Java programms that run locally on your computer are called applications. Programs that run on web pages are called applets.
You can run Java applications from a command line using java, a program that invokes the JVM. Eclipse uses this program behind the scenes when you run programs. The command can include extra intems of information, as in this example: java TextDisplayer readme.txt /p . Extra information sent to a program is called an argument.
1. Application example1: The Full Text of
public class Root {
public staticvoid main(String[] args) {
int number = 225;
System.out.println("The square root of "
+" is "
2. Application example2: The Full Text of
public class Protect1 {
public static void main(String[] arguments) {
System.out.println("The " + arguments[0]
+" " + arguments[1] + " fox "
+"jumped over the "
+ arguments[2]
注: 为什么在java中为什么要把main方法定义为一个static方法
例如:类Point中有个 static int x;类变量,我们要引用它:Point.x=89;
我们知道,在C/C++当中,这个main方法并不是属于某一个类的,它是一个全局的方法,所以当我们执行的时候,c++编译器很容易的就能找到这个main方法,然而当我们执行一个java程序的时候,因为java都是以类作为程序的组织单元,当我们要执行的时候,我们并不知道这个main方法会放到哪个类当中,也不知道是否是要产生类的一个对象,为了解决程序的运行问题,我们将这个main方法定义为static,这样的话,当我们在执行一个java代码的时候,我们在命令提示符中写:java Point(Point为一个类),解释器就会在Point这个类当中,去调用这个静态的main方法,而不需要产生Point这个类的对象,当我们加载Point这个类的时候,那么main方法也被加载了,作为我们java程序的一个入口。
2. Applet example : The Full Text of
import java.awt.*;
public class Protect1 extends javax.swing.JApplet{
public void init(){
number = 225;
public void paint(Graphics screen) {
Graphics2D screen2D = (Graphics2D) screen;
screen2D.drawString("The square root of " +
number +
" is "+
Math.sqrt(number), 5, 50);
Understand How Java Programs Work