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1. Darwin系统初始化,Bool16 QTSServer::Initialize(.....)

2. QTSServer::CreateListeners(...)根据本地xml配置文件中的地址和端口进行监听的建立,主要有两个配置项:

<PREF NAME="bind_ip_addr" >0</PREF>
<LIST-PREF NAME="rtsp_port" TYPE="UInt16" >

3. void QTSServer::StartTasks() 开始监听上一步建立起来的Socket 列表

Bool16 QTSServer::CreateListeners(Bool16 startListeningNow, QTSServerPrefs* inPrefs, UInt16 inPortOverride)
    struct PortTracking
        PortTracking() : fPort(0), fIPAddr(0), fNeedsCreating(true) {}
        UInt16 fPort;  //端口号
        UInt32 fIPAddr;//地址
        Bool16 fNeedsCreating;//是否需要创建RTSPListenerSocket,默认创建
    PortTracking* thePortTrackers = NULL;   
    UInt32 theTotalPortTrackers = 0;
    // Get the IP addresses from the pref 获取配置文件中用于监听RTSP连接的IP地址和端口号
    UInt32 theNumAddrs = 0;
    UInt32* theIPAddrs = this->GetRTSPIPAddrs(inPrefs, &theNumAddrs);   
    UInt32 index = 0;
	//inPortOverride该参数为命令行参数传入,默认为0. -p XXX: Specify the default RTSP listening port of the server
    if ( inPortOverride != 0)
        theTotalPortTrackers = theNumAddrs; // one port tracking struct for each IP addr
        thePortTrackers = NEW PortTracking[theTotalPortTrackers];
        for (index = 0; index < theNumAddrs; index++)
            thePortTrackers[index].fPort = inPortOverride;  
            thePortTrackers[index].fIPAddr = theIPAddrs[index];
        UInt32 theNumPorts = 0;
        UInt16* thePorts = GetRTSPPorts(inPrefs, &theNumPorts);  //根据xml配置文件中的<LIST-PREF NAME="rtsp_port" TYPE="UInt16" >获取端口号
        theTotalPortTrackers = theNumAddrs * theNumPorts;
        thePortTrackers = NEW PortTracking[theTotalPortTrackers];//一共需要监听的数量为:端口数 * IP地址数
        UInt32 currentIndex  = 0;
        for (index = 0; index < theNumAddrs; index++)
            for (UInt32 portIndex = 0; portIndex < theNumPorts; portIndex++)
                currentIndex = (theNumPorts * index) + portIndex;
                thePortTrackers[currentIndex].fPort = thePorts[portIndex];
                thePortTrackers[currentIndex].fIPAddr = theIPAddrs[index];
                delete [] thePorts;
        delete [] theIPAddrs;
    // Now figure out which of these ports we are *already* listening on.
    // If we already are listening on that port, just move the pointer to the
    // listener over to the new array
    TCPListenerSocket** newListenerArray = NEW TCPListenerSocket*[theTotalPortTrackers];
    UInt32 curPortIndex = 0;
    for (UInt32 count = 0; count < theTotalPortTrackers; count++)
        for (UInt32 count2 = 0; count2 < fNumListeners; count2++)
            if ((fListeners[count2]->GetLocalPort() == thePortTrackers[count].fPort) &&
                (fListeners[count2]->GetLocalAddr() == thePortTrackers[count].fIPAddr))
                thePortTrackers[count].fNeedsCreating = false;
                newListenerArray[curPortIndex++] = fListeners[count2];
                Assert(curPortIndex <= theTotalPortTrackers);
    // 创建为需要监听的IP+PORT创建RTSPListenerSocket
    for (UInt32 count3 = 0; count3 < theTotalPortTrackers; count3++)
        if (thePortTrackers[count3].fNeedsCreating) //不需要监听的已经在上一步把该字段置为false了.
            newListenerArray[curPortIndex] = NEW RTSPListenerSocket();
            QTSS_Error err = newListenerArray[curPortIndex]->Initialize(thePortTrackers[count3].fIPAddr, thePortTrackers[count3].fPort);

            char thePortStr[20];
            qtss_sprintf(thePortStr, "%hu", thePortTrackers[count3].fPort);
            // If there was an error creating this listener, destroy it and log an error
            if ((startListeningNow) && (err != QTSS_NoErr))
                delete newListenerArray[curPortIndex];

            if (err == EADDRINUSE)
                QTSSModuleUtils::LogError(qtssWarningVerbosity, qtssListenPortInUse, 0, thePortStr);
            else if (err == EACCES)
				QTSSModuleUtils::LogError(qtssWarningVerbosity, qtssListenPortAccessDenied, 0, thePortStr);
            else if (err != QTSS_NoErr)
                QTSSModuleUtils::LogError(qtssWarningVerbosity, qtssListenPortError, 0, thePortStr);
				if(fOKPort == 0)
					fOKPort = thePortTrackers[count3].fPort;

