package org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udf.example; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF; /** * UDFExampleAdd. * */ //UDF是作用于单个数据行,产生一个数据行 //用户必须要继承UDF,且必须至少实现一个evalute方法,该方法并不在UDF中 //但是Hive会检查用户的UDF是否拥有一个evalute方法 @Description(name = "example_add", value = "_FUNC_(expr) - Example UDAF that returns the sum") public class UDFExampleAdd extends UDF { //实现具体逻辑 public Integer evaluate(Integer... a) { int total = 0; for (Integer element : a) { if (element != null) { total += element; } } return total; } public Double evaluate(Double... a) { double total = 0; for (Double element : a) { if (element != null) { total += element; } } return total; } }
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udaf.example; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDAF; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDAFEvaluator; /** * This is a simple UDAF that calculates average. * * It should be very easy to follow and can be used as an example for writing * new UDAFs. * * Note that Hive internally uses a different mechanism (called GenericUDAF) to * implement built-in aggregation functions, which are harder to program but * more efficient. * */ //UDAF是输入多个数据行,产生一个数据行 //用户自定义的UDAF必须是继承了UDAF,且内部包含多个实现了exec的静态类 @Description(name = "example_avg", value = "_FUNC_(col) - Example UDAF to compute average") public final class UDAFExampleAvg extends UDAF { /** * The internal state of an aggregation for average. * * Note that this is only needed if the internal state cannot be represented * by a primitive. * * The internal state can also contains fields with types like * ArrayList<String> and HashMap<String,Double> if needed. */ public static class UDAFAvgState { private long mCount; private double mSum; } /** * The actual class for doing the aggregation. Hive will automatically look * for all internal classes of the UDAF that implements UDAFEvaluator. */ public static class UDAFExampleAvgEvaluator implements UDAFEvaluator { UDAFAvgState state; public UDAFExampleAvgEvaluator() { super(); state = new UDAFAvgState(); init(); } /** * Reset the state of the aggregation. * 重置聚合过程的状态 */ public void init() { state.mSum = 0; state.mCount = 0; } /** * Iterate through one row of original data. * * The number and type of arguments need to the same as we call this UDAF * from Hive command line. * * This function should always return true. * 在原始值的一行数据上进行迭代 * 参数的个数和类型需与hive命令行中调用该UDF的参数相同。 * 这个函数应当总是返回true */ public boolean iterate(Double o) { if (o != null) { state.mSum += o; state.mCount++; } return true; } /** * Terminate a partial aggregation and return the state. If the state is a * primitive, just return primitive Java classes like Integer or String. */ //Hive需要部分聚集结果的时候会调用该方法 //会返回一个封装了聚集计算当前状态的对象 public UDAFAvgState terminatePartial() { // This is SQL standard - average of zero items should be null. return state.mCount == 0 ? null : state; } /** * Merge with a partial aggregation. * * This function should always have a single argument which has the same * type as the return value of terminatePartial(). */ //合并两个部分聚集值会调用这个方法 public boolean merge(UDAFAvgState o) { if (o != null) { state.mSum += o.mSum; state.mCount += o.mCount; } return true; } /** * Terminates the aggregation and return the final result. * 终止聚合过程,返回最终结果 */ //Hive需要最终聚集结果时候会调用该方法 public Double terminate() { // This is SQL standard - average of zero items should be null. return state.mCount == 0 ? null : Double.valueOf(state.mSum / state.mCount); } } private UDAFExampleAvg() { // prevent instantiation } }
(2)进入到Hive外壳环境中,利用add jar 注册该jar文件
add jar UDFExample.jar //注册jar create temporary function my_add as ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udf.example. UDFExampleAdd‘; // UDF只是为这个Hive会话临时定义的 create temporary function my_avg as ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udaf.example. UDAFExampleAvg‘;
registerUDF("my_add", UDFExampleAdd.class, false); registerUDAF("my_avg", UDAFExampleAvg.class);