;
// Setting the edit rect and
// creating or moving child control
SetRect( &rectEdit );
if( m_line.m_hWnd )
m_line.MoveWindow( 0, 0, width, rect.Height() );
m_line.Create(NULL,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_NOTIFY, rect, this, 1 );
GetRect( &rectEdit );
// Update line number control data
m_line.SetTopMargin( rectEdit.top );
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::CalcLineNumberWidth
Description : Calculates the desired width of the line
number control, using the current format
string and the max number of chars allowed
(pessimistic - assumes one character per
Return : int - The width in pixels
Parameters : none
Usage : Called as soon as the format string is
int CLineNumberEdit::CalcLineNumberWidth()
CClientDC dc( this );
// If a new font is set during runtime,
// we must explicitly select the font into
// the CClientDC to measure it.
CFont* font = GetFont();
CFont* oldFont = dc.SelectObject( font );
m_zero=dc.GetTextExtent( _T( "0" ) );
CString format;
// GetLimitText returns the number of bytes the edit box may contain,
// not the max number of lines...
//... which is the max number of lines, given one character per d:o :-)
int maxval = GetLimitText();
if (m_maxval > 0)
maxval = m_maxval + m_LineDelta;
format.Format( m_format, maxval );
CSize fmt = dc.GetTextExtent( format );
dc.SelectObject( oldFont );
// Calculate the size of the line-
// number field. We add a 5 pixel margin
// to the max size of the format string
return fmt.cx + 5;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::UpdateTopAndBottom
Description : Updates the top- and bottom line number
for the line number control.
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Should be called as soon as the contents of
the control is changed.
void CLineNumberEdit::UpdateTopAndBottom()
CRect rect;
GetClientRect( &rect );
int maxline = GetLineCount() + m_LineDelta;
// Height for individual lines
int lineheight = m_zero.cy;
// Calculate the number of lines to draw
int topline = GetFirstVisibleLine() + m_LineDelta;
if( ( topline + ( rect.Height() / lineheight ) ) < maxline )
maxline = topline + ( rect.Height() / lineheight );
if ( m_maxval > 0 && maxline > m_maxval + m_LineDelta )
maxline = m_maxval + m_LineDelta;
m_line.SetTopAndBottom( topline, maxline );
// CLineNumberEdit public implementation
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::SetMarginForegroundColor
Description : Sets the text color for the number
Return : void
Parameters : COLORREF col - The new text color
BOOL redraw - TRUE if the control
should be redrawn
Usage : Call to set a new text color for the line
number margin. The control will be redrawn
if it exists.
void CLineNumberEdit::SetMarginForegroundColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw, BOOL bEnabled /*= TRUE*/ )
m_line.SetFgColor( col, redraw );
if (bEnabled)
m_bUseEnabledSystemColours = FALSE;
m_EnabledFgCol = col;
} else {
m_bUseDisabledSystemColours = FALSE;
m_DisabledFgCol = col;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::SetMarginBackgroundColor
Description : Sets the background color for the number
Return : void
Parameters : COLORREF col - The new background color
BOOL redraw - TRUE if the control
should be redrawn
Usage : Call to set a new background color for the
line number margin. The control will be
redrawn if it exists.
void CLineNumberEdit::SetMarginBackgroundColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw, BOOL bEnabled /*= TRUE*/ )
m_line.SetBgColor( col, redraw );
if (bEnabled)
m_bUseEnabledSystemColours = FALSE;
m_EnabledBgCol = col;
} else {
m_bUseDisabledSystemColours = FALSE;
m_DisabledBgCol = col;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::SetLineNumberFormat
Description : Changes the way line numbers are presented
on screen.
Return : void
Parameters : CString format - The new format string
Usage : Call with a format string using the same
format as CString::Format. It should contain
one and only one numeric type.
void CLineNumberEdit::SetLineNumberFormat( CString format )
m_format = format;
m_line.SetLineNumberFormat( format );
if( m_hWnd )
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberEdit::SetLineNumberRange
Description : Changes the default min and max line numbers.
Return : void
Parameters : int nMin - changes the line offset
int nMax - changes the max line number
Usage : Call to set up the min and max line numbers.
void CLineNumberEdit::SetLineNumberRange( UINT nMin, UINT nMax /*= 0*/ )
m_LineDelta = ( int ) nMin;
m_maxval = ( int ) nMax;
// CLineNumberStatic
m_bgcol = RGB( 255, 255, 248 );
m_fgcol = RGB( 0, 0, 0 );
m_format = _T( "%05i" );
m_topline = 0;
m_bottomline = 0;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CLineNumberStatic, CStatic)
// CLineNumberStatic message handlers
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::OnPaint
Description : Handler for WM_PAINT.