                // This listener was successfully created.如果需要监听,则立即开始监听该socket上面的连接.
                if (startListeningNow)
    for (UInt32 count4 = 0; count4 < fNumListeners; count4++)
        Bool16 deleteThisOne = true;
        for (UInt32 count5 = 0; count5 < curPortIndex; count5++)
            if (newListenerArray[count5] == fListeners[count4])
                deleteThisOne = false;
        if (deleteThisOne)
    // Finally, make our server attributes and fListener privy to the new...最后将监听列表赋给fListeners,监听数量赋给fNumListeners
    fListeners = newListenerArray;
    fNumListeners = curPortIndex;
    UInt32 portIndex = 0;
    for (UInt32 count6 = 0; count6 < fNumListeners; count6++)
        if  (fListeners[count6]->GetLocalAddr() != INADDR_LOOPBACK)
            UInt16 thePort = fListeners[count6]->GetLocalPort();
            (void)this->SetValue(qtssSvrRTSPPorts, portIndex, &thePort, sizeof(thePort), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
    this->SetNumValues(qtssSvrRTSPPorts, portIndex);

    delete [] thePortTrackers;
    return (fNumListeners > 0);

从配置文件中获取RTSP监听地址列表,即<PREF NAME="bind_ip_addr" >0</PREF>配置项,系统默认是为0,该配置项在多网卡的服务器上可能需要用到,一般我们调试学习的时候可以不考虑。但是还是介绍下,也比较简单。
UInt32* QTSServer::GetRTSPIPAddrs(QTSServerPrefs* inPrefs, UInt32* outNumAddrsPtr)
    UInt32 numAddrs = inPrefs->GetNumValues(qtssPrefsRTSPIPAddr);//获取配置文件中rtsp监听地址的数量;
    UInt32* theIPAddrArray = NULL;
    if (numAddrs == 0)//如果配置的监听地址数量为0,则设置为INADDR_ANY
        *outNumAddrsPtr = 1;
        theIPAddrArray = NEW UInt32[1];
        theIPAddrArray[0] = INADDR_ANY;//INADDR_ANY就是指定地址为0.0.0.0的地址,这个地址事实上表示不确定地址,或“所有地址”、“任意地址”。 
        theIPAddrArray = NEW UInt32[numAddrs + 1];
        UInt32 arrIndex = 0;
        for (UInt32 theIndex = 0; theIndex < numAddrs; theIndex++)
            // Get the ip addr out of the prefs dictionary
            QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_NoErr;
            char* theIPAddrStr = NULL;
            theErr = inPrefs->GetValueAsString(qtssPrefsRTSPIPAddr, theIndex, &theIPAddrStr);
            if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
                delete [] theIPAddrStr;

            UInt32 theIPAddr = 0;
            if (theIPAddrStr != NULL)
                theIPAddr = SocketUtils::ConvertStringToAddr(theIPAddrStr);
                delete [] theIPAddrStr;
                if (theIPAddr != 0)
                    theIPAddrArray[arrIndex++] = theIPAddr;
        if ((numAddrs == 1) && (arrIndex == 0))  //如果配置文件的IP地址数量为1,但是解析不到,则同样按照INADDR_ANY方式监听
            theIPAddrArray[arrIndex++] = INADDR_ANY;
            theIPAddrArray[arrIndex++] = INADDR_LOOPBACK; //INADDR_LOOPBACK, 也就是绑定地址LOOPBAC, 往往是127.0.0.1, 只能收到127.0.0.1上面的连接请求
        *outNumAddrsPtr = arrIndex;
    return theIPAddrArray;

UInt16* QTSServer::GetRTSPPorts(QTSServerPrefs* inPrefs, UInt32* outNumPortsPtr)
    *outNumPortsPtr = inPrefs->GetNumValues(qtssPrefsRTSPPorts); //获取qtssPrefsRTSPPorts对应的数组长度;
    if (*outNumPortsPtr == 0)
        return NULL;
    UInt16* thePortArray = NEW UInt16[*outNumPortsPtr];
    for (UInt32 theIndex = 0; theIndex < *outNumPortsPtr; theIndex++)
        // Get the ip addr out of the prefs dictionary
        UInt32 theLen = sizeof(UInt16);
        QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_NoErr;
        theErr = inPrefs->GetValue(qtssPrefsRTSPPorts, theIndex, &thePortArray[theIndex], &theLen);
        Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);   
    return thePortArray;

void QTSServer::StartTasks()
    fRTCPTask = new RTCPTask();
    fStatsTask = new RTPStatsUpdaterTask();

    // Start listening
    for (UInt32 x = 0; x < fNumListeners; x++)



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