LFS, short for the Log-structured File System. When writing to disk, LFS first buffers all updates (including metadata!) in an inmemory segment; when the segment is full, it is written to disk in one long, sequential transfer to an unused part of the disk. LFS never overwrites existing data, but ratheralways writes segments to free locations.
basic idea, of simply writing all updates (such as data blocks, inodes, etc.) to the disk sequentially, sits at the heart of LFS. If you understand this, you get the basic idea. But as with all complicated systems, the devil is in the details.
仅仅只保证数据序列化写入还不够,比如在T时刻在地址A写入一个数据,准备在T+δ时刻往地址A+1写入另一个数据,但是在时间T和T + δ之间磁盘旋转了,假设磁盘旋转了Trotation时间,那么第二次写入实际上要等待Trotation?δ时间才能真正实施。所以为了保证高性能的写入,除了序列化写入外,还要保证连续性写入。
而LFS就通过把数据更新缓存到内存中,然后一起写入到磁盘中,将文件数据和i-node放在磁盘相邻的位置,减少磁盘seek time.
map (imap). The imap is a structure that takes an inode number as input and produces the disk address of the most recent version of the inode. Thus, you can imagine it would often be implemented as a simple array,
with 4 bytes (a disk pointer) per entry. Any time an inode is written to disk, the imap is updated with its new location.
LFS通过引入imap来解决i-node查找问题。imap是这样的一个结构,输入一个inode number,生成最新版本的inode所在磁盘地址。基于此,imap可以实现为一个数组,每一项是4字节作为磁盘指针,当一个inode写入磁盘后,imap就更新相应的inode地址。
所以LFS最终在磁盘上的整体结构包含一个CR,imap(将inode number映射为Inode的地址),以及指向文件的inode.
和UNIX系统类似,一个目录就是(name,inode number)的结构体的集合。举例来说,当在磁盘上创建一个文件,LFS必须写入一个新的inode,新的数据,以及指向这个文件的目录数据和目录inode(目录数据和Inode是被更新了,不过在LFS不会覆写数据,所以这些数据都要在磁盘新的位置中写入)。
LFS还解决了另外一个问题 递归更新问题。
举例来说,当一个文件的inode被更新后,它在磁盘上的位置改变了,如果我们不仔细处理这种情况的话,指向这个文件的目录的也会更新,这个目录的目录也会更新,沿着文件系统树向上更新。LFS很漂亮的避免了这个问题。即使一个inode的磁盘位置改变,这个改变不会反映到他的目录中,因为更新的只是inode的imap,目录仍然保存一样的(name,inode number)映射。通过非直接的方法,LFS避免了递归更新问题。
如原文中所示,假设有个Inode number为k的inode指向磁盘块D0,我们现在更新了文件数据,那么在磁盘中生成一个新的inode和数据磁盘块。结构磁盘中就会出现这样一种情况,inode,数据磁盘块有两个版本,一个老版本,一个新版本。
对于这些老版本的inode,数据块等应该怎么处理?一个方法是保存这些老版本的数据然后允许用户恢复到老版本(比如当如用误删除或覆写了一个文件,用这种方法就会非常方便的恢复)。这样的文件系统称为versioning file system.
LFS怎么清楚这些老版本数据呢?如果仅仅只是检查时把老版本的inode ,data,imap等占用空间释放掉,那么在磁盘中就会产生许多的hole,磁盘的写入性能会收到极大的影响,因为到后来可能找不到合适大小的磁盘空间来放置新的数据,虽然有许多的空磁盘,但是这些空间都太小。
Specifically, LFS includes, for each data blockD, its inode number (which file it belongs
to) and its offset (which block of the file this is). This information is recorded in a structure at the head of the segment known as thesegment summary block.
在LFS中为每一个磁盘块D记录了新的信息,包含inode number(这个磁盘块属于哪个文件)和offset(属于文件第几个磁盘块).这个信息保存在segment的的头部的一个结构中,称为segment summary block。
this information, it is straightforward to determine whether a block is live or dead. For a blockD
located on disk at addressA, look in the segment summary block and find its inode numberN
and offset T. Next, look in the imap to find whereN
lives and readN
from disk (perhaps it is already in memory, which is even better). Finally, using the offsetT, look in the inode (or some indirect block)
to see where the inode thinks the Tth block of this file is on disk. If it points exactly to disk addressA, LFS can conclude that the blockD
is live. If it points anywhere else, LFS can conclude thatD
is not in use (i.e., it is dead) and thus know that this version is no longer needed.
有了这个信息,就可以很直接的判定一个磁盘块是live 或 dead。假设有一个磁盘块D位于地址A,通过查看segment summary block可以找到这个磁盘块属于的inode number N和offset T.接下来,通过查看imap可以找到N对应的inode的地址,根据inode信息找到文件所占用的磁盘块,查看这个文件的第T个磁盘块所在地址,比较通过inode查找得到的地址和segment
summary block中记录的地址,如果两个不一样,那么该磁盘块D就是old 版本,不再被使用。
There are some shortcuts
LFS takes to make the process of determining liveness more efficient. For example, when a file is truncated or deleted, LFS increases itsversion number
and records the new version number in the imap. By also recording the version number in the on-disk segment, LFS can short circuit the longer check described above simply by comparing the on-disk version
number with a version number in the imap, thus avoiding extra reads.
除此之外,还有一些更简单的判断磁盘live的方法。比如,当一个文件增加数据或者被删除了,LFS增加这个文件的版本号,然后记录在Imap中,同时也记录在磁盘的segment中。LFS可以通过比较磁盘块的version number和imap中的version number来判定这个磁盘块是否live.
Let’s cover the second case first. To ensure that the CR update happens atomically, LFS actually keeps two CRs, one at either end of the disk, and writes to them alternately. LFS also implements a careful protocol when updating the CR with the latest pointers to the inode map and other information; specifically, it first writes out a header (with timestamp), then the body of the CR, and then finally one last block (also with a timestamp). If the system crashes during a CR update, LFS can detect this by seeing an inconsistent pair of timestamps. LFS will always choose to use the most recent CR that has consistent timestamps, and thus consistent update of the CR is achieved.
LFS(the Log-structured File System)系统详解