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Called from Windows.
void CLineNumberStatic::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dcPaint( this );
CRect rect;
GetClientRect( &rect );
// We double buffer the drawing -
// preparing the memory CDC
CDC dc;
dc.CreateCompatibleDC( &dcPaint );
int saved = dc.SaveDC();
// Create GDI and select objects
CBitmap bmp;
CPen pen;
bmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap( &dcPaint, rect.Width(), rect.Height() );
pen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, m_fgcol );
dc.SelectObject( &bmp );
dc.SelectObject( &pen );
// Painting the background
dc.FillSolidRect( &rect, m_bgcol );
dc.MoveTo( rect.right - 1, 0 );
dc.LineTo( rect.right - 1, rect.bottom );
// Setting other attributes
dc.SetTextColor( m_fgcol );
dc.SetBkColor( m_bgcol );
dc.SelectObject( GetParent()->GetFont() );
// Output the line numbers
if( m_bottomline )
int lineheight = dc.GetTextExtent( _T( "0" ) ).cy;
for( int t = m_topline ; t < m_bottomline ; t++ )
CString output;
output.Format( m_format, t );
int topposition = m_topmargin + lineheight * ( t - m_topline );
dc.TextOut( 2, topposition, output );
dcPaint.BitBlt( 0, 0, rect. right, rect.bottom, &dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
dc.RestoreDC( saved );
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::OnEraseBkgnd
Description : Mapped to WM_ERASEBKGND. Handled to avoid
flicker, as we redraw the complete control
in OnPaint
Return : BOOL - Always TRUE
Parameters : CDC* - From Windows
Usage : Called from Windows.
BOOL CLineNumberStatic::OnEraseBkgnd( CDC* )
return TRUE;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::OnLButtonDown
Description : Called when the control is clicked. Will
send the urm_SELECTLINE registered message
to the parent to select the line clicked on.
Return : void
Parameters : UINT nFlags - Not used
CPoint point - Position of cursor
Usage : Called from Windows.
void CLineNumberStatic::OnLButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )
// Find the line clicked on
CClientDC dc( this );
dc.SelectObject( GetParent()->GetFont() );
int lineheight = dc.GetTextExtent( _T( "0" ) ).cy;
int lineno = ( int ) ( ( double ) point.y / ( double ) lineheight );
// Select this line in the edit control
GetParent()->SendMessage( urm_SELECTLINE, lineno );
CStatic::OnLButtonDown( nFlags, point );
// CLineNumberStatic public implementation
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::SetBgColor
Description : This function sets the panel background
Return : void
Parameters : COLORREF col - New background color
BOOL redraw - TRUE if the control
should be redrawn
Usage : Called from the parent.
void CLineNumberStatic::SetBgColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw )
m_bgcol = col;
if( m_hWnd && redraw )
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::SetFgColor
Description : This function sets the panel foreground
Return : void
Parameters : COLORREF col - New text color
BOOL redraw - TRUE if the control
should be redrawn
Usage : Called from the parent.
void CLineNumberStatic::SetFgColor( COLORREF col, BOOL redraw )
m_fgcol = col;
if( m_hWnd && redraw )
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::SetTopAndBottom
Description : Sets the top- and bottom line and redraw
the control (if it exists)
Return : void
Parameters : int topline - The top line number
int bottomline - The bottom line number
Usage : Called when the top and bottom line is
changed in the parent.
void CLineNumberStatic::SetTopAndBottom( int topline, int bottomline )
m_topline = topline;
m_bottomline = bottomline;
if( m_hWnd )
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::SetTopMargin
Description : Sets the top margin for painting.
Return : void
Parameters : int topmargin - The top margin to set
Usage : Will be called with the value of GetRect
from the parent.
void CLineNumberStatic::SetTopMargin( int topmargin )
m_topmargin = topmargin;
/* ============================================================
Function : CLineNumberStatic::SetLineNumberFormat
Description : Sets the format string of the control
Return : void
Parameters : CString format - Format string to use
Usage : Called from the parent when the format
string is changed.
void CLineNumberStatic::SetLineNumberFormat( CString format )
m_format = format;
if( m_hWnd )
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